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  #27781 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2010, 12:54 PM
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Exclamation Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Nov 2| 21916|21683 * Sense 201

Nice rom, super fast, GTX looked sweet and it was nicely setup.

On the downside battery was HORRIBLE, once loosing 60% on standby overnight and then only gaining 50% charge over 10 hours of NO use (and no, it wasn't the battery "learning" the charge). It also just completely encryped my storage card at random, not sure how to fix that yet. Memory usage was also quite high, but it still ran quite fast. Unfortunately due to these issues I had to move on.

Fix the battery and maybe make a light version and I will happily come back.

Keep up the great work.
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  #27782 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2010, 01:04 PM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Nov 2| 21916|21683 * Sense 201

Originally Posted by sly View Post
I would disagree with cooking in Opera 10. I prefer 9.7 because the zoombar works (you can double-tap to zoom in 9.7 also) and I couldn't care less about Flash.

I think we all know that NRG's philosophy is to give users choices. It's up to the user to decide if they want to use 9.7 or upgrade to 10. And since 10 is easily installable to either internal storage or SD, there's really not much of an advantage to have it cooked in.
Well.... to address the no slide bar zoom....

Yeah it doesn't have it but to me... saying that's the lone reason you're keeping 9.7 is like saying I'd rather own a penny than a quarter becuase I like the color copper better.

I'm not sure if you've tried the latest version of Opera 10 (there's 2) but it has intelligent one click zooming which to me eliminates, for me, the need for the zoom bar. One tap accurately (and quickly zooms and resizes).. I've never had the need to be in an inbetween zoom state (which I believe is the apeal to a slidebar).

Again the speed increase from 9.7 (make sure you add the D3D drivers), the other added features I mentioned, and also the new user interface, I think, puts opera 10 in another league.

IMO I think Opera 10 should be stock and user have the option to put the 9.7 cab on
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  #27783 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2010, 01:32 PM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Nov 2| 21916|21683 * Sense 201

Originally Posted by pdappcgeek View Post
Well.... to address the no slide bar zoom....

Yeah it doesn't have it but to me... saying that's the lone reason you're keeping 9.7 is like saying I'd rather own a penny than a quarter becuase I like the color copper better.

I'm not sure if you've tried the latest version of Opera 10 (there's 2) but it has intelligent one click zooming which to me eliminates, for me, the need for the zoom bar. One tap accurately (and quickly zooms and resizes).. I've never had the need to be in an inbetween zoom state (which I believe is the apeal to a slidebar).

Again the speed increase from 9.7 (make sure you add the D3D drivers), the other added features I mentioned, and also the new user interface, I think, puts opera 10 in another league.

IMO I think Opera 10 should be stock and user have the option to put the 9.7 cab on
Hey can U post or link to that cab for it?
I wanna see if I can post better with it.
I had various old ones, and just use Opera mini instead as it is fast and looks like Opera10.
Do you think the speed is similar?
I dont care about memory, I only care about speeeed! ha
Also, I thought the reason for stayn with 9.7 was the Sense links worked on internet tab.

Last edited by Maxx134; 11-06-2010 at 01:43 PM.
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  #27784 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2010, 03:05 PM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Nov 2| 21916|21683 * Sense 201

Originally Posted by Maxx134 View Post
Hey can U post or link to that cab for it?
I wanna see if I can post better with it.
I had various old ones, and just use Opera mini instead as it is fast and looks like Opera10.
Do you think the speed is similar?
I dont care about memory, I only care about speeeed! ha
Also, I thought the reason for stayn with 9.7 was the Sense links worked on internet tab.
here's the link to the opera 10 mobile for windows mobile, there are two downloads here, touch and keypad, I'm assuming that he was talking about the touch version since our phones are touchscreen.

Opera Mini & Opera Mobile
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  #27785 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2010, 08:05 PM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Nov 2| 21916|21683 * Sense 201

Hey "KIOWA69" thanks for the Opera links

Originally Posted by sprinttouch666;
...and you ppl chould check out this start menu replacement, kinda like the original but with some iphone/android animation, + # of icons and icon size customization
video: YouTube - New start menu for WM
app link: [APP](03-Nov-2010) New Start Menu
Hey guys this is one hot replacement!
It looks better than the others, but on first version I did not see all links in settings.
A new version is up!
I hope NRG adds this to the other replacements he has in his selector app.
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  #27786 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2010, 09:07 PM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Nov 2| 21916|21683 * Sense 201

Originally Posted by Maxx134 View Post
Hey "KIOWA69" thanks for the Opera links
Hey guys this is one hot replacement!
It looks better than the others, but on first version I did not see all links in settings.
A new version is up! I hope NRG adds this to the other replacements he has in his selector app.
he may as well just post his kitchen...lol, starting 2 sound the same as when i use to cook! lol )) thats all cooking is anyway if u r using someone elses, check off the stuff u want &compile... (not building the kitchen like NRG).. did some of that..a lot tougher... thanks 4 great posts on this page!
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  #27787 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2010, 09:20 PM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Nov 2| 21916|21683 * Sense 201

Originally Posted by pdappcgeek View Post
...D3D Drivers..? ...Maybe this is people's missing piece of the puzzle?
yea, i should add those 2 sets of drivers 2 the "list".., someone ask if they're bullt in (dont think so), if not imho they should b or at least N explaination to eduma-kate us.. or i will look into when finished hacking up both my lungs..

Last edited by teradog; 11-06-2010 at 09:23 PM.
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  #27788 (permalink)  
Old 11-07-2010, 01:52 AM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Nov 2| 21916|21683 * Sense 201

Originally Posted by Maxx134 View Post
Hey "KIOWA69" thanks for the Opera links

Hey guys this is one hot replacement!
It looks better than the others, but on first version I did not see all links in settings.
A new version is up!
I hope NRG adds this to the other replacements he has in his selector app.
yea its super cool but its yet buggy...
the last one i loaded, i couldnt see any of thge links in the settings tab and thats quite a big bummer...
i liked the graphcs tho.
lets hope the bugs get ironed out soon.
have you tried the new version?
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  #27789 (permalink)  
Old 11-07-2010, 01:57 AM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Nov 2| 21916|21683 * Sense 201

Originally Posted by teradog View Post
yea, i should add those 2 sets of drivers 2 the "list".., someone ask if they're bullt in (dont think so), if not imho they should b or at least N explaination to eduma-kate us.. or i will look into when finished hacking up both my lungs..
i dont think they are added and they defi add a lot of speed to the graphics ImHO .....
lets hope the big boss adds them in the next update...
so i can finally take out the files from XDA_UC..
btw NRG please can you also make a list of the CABS that you are installing for
battery saving / no push internet / audio para etc...
it will be nice not to add those cabs again ( i assume they are not cancelling each other anyways)

and can we get opera mini cooked in...
its far moe stable than 10 or 9.7 anyways acc to me....
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  #27790 (permalink)  
Old 11-07-2010, 02:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Maxx134 View Post
Hey guys this is one hot replacement!
It looks better than the others, but on first version I did not see all links in settings.
A new version is up!
I hope NRG adds this to the other replacements he has in his selector app.
Seems probably that in the near future we will have a 6th start menu:
xda-developers - View Single Post - r|MULTI LANG|Nov 2|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.Energy.¸¸.·´¯ 6.5|21916 / 6.5.X|21683 * Sense 2019
HTC Rhodium CDMA (Sprint)
EnergyROM Sense 2.5.2021 29020 15may2011 CHT2.0 GTX
Leo Dialer for wm6.5.X
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