View Full Version : HTC Diamond
- Please help me fix HTC Diamond touch
- Cant install windows mobile
- Outlook Update for WM 6.1
- Bad Rom
- Getting code error 67 and lost data access after activating back my old diamond.
- Best Diamond OC App
- HELP, HTC Touch Diamond NOT OPEN :(
- Want to use for voip only
- Old HTC Diamond CDMA and android? Turn into skypephone.
- Inactive threads / dead links!
- What's the latest updated roms?
- Custom ROM MSID/MDN won't stick.
- Diamond help
- need experienced advice
- need stock rom and some advice
- Shut Off and Stay !
- WinMo 6.5 Rom- any suggestions.
- change manilla start menu back
- Can It Be Done? - ReCook a 'Telus' into a NO CELL, just handheld device
- htc diamond radio? bell
- Feasible to replace Touch Panel?
- Intro
- Loose USB Connector
- Alltel CDMA Diam500 Signal Issues
- Touch Diamond Overclock WiMoSpeed
- htc touch diamond on boost, no internet or mms
- Diamond and the "retina display"...
- Is there a "task29" for Diamond?
- Backlight
- [REQ] Dead link: MightyRom6?
- Guide of some sort?
- Insurance replaced Touch Diamond with Touch Pro 2
- So who is still using a Diamond proudly?
- problem with sprint htc touch diamondPlease help m : I have sprint htc touch diamond
- Manual PRL update failure with Gadget ROM, any solution?
- looking for a reilable ROM
- Need some help.
- Unable to set alarm
- Ok, I have used many of these and have questions.
- Stable Android
- Ordering a new Digitizer/LCD Combo CDMA Diamond
- Not sure if i go Android can anyone help me
- Best price & discount on Mobile phone & Electronics in 2011
- Newest version of skype?
- Are Diamond upgrades dead? No new ROM in sight!
- Retrieving Contacts Off a Broken HTC Diamond
- Looking for Sprint Shipped ROM
- Did i permanitly brick my phone?
- Htc diamond no boot loader mode
- Is it possible to fix the camera for Diamond?
- diamond sprint 2 vm
- How to get official apps for the Diamond
- Advice Needed
- roger diamon (sim) use on telus?
- Links to files timing out? - Diamond unlocker.rar
- Phone freezes on incoming call
- help on diamond did not turn on
- max mail settings?
- i bought sprint diamond from china
- Is my phone unlocked?
- Unlocker file needed. The file in the Unlock thread is dead.
- Boost Mobile on Diamond?
- HTC Diamond Not booting
- Received Sprint roaming too much letter
- Registry edit for the stylus pulled out
- Here are friendly, I need help,Verizon ROM .
- Does anyone else have this problem with the directional pad??
- Sprint automatically reloaded stock ROM ???
- Is it possible to disable 850Mhz Radio to Conserve Power?
- Best way to fry a CDMA Diamond
- Diamond/ Espt settings
- Need help! Screen won't turn on!
- Boot Failed Didamond touch. Im helpless
- What is the best browser/rom for internet browsing/speed?
- no bootloader
- Passing GPS data over Bluetooth?
- What type of protective cases are you guys using for your Diamonds?
- sprint touch diamond wont do anything
- Cannot/How to install other rom !?!?!
- Sprint HTC touch diamond to Verizon
- Is it possible to disable volume buttons?
- 4GB NAND Upgrade or MicroSD Possible?
- Slide to call
- Please help ;(
- Question for activate phone on Sprint network with custom ROM
- Stupid Newbie question ...
- HTC Diamond HELP
- Having trouble decoding Pic.mail
- Registry entry for touch screen
- Can not conect Diamond to PC
- app to get the htc diamond interface on computer!! help!
- help ulocking and changing carriers on htc touch
- Does anyone have a cab which will be me access to the ## menu?
- Locking touch diamond help!!!
- Touch Pro Cleanup for Diamond?
- [Android Froyo][CyanogenMod6-Ports by Neopeek]
- Is it Legal/Illegal to sell a custom rom phone?
- any new roms with 23647 ?
- Htc Diamond Android Help
- Android on htc diamond
- No flow
- Rom/radio help htc diamond
- How in the world do I install Themes on TouchFlo3D?
- Diamond Cricket ROM - Does it exist?
- Updateing the PRL File?
- So insurance still replacing with refurbed diamonds with Sprint?
- WM 7 On Touch Dimond
- Help here Please!!!
- How can i read my notes?
- I need to flash my sprint htc touch diamond to Verizon!!
- Stock Sprint ROM from Touch Pro2?
- anyone have barebone rom
- Sprint diamond touchscreen not working
- google voice
- Not booting pas the "uPob" screen - ways to restore my data before flashing a new ROM
- Which version of Opera Mobile do you all use?
- No Service - Replace Internal Intenna?
- No data on Sprint?
- Data problems!!!!!!
- kitchens
- what happen to my diamond sprint screen?
- HTC Diamond guess bricked
- Any roms without calibration screen?
- HTC Keypad and Compact QWERTY cant input characters
- New LCD Screen Problems
- USB Drivers
- how do i virginize my diamond (cdma)
- small issue with mighty rom
- Need To brick diamond so no bootloader shows
- Stock Touchflo to Sense 2.5??
- Is my Diamond's Sound Backwards?
- xdandroid help
- I need help with my htc diamond flashed to metropcs
- battery for htc diamond gsm
- How to receive picture messages (telus)
- Diamond screen not working
- 2 BT headsets, and talking?
- Anybody have a copy of Calkulin's last kitchen?
- Need help
- So long Diamond friends...
- Need Help!!!!
- Can you use an Alltel phone on VZW network?
- shazam app cab
- help using htc touch diamond as a wifi router
- WiFi Router?
- HTC Diamond Screen Replacement, VERY ODD.
- Help Please Phone stuck with error
- [04.06.2010][Android Superhero Ported from HTC Vogue to Diamond]
- [GSM/CDMA][Android Donut Ports from HTC Vogue]
- Diamond p3700 wont boot up
- Speed Up Your Data!!
- What is the best Rom to use
- Sprint Insurance on HTC Touch Diamond
- Touch Diamond Very Slow
- Need help with my diamond!!!
- Map screen rotation to long press end key
- Apps !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- help me with how to change transparency
- Diamond GPS locks up after getting position
- bell mobility media player cab for a 6.5 rom
- Sound Output on OMJ ROM
- locker
- 6.5.x Start Menu
- Unlocking SPL 0.58.0000
- Is there a dedicated Android on the Diamond thread?
- problem with my mms
- Custom Roms and Google Maps
- WM6.5 Titanium... can i get a program launcher??
- incoming call
- Lost MMS settings
- [Solved] Sprint Diamond to Verizon
- launchpad help!!!!!
- Stuck Text Message..?
- Novice with a diamond, a few questions
- Wont Power Up - Bricked
- Can I istall these into my Diamond?
- Bricked phone while relocking
- WinMoSquare - .net cf initialization error
- Cant make a hard reset !
- Kin ROM
- GPS with voice recog
- Looking for Diamond Radios
- My diamond is dead
- numeric signal meter?
- HardSPL
- What HTC Diamond are you on?
- Can anyone help me out with this predicament?
- sprint stock HTC Diamond
- Problem with keypad HELP!!!!!
- Using the HTC diamond without a battery
- Lost my Diamond in a movie theater... Options?
- TF3D Cab
- So long - I'm now on the Incredible
- What's your favorite video/movie player for your Diamond in 2010?
- HTC DIAMOND flashed MetroPCS problem with:SMS & MMS
- How to reset everything to factory to resell phone
- HTC Diamond MMS fix for Boost Mobile (send & receive)!
- How to go back to WM2003 Style List menus
- htc screwed my friend
- Diamond dropped in water :(
- Help with verizon diamond upgrade
- messaging question
- Looking for a Stylus
- Internet Sharing in Stealth Mode
- Up Arrow Alternatives...
- Wi fi and bluetooth wont turn on
- How to emulate right-left hard buttons?
- Verizon Diamond GPS fix????
- VOIP over Wifi w/ Diamond
- data speeds drop by %50 with new roms
- htc hero
- Diamond won't get past boot screen, can I somehow reset it without losing data?
- I got a new phone! (diamond question)
- does anyone have a stock HTC usb cable I can have?
- Looking for the S2U2 screen lock
- change menu colors
- ROM that gives HTC Diamond running on Boost CDMA full functions????
- picturemail + wifi - data
- Getting stuch on boot after flashing ANY 6.5 ROM
- All usb connections turn off data connection
- Screen Calibration for touch diamond
- Version 1.7 of Co0kie Home Tab and accompanying editor are out. Greattt!
- any way to disable screen turning on when receiving txts?
- whats the most current Sprint stock ROM
- picture mail
- sense 2.5 weather stopped updating automatically..
- Diamond ROM's for TP?
- Rhodium Dialer - Calkulin's Kitchen
- WAP, MMS etc...
- Installed Programs?
- Fullscreen wallpaper for sense 2.5
- Issue with not receiving a lot of incoming calls
- (CAB) AWESOME START MENU (VGA, list view instead of icons)
- HTC Volume Control- 6.5.X
- Seeking an Automatic Landscape ROM with Landscape TouchFlow 3D
- Auto BCC Registry Hack
- lemme lemme lemme upgrade
- DIAM400 (Verizon Touch Diamond) HSPL?
- Screen Dead, DIY?
- Original 6.5 style white taskbar icons
- Flash Junkie Help - Hilarious
- PLEASE HELP!! TouchFlo 3D Won't Load!
- internal storage
- Current vogue user
- Data connection is always on, killing battery, used to turn off...
- New SprintTV from TP2 6.5 update
- sprint insurance still have plenty of diamonds?
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