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Old 08-17-2010, 12:31 PM
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Discussion Group: Overclocking NRG ROM

Hi Guys and Gals,

DaveTN here and I'm starting an NRG ROM SPECIFIC thread about overclocking with NRG ROM.

My reason for doing so is to keep the NRG thread on topic and relavent to the current ROMS and to not confuse the issues and discussions.

I realize that there are lots of other overclocking discussions and respect those for what they offer. My goal with this is to keep the NRG discussions regarding overclocking in one, easy to discuss place.

That said,
I'm currently running NRG ROM 8/13 23xxx CHT at 710 mHz and have not had any freezups or SOD's. Battery life has been exceptional for me.


Here are the two most frequently visited for me at least) overclocking pages on PPCGeeks that I use:



************************************************** ************************************

OK, so you want to overclock your phone TouchPro 2 while running NRG ROM; Lets get started.

First, understand that it is possible to damage your phone and I am not responsible if YOU decide to overclock and damage your phone. Second, this thread is to keep the NRG ROM thread from going off topic with overclocking info. Many of us have found the latest NRG ROM to be quite stable when the TP2 is overclocked and like to talk about it. So, hopefully, this will be THE place to talk.

Most of what I needed to get started besides the most current ROM is found in this thread: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.php?p=1902256

There is also more general discussion Here: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=129661

and Here: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=117052

By participating in this discussion, you understand that overclocking is cutting edge and the possibility of damaging your phone.
Here's what I've done so far:

I'm running NRG ROM Aug 13 23129 currently overclocked at a conservative 710 MHz As I feel comfortable and as the process continues to evolve, I will gradually step that speed up.

At this point, I have a nice balance of speed, stability, and battery life.

To get started, I followed the instructions posted by nayr1482 in the first link above. He has provided a good step by step and has links to the necessary cabs to get you going.

The process is pretty easy to follow and the mortscript walks you through choosing each setting. Nayr has done a great job of outlining the whole process so give him a big thanks for getting you going.

Also, Thanks to NRG for providing a very stable ROM and to my friends in the NRG ROM discussion (you know who you are ) who pushed - well encouraged - me to do this.

Last edited by DaveTN; 09-18-2010 at 05:41 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-17-2010, 12:33 PM
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Re: Discussion Group: Overclocking NRG ROM

How bout listing which steps you used.. That overclocking Thread is a mess over there.. You should list a clean set of steps.. -just sayin i think itd help alot of people out,and you have the OP post poisition for it
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Old 08-17-2010, 12:54 PM
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Re: Discussion Group: Overclocking NRG ROM

Ive also been overclocking since netripper came out with v2 of his app and when jcp from XDA wrote a script that would underclock the frequency back to 604 when the phone would be on call or when the phone went to sleep.

Im still using the same script with netrippers app as it works perfectly i get a "turbo" boost to 768 when starting to speed it up and i get a regular overclock of 710 as a baseline and when it sleeps it reverts to 604 to prevents SODs.

The total SODs since using this script=0 so im thinking why mess with something thats working perfect? which is why i never upgraded to the newer apps.
BTW i can get to 806 Stable(i ran it for an hour at that using all kinds of programs, pushing the phone) but i dont like to push the overclock so high cuz i worry about it overheating.

Link to the Script i use = http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...&postcount=602
It uses mortscript and netrippers app here are JCPs steps
Originally Posted by jpc073@gmail.com
Ok Ive seen a couple of people asking for a howto on the scripts. I will try. This is assuming you have already installed Msm7kCpuSpeed to the device and have mortscript installed. Also you will need a registry editor (just to find the DispOn) I use Total Commander because of it's search function.
1. So first open 2 blank text files (I prefer to do this part on my PC) and copy the scripts that were posted (I use the ones I posted of course) into the files. Be sure to copy the entire script it shouldstart with ;******** and end with Exit.
2. Now do a save as and save the first one as Startup.mscr and the second as Power.mscr (these are the names I use.) You can close the second one now but keep the first one open.
3. On your phone open the registry editor and search for "DispOn" in the entire registry. If it does not show you won't be able to use this script. You could, however still use the power script and OC always to 604 but that is no fun!
4. Once you have the location of the "DispOn" Value ensure this is right in the script. To do this first locate the Root it is found in. This will be HKLM, HKCU etc. Ensure that the Root is correct in the script (the one I posted it is "HKCU"). To change this look for 'reg_root = "HKCU"' in the script. Change the HKCU to whatever the root is that your "DispOn" was found in.
5. Next do the same thing for the key. Locate the line 'reg_key_bkl = "ControlPanel\BackLight"' and change the ControlPanel\BackLight to whatever the Key is that your "DispOn" was found in.
6. Ok now the script should be done. But before saving again, please verify that you have not changed the formatting of the root or key. You have not added in or removed any quotations, nor have you added in or removed slashes. If it is ok, then save the file, and congrats your scripts are set up.
7. Copy the scripts from your computer to your phone. Be sure they end in .mscr
Once on your phone I create a .lnk file for the scripts. To do this using Total Comander select the script and then select file on the lower bar. Choose ">>>>>>" and select create shortcut and you want to put it in the same directory at this time. Once the shortcut is created, longpress on the shortcut and select properties. Select the Shortcut tab and in the target box add the following text '"Mortscript.exe" -'. (This assumes that Mortscript is installed to your windows directory if not you will need to put the full path i.e. '"\Program Files\Mortscript\Mortscript.exe" -') Do this for both shortcuts.
8. Longpress the Startup.lnk shortcut and select copy/move. You want to copy this file to the location: "\Windows\StartUp\"
9. Now soft reset. Run Msm7kCpuSpeed once fully restarted and loaded and it should show you as running at 748. If so congrats you did it. you can adjust this to whatever your highest stable speed is by going to you registry and changing HKLM\SOFTWARE\Msm7kCpuSpeed\BoostSpeed to the appriate setting as posted in an earlier post. (i.e 31=604, 32=614, 33=633, 34=652, etc.)
10. Exit Msm7kCpuSpeed. Now you will want to assign Power button to execute the power.lnk when pressed. I will let someone else write the tutorial on that though.

Props to JPC and netrippper and all the others at the xda thread that worked on the program and the script

HTC Universal-->Imate Jam(HTC Magician)-->Imate K-jam(HTC Wizard)-->HTC Mogul-->Touch Pro-->Touch Pro 2-->wonder what the next windows phone is going to be ??

Last edited by docnas; 08-17-2010 at 01:30 PM.
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Old 08-17-2010, 12:56 PM
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Re: Discussion Group: Overclocking NRG ROM

I am watching this with interest. I have many concerns with overclocking. I wonder if it will shorten the life of the unit. Perhaps cause it to burst into flame? I cannot afford to replace it...
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 08-17-2010, 01:10 PM
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Re: Discussion Group: Overclocking NRG ROM

Originally Posted by kyderr View Post
I am watching this with interest. I have many concerns with overclocking. I wonder if it will shorten the life of the unit. Perhaps cause it to burst into flame? I cannot afford to replace it...
I too have this concern somewhere in the back of my head. But the thought of a touch pro 2 overclocked to run super smooth is a risk i am willing to take. also i use the nuebattery cab to supercharge my phone quickly - praying it doesn't blow up next to my bed on the night stand. i try not to leave my phone charging overnight for 8+ hrs anymore.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 08-17-2010, 01:26 PM
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Re: Discussion Group: Overclocking NRG ROM

at 710 overclock i didnt feel like the phone was heating up( more than normally) i used it for games ,internet browsing, as a router , downloading ,reading books,ofcourse phone calls and txt msgs watching videos and music. So im preety sure i put it through most of the scenarios it can go thru and it never gave any indication of it overheating.
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Old 08-17-2010, 01:39 PM
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Re: Discussion Group: Overclocking NRG ROM

Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
How bout listing which steps you used.. That overclocking Thread is a mess over there.. You should list a clean set of steps.. -just sayin i think itd help alot of people out,and you have the OP post poisition for it
Thanks, I'm going to do that. I had to run outside and mow my lawn before it started raining.

I'm actually composiong some stuff offline that I'm going to copy and paste.


Edit: THANK YOU docnas for that EXCELLENT step-bystep!

Last edited by DaveTN; 08-17-2010 at 01:59 PM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 08-17-2010, 03:10 PM
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Re: Discussion Group: Overclocking NRG ROM

I have been OC'd to 768 and have not notices any additional heat (well, no more than normal when running say a video stream).

I have been running this for awhile with stock rom and now with BigNaDad MaxSense wm6.5.x rom.

Clocking at 604 during sleep, 710 while screen is on and then boost it up to 768 when I am streaming video or watching video from SD card.

Works great and so far with script like whats posted above, no SOD's (Sleep of Death).
TP2 CDMA HSPL Unlocker is here
Don't Forget to Say 'Thanks'.

NRGz Wiki/FAQ Here
NRGz 29022 Sense 2.5 CHT1.8.5 Jul 4th
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 08-17-2010, 03:22 PM
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Re: Discussion Group: Overclocking NRG ROM

Originally Posted by DaveTN View Post
Thanks, I'm going to do that. I had to run outside and mow my lawn before it started raining.

I'm actually composiong some stuff offline that I'm going to copy and paste.


Edit: THANK YOU docnas for that EXCELLENT step-bystep!
I saw it man, Good Job... that should help alot of others
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 08-17-2010, 03:32 PM
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Hey All,

thanks Dave for a thread specific to NRGz roms and over-clocking.

i'm running at the max setting (according to the cab i used) of 787MHz. i've noticed no additional heat, no battery drain, just better performance.

i'm using the Energy.RHODCDMA.21911.Sense2.5.Cookie.Aug.13 build.

as far as "steps", i installed the cab to the storage card, ran it, picked my clock speed, picked my throttled speed, and picked the polling interval. it was easy to do.

my OC speed is 787, throttled clock speed is 604, and the polling interval is 200ms.

i've attached the cab i'm using.

Attached Files
File Type: cab SetCpuSpeed-1.0d.cab (138.8 KB, 75 views) Click for barcode!
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