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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-27-2010, 10:52 AM
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[Android Froyo][CyanogenMod6-Ports by Neopeek]

So here we go now for CM6-Ports:

The following CM6-Ports are available now:

Link: Froyredux-Port Latest Release 22-07-2010 (Base: RC1 -> will be updated soon)
Link: Froyorider-Port Latest Release 26-07-2010 (Brand-New RC2 -> you should go with this until the other builds are updated to RC2)
Link: Chromatic-Port (Base: RC1 -> will be updated soon)
Link: Official-CM6-Port Latest Release 27-07-2010 (Base: RC2 -> Download Link available on Tue, 20:00[GMT+1])
Link: SuperF-Port Latest Release 27-07-2010 (Base: AOSP with a lil' mix of CM6 -> runs like hell)

As I didn't get much feedback on the several builds I will just wait some days to see what's going on now.

In the meantime I also re-ported Myn's Warm Donut with wifi + 3D-support (thanx to siulmagic aka theunholy).
It's available for download on my site. This one has the famous Theme by BUUF integrated. Here are some screenshots:

Now back to CM6. Here are the screenshots of CM6-RC2 (Froyorider-Port):

Keep in mind! All you do by now you do it on your own risk!!!

Here are two videos which show you how to partition your internal memory or sdcard. You will need an EXT2-Partition to get Android booting up.

Extraction of Downloads:
1. Here is an old tutorial on how to extract the Gzipped TAR-Archive to your EXT2-Partition (don't forget to unmount correctly or Android won't boot up). You may read several articles / discussions on Neopeek-Network for detailed installation instructions.
2. Unzp latest HARET-PAKET to the root of your FAT32-Partition and pick the right startup.txt and also move it to the root of your FAT32-Partition.
3. Now run Haret.Exe from your File-Explorer

Remember: This originally is still Release Candidate 2 by CYANOGEN. I will update it as soon as new versions are released by the according developers. So expect a heavy release marathon in the next days / weeks with even better builds and stay tuned.

First boot takes quite a long time as PackageManager changes apk's and collects certs. Don't touch your device for minimum 3minutes after bootanimation has gone and you see the setup screen. Just go and have a cup of coffee and let your device do the magic. Second boot-up will be much faster. If you experience a force close during first boot-up on setup-wizard only hit WAIT and don't retouch the device. After you have successfully booted up -> just open up some apps, close 'em again and then reboot your device to get the best performance.

BE CAREFUL when trying to activate JIT via Settings->Cyanogen. Your device may get extremely slow for 5mins when activating JIT. So be warned!
Compcache is disabled by default. For enabling compcache open up the terminal and type:
PHP Code:
compcache start 
You will have to enable Compcache manually each time you reboot.

What works:

THIS & THAT (plz gimme feedback....)

Known Bugs:
Setup-wizard runs twice and crashes on second run.

I am searching for contributors. Wanna join me? Any help is appreciated. Just visit www.neopeek.com and let me know...

Thanks go to:

Balsat, XDANDROID-TEAM, Cyanogen, dragonsisqo, siulmagic and everybody else whom I forgot.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-27-2010, 11:21 PM
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Re: [Android Froyo][CyanogenMod6-Ports by Neopeek]

wait so what exactly is this.? is it for the diamond at all?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2010, 06:09 PM
eltorvic's Avatar
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Re: [Android Froyo][CyanogenMod6-Ports by Neopeek]

Originally Posted by rooster95 View Post
wait so what exactly is this.? is it for the diamond at all?
yea these are for the diamond. i've tried some out on my diam500, but only thing that works on data for metropcs is the browser. i tried using the droid eris fix on it but i don't think the modules support iptables.

but the ports are pretty quick.
Device: Sprint HTC Diamond
Carrier: MetroPCS
ROM: OMJ's HTC Sense 2.5 WM6.5.3
Radio: Verizon 1.03.09V
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