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  #30081 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2011, 11:44 PM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Jan 06| 21916|29007 * Sense 20

I have a question(really stupid) but I could not figure out so that's why I am asking.

I downloaded Energy.RHODCDMA.21916.Sense2.5.Cookie.2.0.GTX.Jan. 23 and I am not able to figure out how to use the number keys on the sense keyboard to set exchange or even gmail.
Thanks for your help!
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  #30082 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2011, 11:57 PM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Jan 06| 21916|29007 * Sense 20

Originally Posted by sly View Post
Drat, I thought I was next in line! Are the Android gods punishing me? Guess I need to make VIP first. I need 24 more Thanks! Come on people, thank me! lol Congrats on the Evo. It would be my choice too, on Sprint, despite its age and numerous flaws...
Couple more thanks you way and seems you made it!

Originally Posted by kyderr View Post
Microsoft has got nothing on Google in terms of Big Brotherness. ...
True. Even when I was considering getting a Palm Pre way back when, and saw just how much stuff was sent back to the Palm servers, that was just insane.

Originally Posted by swlaraut View Post
Gone a couple of day and the thread catches fire, good to see .
I agree with both of you. My main point (which I did not make clear, as my wife is constantly telling me, heh heh) was that Kim Komando, who's daily news letter go out to a 1/2 million people, was calling Windows Mobile 7 phones a brick! If I had posted the rest of the article you would have seen she was recommending android or Apple. Granted, she is a big windows desktop fan, but with mobile friends like her who needs enemy's.
Wow I remember reading her stuff before blogging became a buzz word. Good points though. Originally I was hoping to skip over WinMo entirely and go with Android, but here I am

Originally Posted by soundmanmike View Post
Yes, I have been having a lot of freezes and lockups with most of the ROMs in the last few weeks, I can not find a method to the madness but it usually appears to be Cookie 2.0 messing up. The last really stable one I had was Dec 13th. So if any one knows where that could be downloaded, I would appreciate it.
I found that keeping CHT2000 layout/settings as simple as possible (no nonstandard widgets, etc) and sort of emulate how I used CHT185 has proven to be OK so far for me. I do keep a copy of CHT185 Dec.11 and Dec.27 ROMs (energy or sencity only) in case I need to snap back. I do not have Dec.13, but if you'd like one of the others just let me know.
* Using: Energy.RHODCDMA|Leo.[6.5.3].Sense2.5+CHT185 (July.4.2011) | AmeriCanAndroid HD2 | MOAR GS3
+ Helping with: [XDA_UC][UC][SASHIMI][S4X] S4X_Auto (Updated: Jan.17.2011)
+ Energy ROM Script/XDA_UC Contributions: Auto Carrier Provisioning | Start Menu Layout
* Rhodium NRG Energy CDMA ROM Wiki - please read before posting a new question...
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  #30083 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2011, 12:32 AM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Jan 06| 21916|29007 * Sense 20

Hey everyone, I'm just wondering if anyone has issues with the accelerometer on the latest Jan.23 sencity rom? Or is just me? I've tried calibrating the g-sensor and everything but could never get this phone into landscape. It's pissing me off :/
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  #30084 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2011, 01:02 AM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Jan 06| 21916|29007 * Sense 20

I ran the test as requested. I made a call while Opera was connected and on a non-cached page. I am running the current version of 29007 version of Energy Cookie 2.0 ROM. It is running as close to original install as possible with the exception of 2 email addresses and contacts restored from PIM Backup. The carrier is Sprint and it is provisioned correctly. The BT headset operated correctly except for the attempt to hang up. No matter how many times I pushed the button it would not hang up. After that the softkey would not hang up and the hardkey took several strokes. Yesterday I tried disabling Sense. After I did that it would hang up every time.

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  #30085 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2011, 01:43 AM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Jan 06| 21916|29007 * Sense 20

Originally Posted by Battousaiix View Post
Hey everyone, I'm just wondering if anyone has issues with the accelerometer on the latest Jan.23 sencity rom? Or is just me? I've tried calibrating the g-sensor and everything but could never get this phone into landscape. It's pissing me off :/
did you try and go into bsb tweaks and check what you want the screen to rotate on? start>tools>bsb tweaks>menu and then click on rotation and then click on the boxes of the programs that you want the screen to rotate on.
Quote: You Can Run But You'll Just Die Tired!!!

Last edited by KIOWA69; 01-27-2011 at 01:47 AM.
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  #30086 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2011, 02:51 AM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Jan 06| 21916|29007 * Sense 20

Originally Posted by hurdpcs View Post
I ran the test as requested. I made a call while Opera was connected and on a non-cached page. I am running the current version of 29007 version of Energy Cookie 2.0 ROM. It is running as close to original install as possible with the exception of 2 email addresses and contacts restored from PIM Backup. The carrier is Sprint and it is provisioned correctly. The BT headset operated correctly except for the attempt to hang up. No matter how many times I pushed the button it would not hang up. After that the softkey would not hang up and the hardkey took several strokes. Yesterday I tried disabling Sense. After I did that it would hang up every time.

I tried thame test and my bluetooth hung up fine. I have noticed that there is a 2-3 second lag sometimes but it always hung up.
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  #30087 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2011, 03:47 AM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Jan 06| 21916|29007 * Sense 20


What earpiece are you using? The Jabra I had and the Icon I have both have the same problem on every Energy ROM I have tried.
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  #30088 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2011, 06:16 AM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Jan 26| 21916|29007 * Sense 20

Energy.RHODCDMA.29007.Sense2.5.Cookie.2.0.sencity. Jan.26.7z

See post #3 for non-cookie ROMs

January 26th
, 2011

  • Opera thumbnails in Sense problem fixed
  • Lockscreen freezes problem fixed (SRS removed)
  • Palringo updated
  • Shake and Save removed from ROM
  • Nearing FINAL stage for this ROM
Last edited by NRGZ28; Today at 05:47 AM. Reason: march 26 roms ... (must've been a long night... March.... haha)
A hint in bold? Soon to end??
Nearing FINAL stage for this ROM
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~`

By the way, a while back a couple people asked for a list of installed apps... Grabbed this off the HD2 thread & edited... took out a few... not 100%, but should give newbies a good idea...
  • Bubble Breaker
  • Solitaire
  • Teeter
  • Digital Compass
  • QuickGPS
  • Google Maps
  • HTC GPSTool
  • ChartCross GPS Test
  • Opera 9.7
  • Jbed Java
  • RSS Hub
  • Remote Desktop
  • A couple of widgets for ROM Updates
  • MSN Messenger and Windows Live
  • Facebook
  • Palringo
  • Windows Live
  • Messenger
  • Bing
  • Send and Receive All
  • Data Controller
  • Audio Booster
  • MP3 Trimmer
  • Voice Recorder
  • YouTube
  • InCall Recording
Office Mobile
  • Full suite of Office Mobile 2010
  • BsB Tweaks
  • Flashlight
  • Lock Device
  • Microsoft MyPhone
  • Registry Editor
  • PIM Backup
  • FDC TaskManager
  • Wifi Router
  • XDA UC
  • My own Settings Exporter tool
  • Wifi Monster
  • Wifi Router (internet sharing app)
  • tBattery
On the Start Menu
  • Backlight control app
  • Total Commander
  • Windows Marketplace

Last edited by teradog; 01-27-2011 at 01:54 PM.
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  #30089 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2011, 09:33 AM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Jan 06| 21916|29007 * Sense 20

Originally Posted by hurdpcs View Post

What earpiece are you using? The Jabra I had and the Icon I have both have the same problem on every Energy ROM I have tried.
o yea I forgot to mention I use nokia hs-801 bluetooth headphones.

@ tera, o no! does that mean no more energyrom???

Last edited by puff601; 01-27-2011 at 09:37 AM.
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  #30090 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2011, 10:09 AM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Jan 26| 21916|29007 * Sense 20

Originally Posted by hurdpcs View Post
I ran the test as requested. I made a call while Opera was connected and on a non-cached page. I am running the current version of 29007 version of Energy Cookie 2.0 ROM. It is running as close to original install as possible with the exception of 2 email addresses and contacts restored from PIM Backup. The carrier is Sprint and it is provisioned correctly. The BT headset operated correctly except for the attempt to hang up. No matter how many times I pushed the button it would not hang up. After that the softkey would not hang up and the hardkey took several strokes. Yesterday I tried disabling Sense. After I did that it would hang up every time.

Noted. Can you please try this test again with that method you claim where BT hang up works for you?

Originally Posted by puff601 View Post
I tried thame test and my bluetooth hung up fine. I have noticed that there is a 2-3 second lag sometimes but it always hung up.
@puff - could you please try that BT test I was asking some folks to try for me? Post 30084

Basically I'd like folks that have a "working" BT hang up environment to try my test of data usage prior to making a call and using the headset to hangup.

If you are able to get the headset not to hangup, then do the following:
a. after doing data acesss...
b. go to the Comm Manager
c. disconnect your Data Connection
d. go to your dialer, make a call to voicemail or someone
e. try to hang up via your BT headset
f. does it work? if so, repeat one more time

A few months ago I flashed two Sprint TP2s to the last known good STOCK SPRINT ROM. I did this same exact test and was *NOT* able to get the headset to hang up reliably. As reported in various other threads, even the stock sprint roms were not immune. So the issue is not ROM specific, but the crappy WidComm BT stack IHMO.

I was prepared to send NRGZ a BT headset to help pin this down on CDMA (Sprint) TP2 units. After my testing, there was pretty much nothing he could do for me (at least Sprint TP2 users).

One crappy solution where I was able to reliably get BT to hang up when I initiated a call:
a. I always run the Tarkim keyboard controller on all my TP2s.
b. I mapped the send/phone button to do a data disconnect and then bring up cprog.exe (the dialer app on Sprint/CDMA TP2s)
c. make a call, and I can hangup via BT each and every time.

a. this does NOT help on all incoming calls.
b. not a solution for a true #777 data suspend which is what the WidComm BT stack should be doing prior to allowing a switch to 1xRTT to take a call. I cannot find a way to easily force this mode versus doing a full data disconnect.

I do appreciate anyone's help that tries the BT tests and posts results. Sorry for the long post
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