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  #25381 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2010, 09:07 AM
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Re: |RHODCMDA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Sep 14| 21916|23138 * Sense 2018

Originally Posted by JokeZony0u View Post
Totally off topic again- but I sure will miss all you guys when I get an Epic in 2 weeks. Heck- I'll miss flashing a new rom every weekend
FYI - I picked up the Epic on day one and returned it a few days later. I replaced it with the TP2 which works better for me and my expectations.

The Epic processor and screen are top notch, but the GPS issue and lack of real Outlook support, along with the non-existent 4G service inside buildings was the straw that broke the camels back. The eye candy is nice if you want games and pictures, but it is not ready for prime time in the business end. The extra cost (unit and service) was not worth it for me. Also if you are used to the TP2 build quality, I suspect that the Epic may disappoint slightly...IMHO
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  #25382 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2010, 10:00 AM
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Re: |RHODCMDA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Sep 14| 21916|23138 * Sense 2018

Originally Posted by teradog View Post
I really was laughing out loud.... and now I have "platinum knockers" stuck in my head... & pink... :>))

Which ROM & precisely when? You obviously just burned the new set? (didn't read back can you post?)
which ROM? when did u flash.. from what to what?

Not to pile on this guy, but the last 10 pages have been discussing the "latest ROM" which is not "Sept 8"

Bottom of my "HOW TO" in my sig look for "SPEED" & "SLOW?" disable all...

4 inch screen!!! NICE Let us know what you think of it. Keyboard! I'd NEVER get an EVO.. yea the 4.3" screen would be awesome, but... the processor & graphics speeds on the EPIC are way above the EVO.

Looks like your not in much of a hurry, should have new Win phones soon... EPIC, see above. http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/htc-touch-...pro-2-evo.html may help... Can't do both CDMA & GSM on an EVO, can't do both Android & Winmo (& Win 95, 98 & XP). Click on the ANDROID link in my sig, run it for a week first & see if you like.
IMHO big difference between the 236xx series & 231xx series, could you be more specific? What about 23678? How did it work there?

:>)))))) *edit* what u doing up? online @ this time of night?... go to bed!

Just for that... DATBOIDAME GOING 3000!! 3K rep baby.. (still should have enough... 9 or so)

BUT, you & DaveTN have to promise something! Let the guys like Steveo70 answer those keyboard Q's!!! How the heck are they (lurkers, noobs & regulars) suppose to get any rep if you guys keep picking all the low hanging fruit? We've got enough rep... we don't need it for anything... :>))

I'm going to quit answering keyboard questions. IMHO, if anyone is going to flash a new ROM, they should at least do a little reading before they flash and not go in blindly. Its by far the "most talked about" issue here. Heck, how many sprint keyboard fixes are linked in the cabs download?



btw, I flashed 9/13 CHT last night and like it, however, I think I'm with swlarut on this. The 24xxx ROMS seemed to be quicker out of the gate. I may be going back to 9/4 in a few days...unless something new comes...which I'm sure it will.
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  #25383 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2010, 10:06 AM
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Re: |RHODCMDA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Sep 14| 21916|23138 * Sense 2018

Originally Posted by teradog View Post
IMHO big difference between the 236xx series & 231xx series, could you be more specific? What about 23678? How did it work there?
I have been exclusive on Energy for a long time now, got it down pat, new rom start to finish in 45 min.

I have been using CHT for my last 6 or 8 flashes, and I don't use the 21xx any more. I only save my last rom in case of a catastrophic failure. I must have used the 23678 rom, but nothing about it caused me to save it. I am on 23127 now and the one that the BT worked on, and I plan on going back to, is 24634 CHT Sept 8. If you have a link to your favorite 236xxx let me know and I will try again.

I will say that after playing with android for a while I may get bold and try the Max rom build, who knows.
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  #25384 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2010, 10:16 AM
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Re: |RHODCMDA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Sep 14| 21916|23138 * Sense 2018

Originally Posted by DaveTN View Post
.. I flashed 9/13 CHT last night and like it, however, I think I'm with swlarut on this. The 24xxx ROMS seemed to be quicker out of the gate. I may be going back to 9/4 in a few days...unless something new comes...which I'm sure it will.
Originally Posted by swlaraut View Post
Well bluetooth seems to be a flavor today so heres my 2 cents.
2. The battery life was actually better with the 24 than the latest 23.
still wondering which 23xxx? *edit* GOT IT we were posting @ same time *edit done*
Also, I never like to comment on battery life in the first couple of days, seems to me if you go back & read about the 24xxx it was horrific at first? Let'r settle & let us know.. (don't jump yet unless your BT issues are a real high priority)

Originally Posted by tiger2wander View Post
I have installed Opera 10 using "Ninja Duck Opera 10 (BASE-FL-RO-XXX) 1.3.cab" and it work very well for me included: Flash (youtube...), Auto rotate using G-Sensor, auto hide virtual keyboard when I use hardware keyboard.
Now I'm using Opera Mobile 5.1 because of it performance: very fast and display is good for most sites but lack of support: Javascript, Flash.
@NRGZ28: Please consider to bundle Opera Mobile 5.1 as default browser in your ROM, I hope so Thanks for made great job!
Thanks! Easy to lookup NDO10, but even easier if you hyperlink a cab! :>)) everyone keeps discussing 5.1 & 10 so I'm going to give them another shot.

Originally Posted by camtah View Post
FYI - I picked up the Epic on day one and returned it a few days later. I replaced it with the TP2 which works better for me and my expectations. The Epic processor and screen are top notch, but the GPS issue and lack of real Outlook support, along with the non-existent 4G service inside buildings was the straw that broke the camels back. The eye candy is nice if you want games and pictures, but it is not ready for prime time in the business end. The extra cost (unit and service) was not worth it for me. Also if you are used to the TP2 build quality, I suspect that the Epic may disappoint , slightly...IMHO
That EVO in my info area is coming off.... long story. Cost is double... not recommending the Epic, but my 2 cents (not having one) based on specs, would rather have one of those then the EVO. COST, (monthly bill) may be a factor. Here is a link I wrote, I got tar & feathered because I was going against the tide, but was simply factual... they didn't want to hear... most wouldn't link a post like this but hey... ya take the good with the bad.. http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/htc-evo-4g...r-2x-cost.html
Energy questions? Read posts 1-6 and ENERGY FAQ WIKI cdma FIRST!! .. (GSM here)
*HOW TO! *Voice (MSVC), Bing, Tellme *ANDROID *TV
Don't hit THANKS (I've got a bad rep & want to keep it that way!)

Last edited by teradog; 09-16-2010 at 10:24 AM.
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  #25385 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2010, 10:38 AM
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Re: |RHODCMDA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Sep 14| 21916|23138 * Sense 2018

Originally Posted by teradog View Post
still wondering which 23xxx? *edit* GOT IT we were posting @ same time *edit done*
Also, I never like to comment on battery life in the first couple of days, seems to me if you go back & read about the 24xxx it was horrific at first? Let'r settle & let us know.. (don't jump yet unless your BT issues are a real high priority)
Right, the 9/4 24xxx was pretty bad on the battery at first but it also ended up being the ROM that gave me 56 hours on a single charge. But, I've only been on 9/13 for 12 hours now and I'm going to give it a good workout today. 9/8 also ended up being a good ROM once I got the SOD issues sorted out (thanks lbcary).

Overall, I think each newer ROM NRG puts out is top quality and like I read somewhere back a few pages, you can't satisfy everyone.

Also, in defense of the settle in theory, I've noticed with the last several ROM's that I've flashed that the phone gets very warm, so its doing a lot behind the scenes as well. I also noticed that my data lite on my airave is blinking as well so some data is being sent out which would account for the quicker drain. (or I might just be crazy) Add in the initial google sync and the "myphone" sync and that accounts for a lot of juice use.

In any event, a minimum of 24 hours is required before you can decide if you have a good performing ROM or not. I usually give it 48 hours to be sure.

I'm not sure if I'm ready to give up my start menu just yet, although I use all the quicklinks in CHT more than I use the start menu, so I don't think I'm gonna try the start menu change, but, I think I may give the internet boost cab a try.

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  #25386 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2010, 10:50 AM
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Re: |RHODCMDA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Sep 14| 21916|23138 * Sense 2018

Originally Posted by DaveTN View Post
Right, the 9/4 24xxx was pretty bad on the battery at first but it also ended up being the ROM that gave me 56 hours on a single charge....
Also, in defense of the settle in theory, I've noticed with the last several ROM's that I've flashed that the phone gets very warm, so its doing a lot behind the scenes as well. I also noticed that my data lite on my airave is blinking as well so some data is being sent out which would account for the quicker drain. (or I might just be crazy) Add in the initial google sync and the "myphone" sync and that accounts for a lot of juice use.

In any event, a minimum of 24 hours is required before you can decide if you have a good performing ROM or not. I usually give it 48 hours to be sure.

I'm not sure if I'm ready to give up my start menu just yet, although I use all the quicklinks in CHT more than I use the start menu, so I don't think I'm gonna try the start menu change, but, I think I may give the internet boost cab a try. David
Thanks for the great post! IMHO 3 days, seems to me you were 3 days before battery improved *edit* at least that you were able to specifically give credit to the improvement)** (partially due to location vs prev ROM..) but even so.. 24 certainly not, 48... maybe (not for me), 3rd day is probably a good indicator IF you don't change habits & location (weekend vs weekday)

"phone gets very warm, so its doing a lot behind the scenes as well. I also noticed that my data lite on my airave is blinking as well so some data is being sent out"

Been thinking about that for months, glad you brought it up... data sent... yep to Micro Soft, bank info, first born, addr, phone#, browsing habits, pictures... (sarcasm) BUT, it was VERY interesting what data "showed up" magically on my TP2 when I didn't install ANYTHING doing some testing... NO syncing on my end, no logging into MS or Google, just let it run for 20 hours. I was VERY surprised. That's exactly why the "settle" time IMO!! The first several hours pound data!!?? Also the reason the phone sometimes seems faster later. I found a long time ago, if I let active sync run for the 1st 1/2 hour instead of forcing stop (as usual), everything runs better????? Good one, thanks for bringing that up.

** edit ** sometimes doesn't make logical sense & I can't explain..? But, you'd think the 1st 24 hours on ROM a vs. the 1st 24 on ROM b should indicate the next 24 or 48...?? For some reason.. IMO not even close to directly proportional...? can't explain it....

*edit 2* already out of thanks for the day sorry...

Last edited by teradog; 09-16-2010 at 11:35 AM.
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  #25387 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2010, 11:18 AM
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Re: |RHODCMDA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Sep 14| 21916|23138 * Sense 2018

Not that anyone gives a dang/darn/@#$.. but I'm going to be posting MUCH less due to a bunch of stuff. Perhaps days apart... so I'm not being a jerk if I don't respond to your PM's & posts. (many will probably be happy... most not give a @#$%)

REAL CHANGE : It will take a while to get a response from me, I'm not ignoring you. THANKS

Please read posts hyper linked in my sig. (& DaveTNs) FIRST (top post per page has a signature line only 1/page) & then send Q's about lack of info or stuff addressed in those posts... please.

*edit* going to try to curb my addiction which has left some huge holes in other areas of life :<)) (key word TRY)

*edit 2* will still maintain faqs & help posts

Last edited by teradog; 09-16-2010 at 12:13 PM.
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  #25388 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2010, 11:20 AM
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Re: |RHODCMDA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Sep 14| 21916|23138 * Sense 2018

Originally Posted by teradog View Post
Thanks for the great post! IMHO 3 days, seems to me you were 3 days before battery improved (partially due to location vs prev ROM..) but even so.. 24 certainly not, 48... maybe (not for me), 3rd day is probably a good indicator IF you don't change habits & location (weekend vs weekday)
"phone gets very warm, so its doing a lot behind the scenes as well. I also noticed that my data lite on my airave is blinking as well so some data is being sent out"
Been thinking about that for months, glad you brought it up... data sent... yep to Micro Soft, bank info, first born, addr, phone#, browsing habits, pictures... (sarcasm) BUT, it was VERY interesting what data "showed up" magically on my TP2 when I didn't install ANYTHING doing some testing... NO syncing on my end, no logging into MS or Google, just let it run for 20 hours. I was VERY surprised. That's exactly why the "settle" time IMO!! The first several hours pound data!!?? Also the reason the phone sometimes seems faster later. I found a long time ago, if I let active sync run for the 1st 1/2 hour instead of forcing stop (as usual), everything runs better????? Good one, thanks for bringing that up.
Right, signal has A LOT to do with battery life. WHile I was in Charleston I was getting better than 48 hours per charge. However, I'm still getting over 36 hours back home - but I think two other major factors are playing into that; 1. the 1800mAh battery I'm using and, 2. my NEW Airvana (Airave) which supports data.

I've got a couple weeks before school starts so I may try an experiment and flash back to a much older ROM and compare battery use between the older builds and newer ones.

Ahhhhh..theres my coffee!

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  #25389 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2010, 11:54 AM
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Re: |RHODCMDA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Sep 14| 21916|23138 * Sense 2018

Hmm I seem to be having a data connection issue with my multiple flashes and am not really sure how to fix it.

I was first on the September 8th 23xxx build when I first started to have the problem I tried using the Carrier Provisioning and the Update Profile and PRL options but they didnt fix the problem. Then I flashed again to see if that fixed it nope still nothing.

So today I flashed to the new Sep 14 24xxx build and still have the same problem using the methods I did above and still nothing.

WhenI check the network settings it says its connecting to the Spirnt #777 but when I try to use any data I immediately get the Cant Connect message.

This most recent flash is only about 2 hrs old meaning I havent installed anything other than restoring my PIM data.

Any help would be appreciated to point me in the right direction.

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  #25390 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2010, 12:00 PM
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Re: |RHODCMDA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Sep 14| 21916|23138 * Sense 2018

Originally Posted by camtah View Post
FYI - I picked up the Epic on day one and returned it a few days later. I replaced it with the TP2 which works better for me and my expectations.

The Epic processor and screen are top notch, but the GPS issue and lack of real Outlook support, along with the non-existent 4G service inside buildings was the straw that broke the camels back. The eye candy is nice if you want games and pictures, but it is not ready for prime time in the business end. The extra cost (unit and service) was not worth it for me. Also if you are used to the TP2 build quality, I suspect that the Epic may disappoint slightly...IMHO
What do you mean lack of "real" Outlook support? I am in an exchange environment with work and need to access exchange email/calendar. As I understand it, Froyo 2.2 supports synching with exchange for email/calendar/contacts which is I (and most) use. As I understand it these work 100% with Android. Is this not accurate? Did you desire task synching or something else? Please explain because I'm considering moving to Android as well.

What I would REALLY like to see in WM7 & Android supporting accessing multiple calenders via a mobile device. This way you could view your personal Outlook calendar as well as a shared, public office calendar.
Sprint SERO Premium - HTC EVO 4G
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