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  #24101 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2010, 08:37 PM
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Re: |RHODCMDA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Aug 28| 21914|23127 * Sense 2018

Hey guys, I've been searching for an answer and couldn't find it. My MMS on the past few builds of energyRom hasn't been working well. I kept getting a file size limitation when trying to download received mms's. which I just fixed today with an extra cab. It wouldn't let me download any mms. But I still have the same problem where I cannot send any MMS. It just says "HTTP:Send GET Request Failed." what can I do to fix this? Thanks!
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  #24102 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2010, 08:41 PM
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Re: |RHODCMDA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Aug 28| 21914|23127 * Sense 2018

Originally Posted by kern417 View Post
is there a reason the ROMs aren't uploaded here? it seems like it would be a lot easier to me. I always have problems using those file share sites since i don't pay for accounts. They'll say i have a download already started, or the download will stop halfway through...very annoying. It is probably a lot to ask but it would even be nice to have mirror downloads uploaded, since most ppl use the same ROM type over and over so we are always downloading ROMs from the same fileshare site
The reason we are downloading from the same fileshare site is because its free. You can do either of three things.
1. put up with the free "hotfile" like most of us do.
2. Sign up for a premium paid membership to hotfile and get faster and unlimited downloads.
3. Hit NRG's "Donate" button and send him a $10,000.00 donation to get him started with a file serer and a years worth of high speed hosting. (We will ALL thank you for that).

Also, you have to look at it from PPCgeeks perspective. With over 30,000 members and hundreds of chefs with multiple ROMS, that translates into an awful lot of server space and bandwidth for PPCGeeks to dish out. And, since its free and their budget is limited, its doubtful that they will host anything larger than a few cabs. (which is also whi I don't like to re-post cabs that are already on the site)

Agreed, hotfile is a PITA but its free and you get what you pay for...

As far as sharing the roms on torrents etc, I would strongly discourage that becasue files tend to pick up extra baggage when they float around on torrents so I tend to avoid them like the plague...most of the time.

Also, keeping the downloads in one place is very important for the chefs as it lets them update all the files at once withut having to track down mirrors and such. It just makes things easier. And since he's working on (probably limited) donations, free is good, but I wouldn't push it too much.


Last edited by DaveTN; 08-30-2010 at 08:45 PM.
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  #24103 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2010, 08:50 PM
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Re: |RHODCMDA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Aug 28| 21914|23127 * Sense 2018

Originally Posted by muzik View Post
I'm using that GTX. It seems fine... I do hope the battery drain settles in after a day or so as it is a little high. It seems better than the 8/25 though. No SOD's or freezing at all. I miss the notifacation and icons... as used the bluetooth and voicemail ones often. Maybe someone can tell me how to get them back. I would flash it and see. I prefer the lighter look to the Denik. I guess the combo roms are a thing of the past.
well i tried the GTX and didn't care for the looks of it, to bright for me, soooo i switched back to my trusty 23678 from 22nd Aug and in the process of getting that set back up.

no idea what you are asking about as far as notifications and stuff unless you mean you want to put toggle switches for bluetooth, wifi and things in the quicklinks, is that what you are asking to do?
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  #24104 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2010, 08:56 PM
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Re: |RHODCMDA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Aug 28| 21914|23127 * Sense 2018

Originally Posted by DaveTN View Post
What you just said...well typed... brings to mind something that I do often. (besides flashing new NRG releases). I keep three folders in my ROM download folder:
1. Archived - ROMS that I have flashed but will likely not use again.
2. Stable - ROM's that I have flashed and liked that I will go back to if needed.
3. Current - ROM's that are new and currently running on my phone or that I will flash to in the future.

I also have an "apps and tools" folder which I keep useful cabs and programs in that I don't necessarily need to keep on my storage card.

I keep several of my favorite cabs - the ones I load every time I flash - in a ROM download folder on my storage card.

Keeps me organized and makes the flashing and reflashing process more easy and streamlined.

Just my 0.02

good advice and it's similar to what i do.
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  #24105 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2010, 08:59 PM
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Re: |RHODCMDA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Aug 28| 21914|23127 * Sense 2018

Originally Posted by kern417 View Post
is there a reason the ROMs aren't uploaded here? it seems like it would be a lot easier to me. I always have problems using those file share sites since i don't pay for accounts. They'll say i have a download already started, or the download will stop halfway through...very annoying. It is probably a lot to ask but it would even be nice to have mirror downloads uploaded, since most ppl use the same ROM type over and over so we are always downloading ROMs from the same fileshare site
yeah i agree that it would be nice to have mirrors to download the roms in case one site is acting up or running slow or overloaded with downloads, but the fact is that the Chef want's to keep things simple and upload to one place and be able to track how many times a certain rom is getting downloaded, guess all we can do is to upgrade to a premium account or continue to use the free one and fight for bandwidth, but that's not much to ask for free software of this caliber.
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  #24106 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2010, 09:01 PM
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Re: |RHODCMDA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Aug 28| 21914|23127 * Sense 2018

Originally Posted by 3matthew3 View Post
when it comes to the recent 23xxx cookie dinik roms, which seems to have the best battery life? I was running aug 28 and I went from 100% to 40% over night in standby only.

looking to flash to another 23xxx dinik.

personally i found the 23678 roms to be more battery friendly, but that's my experience.
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  #24107 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2010, 09:07 PM
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Re: |RHODCMDA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Aug 28| 21914|23127 * Sense 2018

Originally Posted by googs185 View Post
Hey guys, I've been searching for an answer and couldn't find it. My MMS on the past few builds of energyRom hasn't been working well. I kept getting a file size limitation when trying to download received mms's. which I just fixed today with an extra cab. It wouldn't let me download any mms. But I still have the same problem where I cannot send any MMS. It just says "HTTP:Send GET Request Failed." what can I do to fix this? Thanks!
search function must be on break lol, just giving you a hard time. ok here is all i do to get my mms/sms/everything working: flash rom, provision phone for sprint, install boush mms cab, soft reset phone and everything works. start>tools>carrier provision; now for the boush mms cab just search the thread as it's been uploaded more times than obama has said the economy is on the right track, let us know if you can't find it and we'll help further.
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  #24108 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2010, 09:11 PM
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Re: |RHODCMDA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Aug 28| 21914|23127 * Sense 2018

Originally Posted by thewahlrus View Post
Yeah, the latest build OC's to 748 with no SOD on my device. My previous stable limit was 710. I also switched from GTX to CHT (no dinik)

Running Dinik Aug 28th and OC'd to 787 no SOD's loving it and battery after using it all day granted not heavy use at 63% when I got home and that's with bluetooth on.
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  #24109 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2010, 09:13 PM
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Re: |RHODCMDA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Aug 28| 21914|23127 * Sense 2018

Hey guys speaking of filesharing whats ur experiance with megaupload? It my experiance so far i get the best speeds with it and also its not as picky with downloading files one after another.Would NRG mind if we recommend him shifting to a new download server?

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  #24110 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2010, 09:18 PM
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Re: |RHODCMDA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Aug 28| 21914|23127 * Sense 2018

Thanks! I'm going to try this out. So the boush mms cab goes over the arcsoft one?

Originally Posted by KIOWA69 View Post
search function must be on break lol, just giving you a hard time. ok here is all i do to get my mms/sms/everything working: flash rom, provision phone for sprint, install boush mms cab, soft reset phone and everything works. start>tools>carrier provision; now for the boush mms cab just search the thread as it's been uploaded more times than obama has said the economy is on the right track, let us know if you can't find it and we'll help further.
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