Originally Posted by DaveTN
Somebody please go back three pages and hit MAXX with at least two thanks. He's just shy of VIP and he really does a lot for the whole PPCG community. I ran out of my "Thanks" last night.
Originally Posted by teradog
THANKS given
Welcome Maxx134
Good job
(good catch DaveTN!! ...
Hey as a token of thanks to generosity of all who thanked me..
I am posting early my new tweak cab, that I am testing on energy roms.
It is not my final version, but should help alot with battery.
I was dissapointed with all other battery saving cabs out there so I research the new OS and made my own.
In this cab there is no fluff, no added extra non-associated extrees, no extra folders, apps or programs.
Just pure reg edits for smoother operation.
I did add some opera mem tweaks even though it is not battery saving.
2 cabs, one with SD PowerManagement, one without in case your device has issues on playing music with screen off or using GPS maps on card, but most users should be fine with regular cab.
I am finding most roms have around 30%-75% of whats in this cab already, so your experience of battery savings will vary.
I will be changing a more settings as I flash more roms to compare but you can try this for now:
EDIT: PIC of whats inside:

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Alot of comparison and research with other roms and devices.
Time to update with new findings, and separate tweaks into categories for discussion in a new thread.
battery, browser, and GPS settings need to be tweaked and are not optimal on most roms.
Will be posting new stuff hopefully in next day or so!
Reviewed all settings
Increase GPS polling from 250 to 200 for hopefully noticeable better response.
Increase Gsensor polling for quiker rotation in Opera and HTC
Enabling power manegement on SD actually helped some roms with SD card delays.
phone sleep at zero to help avoid SOD.
Repaired Bluetooth.
Added tweaks:
Sense Scrolling,
Opera page opening
Extra Camera modes
maximum ring time (30+sec)
EDit: Futher TIPS:
GO HERE , for battery saving control over your "radio", called "WMLongLife" which works/compatible on our CDMA phones!
This is a main cause of heat and battery loss, and...
In MY experience, Energy roms seem to make radio run harder, so this is perfect for it!
Adding the "nueBattery" cab that also helps and works..
Proven results are from those who have unknowingly had it installed !
As it was main tweak inside "HYPNOTIC2010 ALL_BATTERY_TWEAKS_.cab",
So you don't need to add that cab anymore, as it also has over 350 unnecessary outdated Dialer graphic reg entrees!
Thanks Hypnotic for your effort to help those in the past, with that cab anyway.
NueBattery allows you to still operate phone & data fullydown to zero battery!
Last tip, try not to leave your brightness too high, thats a huge battery killer..
All tweaks combined should totally fix any rom's hunger to eat your battery!
It is Done
EDIT: will add a cab with screen rotation setting back to default energyrom setting(super fast) because I get impatient with rotation delays.
other deits coming soon, bye!
Some more Tips
Also, go
HERE, as
better reception= better battery life