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  #51 (permalink)  
Old 07-05-2007, 10:30 PM
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I would keep arguing, but I guess that by defending my point of view, that makes me immature and a bad person. I was really cool with the manager who still ended up doing nothing for me. The same Manager who made the promise he couldn't honor... In fact, I got a call from someone asking me to do an over-the-phone survey on the Manager and the Rep that talked to me through all this. I told him that they were really nice, and very helpful.

Hell, I didn't even mention the whole 'promise of a 6800' thing. I didn't mention the fact that a rep had lied about notating my account, either. Oh well, I guess I'm still a bad person.

Anyway, nothing I can say can fix what you people think about me, and honestly, I couldn't care less anymore. Truth be told, I hated the fact that so many people were going off on me, but now I realize something... You're morons. Yeah, I said it. Morons. You people cut and paste what I say, the counter by saying stupid crap like:

"So your saying because they get paid so little that they have to deal with your spit. Personally they should get paid a ton more to deal with the BS you sling around."

Paid so little? $8.75 hr + commission?! They'll just have to get over it. All these poor waitresses make like $4.25 + tips. and they deal with people much worse than me.

In the end, none of you have any idea how I acted towards this Manager and the main Rep who took care of me. I didn't so much as raise my voice once. Don't believe me? Probably not, cause then you wouldn't have anything to say. I wasn't mean. Honestly, the Manager and I ended up going outside to have a cigarette AFTER the whole situation was done and over with. Called me a nice guy... Funny, I'm immature, but you're not immature for judging someone you don't know? It's not like I'm on here cursing, and name-calling...that's be YOU PEOPLE. Also, I didn't 'make up' any BS issues. My God, you people are just pulling this crap out of thin air, aren't you? The only REAL issue was the Promise that the Manager made. The other stuff annoyed the hell out of me, too, but that wasn't really the point.

Hate me.... Love me.... I couldn't care less. If you think you're so above me that you can judge me w/o even knowing anything about me, your opinions mean nothing to me.


p.s. Take a look at what land2634 said in the post above mine. I realize that he isn't taking sides, but at least he knows this crap happens to other people, too.
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  #52 (permalink)  
Old 07-05-2007, 10:49 PM
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Well I think this has come full circle and all that so i am locking this, I hope all here can put this in to perspective. Lets get back to helping each other with our PPC's
“It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope.”

Robert Kennedy

Ha y'all come visit me at WMExperts some time.
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