Originally Posted by one80oneday
I am getting a lot of freezes with 23569 both cookie 1.8 and cookie 1.8 dinik. I don't have any other cabs or mods installed. RSS Hub hasn't been working right for weeks. It freezes just about every time I use it and usually when it freezes and I try to close it in the task manager, it locks the phone up completely. Also I have lost the notification vibrations for RSS Hub even though it's set in settings>sounds & Notifications.
EnergyRom is still my fav, I just hope some of these issues get worked out soon
I was having problems lockups using PIM backup and 7zip if my device went to sleep before it finished it's process I needed to reset and start over..
Moved over to the MaxSense and have not had any problems with locking up, just a lot of weird graphic glitches. Nothing deal breaking at this point.
The most stable Energy Rom I have used in a while is the May 22nd GTX rom