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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.

If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face!

Generic Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:) Smile Smile
:o Surprised Surprised
:D Very Happy Very Happy
:mad: Mad Mad
:( Sad Sad
:grin: Very Happy Very Happy
:-) Smile Smile
:smile: Smile Smile
:-( Sad Sad
:-o Surprised Surprised
:? Confused Confused
:-? Confused Confused
:???: Confused Confused
8) Cool Cool
8-) Cool Cool
:lol: Laughing Laughing
:x Mad Mad
:-x Mad Mad
:-P Razz Razz
:razz: Razz Razz
:oops: Embarassed Embarassed
:cry: Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad
:evil: Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad
:twisted: Twisted Evil Twisted Evil
:wink: Wink Wink
;-) Wink Wink
:!: Exclamation Exclamation
:?: Question Question
:arrow: Arrow Arrow
:| Neutral Neutral
:-| Neutral Neutral
:neutral: Neutral Neutral
:mrgreen: Mr. Green Mr. Green
=D> Applause Applause
#-o d'oh! d'oh!
=P~ Drool Drool
:^o Liar Liar
:---) Liar Liar
[-X Shame on you Shame on you
[-o< Pray Pray
8-[ Anxious Anxious
[-( Not talking Not talking
](*,) Brick wall Brick wall
:-\" Whistle Whistle
O:) Angel Angel
=; Speak to the hand Speak to the hand
:-& Sick Sick
:-({|= Boo hoo! Boo hoo!
:-$ Shhh Shhh
:-s Eh? Eh?
\\:D/ Dancing Dancing
:-# Silenced Silenced
:bom: bom bom
:drunken: drunken drunken
:bigsmurf: bigsmurf bigsmurf
:blackeye: blackeye blackeye
:cheers: cheers cheers
:geek: geek geek
:joker: joker joker
:king: king king
:pale: pale pale
:rr: rr rr
:salute: salute salute
:scratch: scratch scratch
:silent: silent silent
:smurf: smurf smurf
:study: study study
:thumbright: thumbright thumbright
:thumbleft: thumbleft thumbleft
:argue: argue argue
:cussing: cussing cussing
:cwm10: cwm10 cwm10
:cwm21: cwm21 cwm21
:withstupid: withstupid withstupid
:blah5: blah5 blah5
:error: error error
:spam1: spam1 spam1
:spam2: spam2 spam2
:angel4: angel4 angel4
:angry1: angry1 angry1
:angry2: angry2 angry2
:angry3: angry3 angry3
:angry7: angry7 angry7
angry9: angry9 angry9
:banghead: bandhead bandhead
:bs: bs bs
:coffee: coffee coffee
:computer: computer computer
:confused1: confused1 confused1
:confused2: confused2 confused2
:dontknow: dontknow dontknow
:evil3: evil3 evil3
:evil4: evil4 evil4
:headbang: headbang headbang
:hello2: hello2 hello2
:help: help help
:idea1: idea1 idea1
:laughing3: laughing3 laughing3
:laughing6: laughing6 laughing6
:notworthy: notworthy notworthy
:occasion5: occasion5 occasion5
:protest: protest protest
:read: read read
:sign1: sign1 sign1
:sign3: sign3 sign3
:sign5: sign5 sign5
:sign9: sign9 sign9
:sleepy2: sleepy2 sleepy2
:toothy7: toothy7 toothy7
:toothy10: toothy10 toothy10
:tshirt: tshirt tshirt
:violent1: violent1 violent1
:wave: wave wave
:spin: Spin Spin
;) Wink Wink
:rolleyes: Roll Eyes (Sarcastic) Roll Eyes (Sarcastic)
:shock: Shocked Shocked
:p Razz Razz
:cool: Cool Cool
:-D Very Happy Very Happy
:sad: Sad Sad
:eek: Surprised Surprised
:roll: Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
:-k Think Think
:confused: Confused Confused
:newb: newb newb
:lurk: lurk lurk
:occasion4: occasion4 occasion4
:violent2: violent2 violent2
:wav: wav wav
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:tree: 1a 1a
:snowman: 5a 5a
:present: 6a 6a
:snow1: 24 24
:snow2: 26 26
:snow3: 27 27
:snow4: 34 34
:welcome1: 42 42
:lights: 48 48
:santasnow: 108 108
:santasnow1: 108a 108a
:lights2: 109 109
:santawave: 110 110
:santachange: 111 111
:santabell: 112 112
:happysanta: 116 116
:antlers: 138 138
:elf: 139 139
:santaskating: Anisantaskating Anisantaskating
:present1: 140 140
:santasmile: Icon Lol Icon Lol

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