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  #111 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2008, 06:00 PM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

Originally Posted by cornelious2 View Post
yea the outcome is they would settle because it would cost them more to take the case to court.
nope...it will get dismissed because the judge will think the suit is ridiculous and don't want to waste time dealing with it therefore you lose ...
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  #112 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2008, 06:14 PM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

Originally Posted by cornelious2 View Post
well your contract date really is only part of the puzzle. if you have an expensive plan, you are worth more to sprint than if you just have the basic voice package. that being said if you are one of their whales (customers they make big money off of) then it really isn't that big of a stretch to assume that you can get some extra deals out of them to keep you happy.
"My" Account includes all of my direct reports, 27 phones, and runs about $2300/month after discount and I still go through grief upgrading every year.
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  #113 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2008, 06:21 PM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

Originally Posted by SprintTouch08 View Post
exactly, the rants and raves are humorous now. If you werent willing to spend the 2 yr 299 price then you shouldnt be getting such an expensive phone in the first place. If the deal falls through then it falls through and oh no your stuck paying the same price everyone else is. Buy the phone or dont if you cant afford that then. You have those two options, whining and crying here about whats crap and whats not get you nowhere. No one's going to sue Sprint over a $50-100 savings, and youd lose anyways, so its blwoing smoke out the you know where.

The major point a lot of you are missing is a promise means NOTHING until it is enforced. If you dont get it then you dont get it, they arent under and obligation to honor that and your in turn free to leave Sprint and use other carriers too. The whole legal theory discussion is in a contract there is an offer/acceptance which was done, and consideration, the latter which youre missing. OP MAY have a good arugement to them that he already resigned, BUT he can also simply cancel the resigned contract too. If you didnt resigned you suffered no detriment, and thus no consideration not making it a valid agreement by law. Thats all the principle being set was. AKA you didnt do crap so quit whining you werent hurt by this, not getting what you want doesnt count

unless youre paying $500+/month theres few convincing reasons to get a $600 phone for under $150 no matter who promised what. If you didnt resign then you suffered no detriment here, move on and pay the 299, dont get it, or leave Sprint already

Hmmm...interesting perspective. So if I'm reading this right, you're saying people don't need to honor their word. That's really too bad. I guess I had more hope for th human race. Well, at least for a reputable company. Oh well.
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  #114 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2008, 06:36 PM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

well first off name one person or entity who 100% always honors their word. Surely not even the leader of our country either. Call it pessimistic, I call it a realistic approach.

And this goes right back to the point about the law, this is what contract law is about. I merely said there was not a valid contract in most of the cases being stated here, so no, there is no obligation they HAVE to follow through on their promise. Should they honor it by principle, yes, but morality isnt the question. This is exactly why paper contracts exist and you get EVERYTHING in writing.

And furthermore, as i said, sitting here crying or ranting and raving gets you nowhere. If you dont get the deal then pay the 299 like everyone else, dont get the phone, or be pissy and cancel Sprint. Theres 3 realistic solutions, but going off blowing a nut here solves zero, nadda, nothing

Last edited by SprintTouch08; 11-02-2008 at 06:41 PM.
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  #115 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2008, 06:44 PM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

Originally Posted by SprintTouch08 View Post
exactly, the rants and raves are humorous now. If you werent willing to spend the 2 yr 299 price then you shouldnt be getting such an expensive phone in the first place. If the deal falls through then it falls through and oh no your stuck paying the same price everyone else is. Buy the phone or dont if you cant afford that then. You have those two options, whining and crying here about whats crap and whats not get you nowhere. No one's going to sue Sprint over a $50-100 savings, and youd lose anyways, so its blwoing smoke out the you know where.

The major point a lot of you are missing is a promise means NOTHING until it is enforced. If you dont get it then you dont get it, they arent under and obligation to honor that and your in turn free to leave Sprint and use other carriers too. The whole legal theory discussion is in a contract there is an offer/acceptance which was done, and consideration, the latter which youre missing. OP MAY have a good arugement to them that he already resigned, BUT he can also simply cancel the resigned contract too. If you didnt resigned you suffered no detriment, and thus no consideration not making it a valid agreement by law. Thats all the principle being set was. AKA you didnt do crap so quit whining you werent hurt by this, not getting what you want doesnt count

unless youre paying $500+/month theres few convincing reasons to get a $600 phone for under $150 no matter who promised what. If you didnt resign then you suffered no detriment here, move on and pay the 299, dont get it, or leave Sprint already

Dude, no one is crying about anything. My situation is a perfect example of sprint offering me something, noting it in my account, and then not wanting to honor the note. It's complete bull****! Yes my line was not entitled to this low of a price but come on they put a note on my account for it. I lets just be clear on something else while were at it. I'm sure some of you are quite aware (and I've read a lot of threads like this) that if you call up sprint and ask for "discounts" and "deals" you can get them. So this is just a prime example of a company with bad business ethics. They should be responsible for what their employees do just as I'm responsible for how many minutes or data I use. I can't pick and choose what I pay on my bill so why should they be able to do this with notes on customer's accounts? Now that I'm done explaining that I will say that Sprint has the best service, phones, coverage etc.. I'm very happy with sprint and have been since I joined around 2000. All I'm asking is for them to make good on something they offered me. No I won't leave sprint if i have to pay $399 for the phone but there customer service is just frustrating me.
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  #116 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2008, 07:03 PM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

Originally Posted by SprintTouch08 View Post
but going off blowing a nut here solves zero, nadda, nothing
And your bloviating solves so much more...

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  #117 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2008, 09:27 PM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

Originally Posted by jbonilla View Post
Funny how your opinion on trying to get a better deal has changed...

All you have done is point out that I in fact do NOT agree with or support hustling from EITHER end. I have stated that in this thread as well. Maybe you should have read the entire thing before you thought about posting.

From my previous post #82:

Wait a sec....
when the hell did this become Russia? If any employee of any company tells me they are going to do something, and I have a CURRENT CONTRACT with said company, you can bet your *** that they will do exactly what they said they will do.

Look I'm not referring to people just trying to "stick it to" or "get over on" sprint. This is about employee's of a company with which I have an active CONTRACT with. Do you folks understand CONTRACT? For those who are out of contract, well that's a different situation.

Making a thread saying "hey look what i got for almost free" vs. a thread about Sprint honoring their retention or price offers is two entirely different things. Know what I mean inspector Gadget?

Last edited by meccadon123; 11-02-2008 at 09:34 PM.
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  #118 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2008, 09:39 PM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

look guys, im not trying to get over on sprint, and in all honesty its not about the money. yes, its true id rather not pay ofver $500 for the phone but could afford to if i wanted it that bad.

i only called to get a good working Mogul. you wouldnt believe me but i went through 14 different moguls. 14!!! thats ridiculous, from buttons not working, to white spot on screen, to speaker busted, one even had a missing button. it was later found in the package though. this is just plain wrong.

i called and said im ready to cancel and want to pay my ETF fee on one of my lines, they asked why i explained this to them then they told me about the diamond then about the pro. i said when i move companies, i wont have to pay a huge UPFRONT price of new phones and new contract and i know im only elgible for one upgrade so dont feel like paying full price for the other. they said well how bout this. i l ike the offer and accepted.

fulfilled my end of the deal by re-upping and now when its their turn they **** on me.


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  #119 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2008, 09:48 PM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

Ignore all the trolls.. just update us with your situation whenever you get new info.
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  #120 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2008, 10:03 PM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

Originally Posted by chedda_chez View Post
look guys, im not trying to get over on sprint, and in all honesty its not about the money. yes, its true id rather not pay ofver $500 for the phone but could afford to if i wanted it that bad.

i only called to get a good working Mogul. you wouldnt believe me but i went through 14 different moguls. 14!!! thats ridiculous, from buttons not working, to white spot on screen, to speaker busted, one even had a missing button. it was later found in the package though. this is just plain wrong.

i called and said im ready to cancel and want to pay my ETF fee on one of my lines, they asked why i explained this to them then they told me about the diamond then about the pro. i said when i move companies, i wont have to pay a huge UPFRONT price of new phones and new contract and i know im only elgible for one upgrade so dont feel like paying full price for the other. they said well how bout this. i l ike the offer and accepted.

fulfilled my end of the deal by re-upping and now when its their turn they **** on me.



You already have a TP, how many do you need? Or were you hoping to buy low and sell high?
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