Originally Posted by vin255764
Also those who hard to wake up I have snooze options tweak.The default alarms sucks,but looks nice (snooze button has no options).I thinks snooze time is 1 min,and cannot be changed via menu
This tweak gives you snooze options,but it comes with WM bubble (no crisry alarm icon in the bubble):

change to
get extra sleep lol
Hey Vin, I PMed you
Also I have a question:
A user in another thread pointed to your post, requesting a cab for this.
He is using a 6.5.x rom
My question is if the dll in this cab I am posting
is any different than the existing dll quoted in your reg keys.
Using your reg as guide, I made the reg point to the dll in this cab,
But not shure which choice of Dll is better:
the old dll in cab, (124kb, 3/26/2009)
OR the existing "in rom", with your reg keys.
The text size In my 6.5 neodium menus looks smaller than in your 6.5.x posted pics
Dunno which dll is smaller, better, or any different, since I do not run 6.5.x
Hey dudes maybey one of you guys here can test the cab since Vin phone bricked..