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  1. Inactive threads / dead links!
  2. htc p3400i -ROM-upgrading-problem-pls-help-me
  3. LCARS Conversion Kit [UPGRADED 10-31-2011]
  4. flashing bin file
  5. how to play youtube on a dell axim wm5
  6. HTC TouchFLO ELF0101
  7. HTC Mogul
  8. Is it a memory leak in GENE (P3400i)
  9. Onstar Mylink for Windows 6.5
  10. Auto Remove Password
  11. exe to change registry key on boot?
  12. WM 6.5 for LG GD880 Mini
  13. Root Windows CE from Device?
  14. Reassign keys on a bluetooth keyboard?
  15. for all you windows devs chesck this out!!!!!
  16. Can I use .Net v4.0?
  17. Function specific Phone Lock?
  18. Cnected
  19. {Xperia X1}Android 2.0.1 Clean/Glossy Version UPDATED may5
  20. Wm 6.5 with sense ui 2.5 on sprint touch pro
  21. Read the battery %age
  22. PDF Creation
  23. Display Problem with webBrowser in Visual C#
  24. Any ideas for a simple app?
  25. Windows Mobile apps won't work on Windows Phone 7
  26. launching .cab.pkg files programatically?
  27. Get device model via .net?
  28. help with making apps
  29. remote web cam driver for mogul?
  30. dish net
  31. Online Storage Available for ROM/App Developers.
  32. So I am going underway for 4 months and need some app ideas
  33. Need some help from the developers
  34. Software to count how many times a program is run???
  35. wm sdk 64bit?
  36. HP iPaq 110 refuses to install PPL and Basic4PPC!
  37. Multimedia TouchFlo 3d
  38. xml problems
  39. August 12th disaster
  40. Kitchen help needed
  41. HTC x button
  42. Developing webpages for mobile devices
  43. [REQUEST] Law Enforcement Field Database Application
  44. Application Request for Weight Watchers Points Calculator
  45. Verizon ESN numbers
  46. GPS enabled voice/memos
  47. WiFi fix for Proxycap
  48. buildos and the oemizer!!!
  49. Cooking roms
  50. Any RSS Reader for my Pocket PC?
  51. Need some help with Visual Basic
  52. Anyone willing to dev an app like Trip Cubby or Milebug?
  53. BuildOS-adding other kitchens
  54. Wifi on Demand
  55. looking for txt message hide or pass protect
  56. how to start?
  57. Igo Gps Freezing
  58. Weatherpanel Help
  59. HTC Model Number Description
  60. Check Engine Light
  61. WMWifiRouter v1.50 Now Available
  62. WinCE CAB Manager to stop PIEPlus...
  63. need a little help modifying a cab
  64. Remote lock Pc/Laptop when leaving room/area with smartphone!
  65. Just a few questions.....
  66. Camera Templates
  67. music app??
  68. Rovio
  69. Development: toggling on-screen keyboard by field selection
  70. Outlook Mobile
  71. Simple Redial
  72. wm lock screen program
  73. app development with visual studio question
  74. Palm Treo 800w and Windows 7
  75. xv6700
  76. Mute microphone on phone flip?
  77. WisBar Advance 3 - trouble making an OEM
  78. while teathering usb looses sync??????
  79. GPS Navigation
  80. WM 6.1 on Orbit
  81. GPRS Settings on My Orbit
  82. landline type caller id
  83. Walkie Talkie Program??
  84. This is pretty slick!
  85. Bluetooth
  86. htc mogul battery help
  87. myspace for windows mobile?
  88. Reader?
  89. Enforced security compliant PIN replacement
  90. looking to stream am radio
  91. Mogul 6800
  92. sprint diamond question
  93. PPC To Reciever
  94. Project Copper (wire)
  95. Castle Link port?
  96. Audio Software for making notes, ringtones, etc.
  97. (APP ReQ) Touch Count for PPC's
  98. Free movies directly downloaded straight to your phone
  99. Suggestion: Code to make reg changes on the fly for calender support.
  100. free mp3s direct dl
  101. Google Search
  102. Htc Sprint Diamond
  103. Spb Mobile Shell 3?
  104. PDF Troubles with Picsel Browser
  105. Looking for a good Cookbook/Recipe application
  106. 8 Great sites for .NET Developers...
  107. OWA email sync
  108. Headset status
  109. will WiMo 6.5 or 7 fix the 65k color pallete limitation?
  110. Fingerprint Unlocking??
  111. Scripts for recognizing Tracking #'s
  112. s2p skins vga/qvga
  113. HTC Service manuals/Guides/Parts
  114. Shake And Save
  115. porting calendar/contacts from PPC6700 to BB curve
  116. Delay-Disable all alerts, notifications and reminders during phone calls wm 6.1
  117. SPB Mobile Shell vs Wisebar Advanced
  118. Looking to develop a more finger friendly bible app
  119. SMS MAIL MISSED CALL notificaton plugin available for VGA?
  120. HTC VZW touch reply quickly please
  121. Just What is Microsoft Up too????????
  122. help on ipaq
  123. converting packages to Cabs.
  124. help with traveling
  125. Macro To Access OWA?
  126. video streaming from pc to ppc?
  127. New to this.
  128. Does Anyone have Touch Pro Applications??
  129. Anyone on alltel having problems with internet?
  130. internet txting
  131. Wmdc
  132. GPS communication
  133. Outlook Express
  134. Microsoft Windows Origami for Windows Mobile?
  135. how do I replace OEM dialer?
  136. mail2web?
  137. E-mail problems
  138. Does a Phone Dialer exist with all the buttons which do not hide?
  139. Help! :)
  140. SW Dev Req - Birthdays and Anniversaries
  141. SW Dev Req - Manipulate 'My Text' - SMS Preset Messages
  142. Shazam does it live up to the hype?
  143. Breakdown of GPS vs. aGPS
  144. VLC Media Player? How to...
  145. touchflo 2d dialer and youtube app plus more
  146. Audio Manager on the Wing
  147. Throttle Lock With A Kick..."What If"
  148. Is WCDMA the same CDMA??
  149. Apps for HTC Mogul
  150. You have to try this
  151. Let's play the guessing game. ID This!
  152. Custom UI for WM ~ PPCG ~
  153. Is it possible to creat something similiar to Sony's X1 Fish Panel App?
  154. pocket tunes problem: tiny window
  155. 100% Fix for restoring auto complete on the HTC
  156. Watch Live Streaming movies channels in PC
  157. ActiveSync through wireless?
  158. Schedule Tivo from your phone...
  159. Touch screen controling PPC device
  160. Lost sms msgs in manilla2d
  161. How To Download Hidelogo
  162. Source Code to Duckie
  163. How to sync Window Mobile with your DVR
  164. ImapPusherService
  165. Bluetooth Headphones for 14.99!!!
  166. Urban Spoon iPhone App for WM
  167. Using email space as storage space
  168. htc 6900 flash
  169. Games not showing game folder
  170. Typing Game
  171. DSM find, create
  172. G-Sensor
  173. The localized call screening / call recording dilemma
  174. Mobile 6.1 Notes Program Won't Open on HTC Touch Pro
  175. My work in progress: Native Callwave "Visual Voicemail" app...
  176. bluetooth/gps conflict?
  177. not sure
  178. Diamond Text Software?
  179. [HELP]Where are java files stored?
  180. Canada's Bell, Telus Choose LTE / HSPA
  181. Fennec for Windows Mobile
  182. icoin- could it work on raphael?
  183. Basic pIE homepage
  184. battery life icon??
  185. Activesync Status
  186. 6.1 DownGrade or Youtube
  187. Sprint Referral Program
  188. PC diag Program?
  189. Which one makes more sense to do?
  190. Questions about Upgrading
  191. Proxy rendering web browser?
  192. tethering xbox live?
  193. Ol PPC...
  194. Windows media Player graphics
  195. Voice Recorder that is free
  196. E-mail error is really annoying
  197. look at what flickrsoftware is cooking: swish update
  198. Bluetooth internet sharing
  199. $200 from sprint?
  200. Fingerprint Lock
  201. New Project
  202. htc diamond
  203. How to make pocket cm load sms faster
  204. I need a password inputter / auto hot keys / short keys / macro, type program
  205. keep getting these damn texts messages!!!
  206. Winows Mobile Device centre not connecting
  207. assign a specific ring for unknown calls?
  208. Printing Out Texts
  209. Live Search on HTC Touch
  210. Android release date
  211. microblogging app
  212. buildos authorization failing
  213. mogul
  214. Is There Anything Like This?
  215. convert 18 DIGIT DEC ESN TO HEX
  216. Nintendo DS chat programs
  217. Why !!!!
  218. Today Pic Viewer
  219. has anyone seen a program like ifob for the ppc
  220. Windows Mobile 6.1
  221. Opera Mobile 9.x Beta (Help Report to Support)
  222. Mobile2Market for signing and Loading NDIS Driver
  223. Ringtone in Contacts
  224. any good free backup apps?
  225. Shoutcast in WMP
  226. Read Excel Password Protected Sheets on WM6.1?
  227. My MortScript Accumulation
  228. Nevo Universal Remote
  229. Viewing websites that reqire flash....
  230. Help with Applications and MAC
  231. How much would you
  232. Smooth .AVI playback
  233. VFIrD on HP Pavilion Notebooks
  234. Celio Redfly
  235. Anybody can figure this out?
  236. sprint ppc phones
  237. iphone style notes app
  238. Application for backing up contacts
  239. Windows Live Mail - New messages
  240. Frozen Bubble
  241. fingerprint
  242. S2U2 v1.01 battery1.png
  243. Threaded SMS Hiding Apps - Why They dont Work?
  244. WM6.1 text messaging problem...please help
  245. XV6800 - Old games MSFT Entertainment Pack
  246. mogul 6800
  247. Developing app for sms forwarding, missed call notification, auto-responding
  248. how to watch youtube on my o2 atom?
  249. skyfire
  250. Can I remove the "Recently Used" programs list to make more room for my pinned apps?