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  #19301 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2010, 01:04 PM
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Re: |CDMA Rhodium|¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- 'Energy' |Jun 6| 21905|23569 -.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯ MaxSen

Originally Posted by bg18461 View Post
I am experiencing the same issues. Works fine for a while but when it sleeps after 10 min or so of inactivity or after I hit the power button then try to turn it on after a couple of minutes sense freezes. I can hit hit the windows button and the windows screen with all the program icons comes up, but if i hit the back or end button it is frozen when "Home" or Sense should be back up.

If it makes a difference I am running on exchange with encryption using June 7th 23569 Dinik. The only way to fix is soft reset, tried installing a couple of times, same issues shows up.
Same thing happened to me. Went back to May 28 version and it worked fine.
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  #19302 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2010, 01:17 PM
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Re: |CDMA Rhodium|¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- 'Energy' |Jun 6| 21905|23569 -.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯ MaxSen

I am getting a lot of freezes with 23569 both cookie 1.8 and cookie 1.8 dinik. I don't have any other cabs or mods installed. RSS Hub hasn't been working right for weeks. It freezes just about every time I use it and usually when it freezes and I try to close it in the task manager, it locks the phone up completely. Also I have lost the notification vibrations for RSS Hub even though it's set in settings>sounds & Notifications.

EnergyRom is still my fav, I just hope some of these issues get worked out soon
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  #19303 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2010, 01:40 PM
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Re: |CDMA Rhodium|¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- 'Energy' |Jun 6| 21905|23569 -.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯ MaxSen

Same lock-up/freeze issues with the 6/6 23569 cookie ROM. I ended up killing Sense and running the Cookie ROM with just the Titanium UI until yesterday evening. I flashed to the latest MaxSense ROM and all is well.
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  #19304 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2010, 01:50 PM
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Re: |CDMA Rhodium|¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- 'Energy' |Jun 6| 21905|23569 -.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯ MaxSen

Originally Posted by one80oneday View Post
I am getting a lot of freezes with 23569 both cookie 1.8 and cookie 1.8 dinik. I don't have any other cabs or mods installed. RSS Hub hasn't been working right for weeks. It freezes just about every time I use it and usually when it freezes and I try to close it in the task manager, it locks the phone up completely. Also I have lost the notification vibrations for RSS Hub even though it's set in settings>sounds & Notifications.

EnergyRom is still my fav, I just hope some of these issues get worked out soon

Does anyone know where, or even if, you can find a device build date or batch number, etc. When I see people talking about all the freezes and lockups and others (like myself) don't get any of these I still believe that it is a hardware issue and would like to try to investigate if the people having issues have build dates around the same time. Any ideas??
Calkulin's_EViO_2_ROM_v1.3 using MY ColorNClear Themes
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  #19305 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2010, 01:51 PM
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Re: |CDMA Rhodium|¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- 'Energy' |Jun 6| 21905|23569 -.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯ MaxSen

Initial observations on the latest Energy MaxSense 23569 ROM. Not sure if they are MaxSense or Energy issues, but here they are..
  1. No widescreen wallpapers that cover all 3 screens
  2. Windows logo in top right corner is cut off
  3. Analog clocks are different, my fav from the last version is gone..
  4. Data Connection Pannel is different style than Bluetooth, Wireless, and Phone Radio pannels and does not activate/disable the data connection
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  #19306 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2010, 01:58 PM
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Re: |CDMA Rhodium|¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- 'Energy' |Jun 6| 21905|23569 -.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯ MaxSen

Originally Posted by one80oneday View Post
I am getting a lot of freezes with 23569 both cookie 1.8 and cookie 1.8 dinik. I don't have any other cabs or mods installed. RSS Hub hasn't been working right for weeks. It freezes just about every time I use it and usually when it freezes and I try to close it in the task manager, it locks the phone up completely. Also I have lost the notification vibrations for RSS Hub even though it's set in settings>sounds & Notifications.

EnergyRom is still my fav, I just hope some of these issues get worked out soon
I was having problems lockups using PIM backup and 7zip if my device went to sleep before it finished it's process I needed to reset and start over..

Moved over to the MaxSense and have not had any problems with locking up, just a lot of weird graphic glitches. Nothing deal breaking at this point.

The most stable Energy Rom I have used in a while is the May 22nd GTX rom
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  #19307 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2010, 02:41 PM
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Re: |CDMA Rhodium|¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- 'Energy' |Jun 6| 21905|23569 -.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯ MaxSen

Originally Posted by Riptide9 View Post
Does anyone know where, or even if, you can find a device build date or batch number, etc. When I see people talking about all the freezes and lockups and others (like myself) don't get any of these I still believe that it is a hardware issue and would like to try to investigate if the people having issues have build dates around the same time. Any ideas??
settings >>>systems>>>Device Information
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  #19308 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2010, 02:44 PM
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Re: |CDMA Rhodium|¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- 'Energy' |Jun 6| 21905|23569 -.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯ MaxSen

Originally Posted by neudof View Post

The most stable Energy Rom I have used in a while is the May 22nd GTX rom
On that note, has anyone heard weather there will be an updated GTX with cookie 1.8?
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  #19309 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2010, 02:52 PM
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Re: |CDMA Rhodium|¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- 'Energy' |Jun 6| 21905|23569 -.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯ MaxSen

Originally Posted by jamal33 View Post
settings >>>systems>>>Device Information

It doesn't tell you any hardware build dates... The only thing I could find is "Hardware Version" mine says 0004

Does anybody have different than 0004?
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  #19310 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2010, 02:56 PM
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Re: |CDMA Rhodium|¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- 'Energy' |Jun 6| 21905|23569 -.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯ MaxSen

Originally Posted by Riptide9 View Post
Does anyone know where, or even if, you can find a device build date or batch number, etc. When I see people talking about all the freezes and lockups and others (like myself) don't get any of these I still believe that it is a hardware issue and would like to try to investigate if the people having issues have build dates around the same time. Any ideas??
Hardware Version: 0004

But I think it may have more to do with exchange and encryption policies... just a guess though.
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