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Old 07-05-2007, 02:21 AM
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First off... You don't know me, so don't try and act like you know what kind of person I am.

Obviously you people aren't reading the whole situation. Here are my points...

1.) I had a MANAGER offer me a Mogul as a replacement for 6700.

2.) They told me they would note that on my account.....told me they did. They didn't, so it was a lie.

3.) They have the option to GIVE you a Mogul if you've been through 3+ 6700s.

4.) I paid $400+ for my 6700. I LOVED my 6700....while it worked. I loved my 2nd 6700....while it worked (2 weeks). As I said before, I certainly would have paid FULL PRICE for the Mogul, had their previous product worked.

5.) It IS their product. In business, it's not always about who MAKES the product, but who sells it. That's why, if you have TEP, SPRINT will replace your phone, not the manufacturer.

6.) One of you (above) said that if it were a few months back you would have said you would 'try' to get me a Mogul. Well, the MANAGER said he WOULD get me a Mogul...not 'try'.

7.) MANY other people IN THIS FORUM have gotten their Moguls for FREE and for the SAME REASON, but I alone am the 'bad person'? In fact, a lot of people are congradulating them on their Free Mogul.

8.) The Sprint store by me pays $8.75 hr. So, YES.... they are paid to deal will customers AND their problems. That's why they're called Representatives...not Salesman. How do I know what they make? I USE TO WORK AT THAT STORE.

9.) Why EXACTLY am I wrong for complaining about a potentially defective product?

10.) Whoever is reading this would take a free Mogul....legally, at least.

11.) If after buying a 6700 that didn't work, then that 6700 being replaced with another that didn't work, where does my money go when I give them ANOTHER $350 for a new phone?! I'm just supposed to sit back and take it b/c they sold me a defective product?

12.) If I knew I would get a 6700 that worked (at least the majority of the time) I would pay for a Mogul, because I would feel like I got what I paid for in the first place (with the 6700)

13.) What that guy above said doesn't even make any sense: Something about Retentions having a set $ amount for the Mogul, so now that I get a free one I'm taking money away from people with 'REAL PROBLEMS'. Uhhh...okay. Gee, the poor children.

14.) I didn't realize that all my 'messed up' 6700s didn't qualify as a 'real problem' I guess all you 6700 users never really had any real problems then? Is that what he's saying?

15.) I'm not that jerk who walks into a store and just makes irrational demands. As I said, I never asked for a Mogul in the first place, the MANAGER did. Actually, I didn't even expect that...

16.) Promises do mean something in the business world. Maybe not at the high, corporate level, but down on my level yes....they do. If a manager Promised you something, wouldn't you want that to be honored. As I said earlier, they're REPRESENTATIVES, so if they make a promise...Sprint is making a promise.

17.) I agree... The customer is absolutely NOT always right, but I certainly was this time.

I had another point, but I can't remember anymore. I'm not a bad guy, at all. Neither are all the other people who got the Same Deal As I Did. I didn't start this topic to offend anyone. I just needed to vent about a PDA I thought people here would understand. To all of your who agree with me (or at least see where I'm coming from...) Thanks.

Now: HTC Evo 3D
Then: PPC-6700 -> Mogul -> Touch Pro -> Touch Pro 2 -> HTC Evo 4G