Originally Posted by muzik
I'm using that GTX. It seems fine... I do hope the battery drain settles in after a day or so as it is a little high. It seems better than the 8/25 though. No SOD's or freezing at all. I miss the notifacation and icons... as used the bluetooth and voicemail ones often. Maybe someone can tell me how to get them back. I would flash it and see. I prefer the lighter look to the Denik. I guess the combo roms are a thing of the past.
well i tried the GTX and didn't care for the looks of it, to bright for me, soooo i switched back to my trusty 23678 from 22nd Aug and in the process of getting that set back up.
no idea what you are asking about as far as notifications and stuff unless you mean you want to put toggle switches for bluetooth, wifi and things in the quicklinks, is that what you are asking to do?