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  #91 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2008, 10:54 AM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

$299 is what they offered.. firm.. even after talking to escalations.
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  #92 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2008, 11:07 AM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

Originally Posted by saumaun View Post
Oral statements are not admitted in court per the Parol Evidence Rule unless they are being testified to prove fraud or the statements clarified the text within the contract.

Plus, if you have a loan, and you ask for an extension, and they say yes, you better get it in writing. If they say yes and you do not pay them when you were originally supposed to, you CAN be sued because you cannot make changes to a contract with old consideration.

Business Law FTW!
yeh i was going the parol evidence route but tried the KISS method here so everyone could understand to get EVERYTHING in writing or agree to it at your own risk.
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  #93 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2008, 11:22 AM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

wow! seems like most of you are the customers who call in with a crappy attitude as soon as the sprint rep "like myself" greets you. Sprint provides service to hundreds of thousands of customers and on the daily basis, we (I) deal with customers trying to scam the company. Really! most of the reps in sprint are nice but you really can't expect us to jump at the chance to help you when you sware and talk down to us... I just laugh lol. Anyways back to the issue at hand. emails from ecare would come to you after you called in for a unresolved issue. We make it oour business to satisfy our customers. apoint to consider, the Touch Pro was not released until today! 11/02/08 chances of you getting a VALID offer for the pro before its released in all markets is slim to none. I suggest you check your sources, I hope that if in fact this offer is valid, we honor it and keep you loyal. (personal side note: Majority of srint customers are Spoiled, demanding, selfish jerks. Even when there service is satisfactory or above standards...you still threaten to cancel becauuse yoou used your upgrade already and won't a newer phone for half price. its sickning to me really)
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  #94 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2008, 11:26 AM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

Originally Posted by kenjuan86 View Post
wow! seems like most of you are the customers who call in with a crappy attitude as soon as the sprint rep "like myself" greets you. Sprint provides service to hundreds of thousands of customers and on the daily basis, we (I) deal with customers trying to scam the company. Really! most of the reps in sprint are nice but you really can't expect us to jump at the chance to help you when you sware and talk down to us... I just laugh lol. Anyways back to the issue at hand. emails from ecare would come to you after you called in for a unresolved issue. We make it oour business to satisfy our customers. apoint to consider, the Touch Pro was not released until today! 11/02/08 chances of you getting a VALID offer for the pro before its released in all markets is slim to none. I suggest you check your sources, I hope that if in fact this offer is valid, we honor it and keep you loyal. (personal side note: Majority of srint customers are Spoiled, demanding, selfish jerks. Even when there service is satisfactory or above standards...you still threaten to cancel becauuse yoou used your upgrade already and won't a newer phone for half price. its sickning to me really)

Sounds like you are a perfect fit for a Sprint representative. Yes, your customers are selfish jerks. Oh, btw tell your buddies at work to stop giving invalid offers to customers because they are the ones causing this.
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  #95 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2008, 11:58 AM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

ive been with sprint over 10 yrs...i have not once complained about anything, i didnt even complain about my mogul, even though it sucked soooooo bad. i found this forum and e-mailed them my problems then they offered me something, i didnt ask for it. i said can i get a working phone, they said, "well this new phone is coming out, how bout at this price?"

as of right now, if they offered it at $299.99 id take it but they dont even want to do that, they want it at $579.99. im like whoa, i did my part whats the deal?...

no, im not rude, nor do i cuss/smash the CSR from Sprint. i explain to them the EXACT situation and ask them if they understand why im acting a certain way. its very frustrating.


that to me is unacceptable. total BS.


EDIT: call should come in anytime today after 9am CST. The gentleman that my case was forwarded to was off yesterday and is in office today. well see though.
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  #96 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2008, 12:02 PM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

Originally Posted by kenjuan86 View Post
wow! seems like most of you are the customers who call in with a crappy attitude as soon as the sprint rep "like myself" greets you. Sprint provides service to hundreds of thousands of customers and on the daily basis, we (I) deal with customers trying to scam the company. Really! most of the reps in sprint are nice but you really can't expect us to jump at the chance to help you when you sware and talk down to us... I just laugh lol. Anyways back to the issue at hand. emails from ecare would come to you after you called in for a unresolved issue. We make it oour business to satisfy our customers. apoint to consider, the Touch Pro was not released until today! 11/02/08 chances of you getting a VALID offer for the pro before its released in all markets is slim to none. I suggest you check your sources, I hope that if in fact this offer is valid, we honor it and keep you loyal. (personal side note: Majority of srint customers are Spoiled, demanding, selfish jerks. Even when there service is satisfactory or above standards...you still threaten to cancel becauuse yoou used your upgrade already and won't a newer phone for half price. its sickning to me really)
I understand you work in the service industry and you have to deal with idiots all day. I have to do the same and it can be very frustrating. But, to automatically assume that we just called up Sprint with a list of demands and a lousy attitude and tone is incredibly arrogant.
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  #97 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2008, 01:09 PM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

How is everyone else faring?
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  #98 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2008, 02:46 PM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

just got word that the Orlando Escalation Management Team (which is where my case was forwarded to) does not work on weekend so my call should come in on Monday.

I dont understand why they do it this way, only makes things harder. they should just submit it to a list and these EMT ppl would pull names off the list in order of which they come in, no point of submitting to an individual person and wait for his *** to go to work.

oh well, lesson learned not to ***** on a fri night. lmfao. another day with this Samsung POC.

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  #99 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2008, 03:07 PM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

Originally Posted by meccadon123 View Post
Well I'll tell you what. You can continue to have retentions reel you in with BS offers to keep you UNDER CONTRACT, and I'll continue to hold each and every person THEY PAY to answer the phones and handle my issues to whatever comes out of their mouths.

You are what they call a "lay-down-ski". Yes, they do have terms in the business for different types of customers. They can tell you one thing and do something totally different and people like you don't speak up and that empowers them.

I pay Sprint, they work for me, not the other way around.

It's also some what naive to compare a rep that doesn't know a release date to a rep whom has offered you goods and or services for a certain price (just to retain you as a customer) and then go back on what they say and have it mean nothing. What world do you live in? Please let me know, I want to open a business there.
actually no...if I was then I wouldn't have 15% corporate discount and a 10% loyalty discount on 2 lines on my account...I would be on one of those crappy plans stated on the site....plus I got my phone for $240 plus tax at Best Buy using the 20% off plus - $70 upgrade credit for a total of about $190 after taxes, and if you still think I'm the type of person that take's rep.'s BS offers than you are wrong sir...I just got a treo 800w pretty much for free for my dad last week... called them up, they pricematched best buy price of $200 - $50 goodwill credit - $70 upgrade credit - $100 mail-in-rebate so I just pocketed $20 and you know how I did it? It's not all about being "firm" and standing your ground, it's about knowing how to talk to certain people...I try to be polite and treat the reps as human beings...they're not there for people like you to run over...and the rep. I talked to was nice...we talked about the phone, the recent hurricane, and even the election...."lay-down-ski" ...what a joke....there's a business term for people like you also...wait nvm...it's a normal word and it's "WRONG"
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  #100 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2008, 04:04 PM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

Originally Posted by fatlard View Post
Sounds like you are a perfect fit for a Sprint representative. Yes, your customers are selfish jerks. Oh, btw tell your buddies at work to stop giving invalid offers to customers because they are the ones causing this.
I agree. That is what's causing a majority of the issues. If it is not possible to exchange models of phone (i.e. Mogul to Touch Pro), then don't offer it. But that's not what happened. Sprint, Verizon...Jack-In-the-Box, or whatever. In business, and life for that matter, your word should mean something. If it doesn't, respect and reputation can be lost very quickly.

I was extremely cordial when I contacted Sprint, but I'm being made out as if I'm trying to scam Sprint and have simply made up the whole story. All they need to do is listen to the conversation that was held. I asked the rep point blank if I understood her correctly, and she said 'yes'. Oh well, I guess it's time for me to make some more time to get to the Sprint Store to go pick up Mogul #6.
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