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  #131 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 01:14 AM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

Originally Posted by SprintTouch08 View Post
well first off name one person or entity who 100% always honors their word. Surely not even the leader of our country either. Call it pessimistic, I call it a realistic approach.

And this goes right back to the point about the law, this is what contract law is about. I merely said there was not a valid contract in most of the cases being stated here, so no, there is no obligation they HAVE to follow through on their promise. Should they honor it by principle, yes, but morality isnt the question. This is exactly why paper contracts exist and you get EVERYTHING in writing.

And furthermore, as i said, sitting here crying or ranting and raving gets you nowhere. If you dont get the deal then pay the 299 like everyone else, dont get the phone, or be pissy and cancel Sprint. Theres 3 realistic solutions, but going off blowing a nut here solves zero, nadda, nothing

...interesting. Do you feel better now?
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  #132 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 01:21 AM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

i feel just fine about myself- i manned up, out of contract mind you, resigned and paid the $299 + 20% at Best Buy, the normal going price anyone could go get it for. I didnt call and complain to Sprint how if they want to keep me as a customer they have to give me x or y or a Pro for $100. If they offered it out of the blue sure, and if they revoked it, oh well i was going to get one either way even if I had to pay what every new customer pays.

As Ive said the OP resigned due to the promise so Sprint should honor that or revoke that resign. Others here who call in threatening and whining I dont feel bad for what so ever when they dont get what they want and throw a fit. Either buy it or dont

Last edited by SprintTouch08; 11-03-2008 at 01:30 AM.
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  #133 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 09:15 AM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

Originally Posted by Exil3d View Post
I feel everyone who got promised a deal and thrn Sprint backed off. I was in your same shoes but on phone call 8 , Sprint finally caved in and honored it. Everyone else puttin down others about "quit crying, Sprint owes you nothing'' crowd. For shame! You must work for Sprint.
What was your final price?
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  #134 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 11:03 AM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

Keep on it, chedda. I got my deal because they didnt have any refurb moguls to send me and couldn't send me a new one for some reason. They offered touch. I said how about a deal on a touch pro instead. This was a month ago though, so it was a long month of waiting, but I did end up getting the deal.

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  #135 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 11:18 AM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

Originally Posted by fatlard View Post
What was your final price?
First they said... theres no such notes stating I will get the phone for a lower price. They said I qualify for only a 75 dollar upgrade. Then after a few more calls.. they said "We see no notes but we will offer you 150 dollars off". Then after a few more calls the said..."We found the notes, we will ship it for 299.99 out the door". No rebates hassle. So I got it for 299.99. I am happy. I wish I had it exchanged like some in here did but its a no go for me there.
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  #136 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 11:59 AM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

Originally Posted by phistyle View Post
I was thinking about opening a new line of contract on my account and was thinking about getting the touch pro at $300 and selling off the phone on ebay for a profit. My lil bro doesnt want the touch pro so he going to be using my old treo 755p on the new line. Do you think I can just swap out and sell the phone?
Originally Posted by phistyle View Post
I've never cried or complained about anything.....its u son...
I just hate it when people feel the need to be judgmental and condescending, I doubt that he is actually your son. Also, apparently it is just fine to make money at the expense of the very people you are condemning. Hope that goes well for you...
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  #137 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 12:23 PM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

This thread makes me sick. Obviously there are a number of you that work for Sprint or somehow have been brainwashed by them. While there are a lot of people that feel themselves to be victims unnecessarily, there are a lot of people that have legitimate complaints. If due to those complaints Sprint feels they want to offer something that is good business. I don't get the negative customer is wrong attitude that some of you preach. I have never called, or emailed Sprint for anything other than legitimate reasons. In the course of almost every call with them I am disconnected due their phone system (aren't they a telecom company? lol). Face it they're very inefficient with there entire system. When I talk to a rep that reviews the noted on my account and says "whoa" that tells me enough. I also never ask for anything when I call Sprint. I voice problems and let them offer a solution. It just happens in this situation that their solution was to offer me two touch pros in exchange for my current phones. I agreed, and now no one at Sprint can figure out how to order them and I don't have time to drive 120 miles to a Sprint store.
As far as saying why don't you leave? That is dumb then no one learns. It is the duty of the consumer to make aware to the business what they have made mistakes on. What sets companies apart in this day and age is not weather they make mistakes, but how they handle them after they've been made.
All you people that are saying that we are playing the victim card need to maybe hang up the Sprint customer service headset for a while and learn a little bit more about the real world including verbal contracts, customer service, and basic telephone skills. I'm sure you'll try to flame me for this post because it's apparent that's how some of you vent your frustration after Sprint sends you home for the day. Well I have big shoulders go ahead, at least then you won't be taking it out on your wife later.
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  #138 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 02:12 PM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

Originally Posted by DexterDawg View Post
This thread makes me sick. Obviously there are a number of you that work for Sprint or somehow have been brainwashed by them. While there are a lot of people that feel themselves to be victims unnecessarily, there are a lot of people that have legitimate complaints. If due to those complaints Sprint feels they want to offer something that is good business. I don't get the negative customer is wrong attitude that some of you preach. I have never called, or emailed Sprint for anything other than legitimate reasons. In the course of almost every call with them I am disconnected due their phone system (aren't they a telecom company? lol). Face it they're very inefficient with there entire system. When I talk to a rep that reviews the noted on my account and says "whoa" that tells me enough. I also never ask for anything when I call Sprint. I voice problems and let them offer a solution. It just happens in this situation that their solution was to offer me two touch pros in exchange for my current phones. I agreed, and now no one at Sprint can figure out how to order them and I don't have time to drive 120 miles to a Sprint store.
As far as saying why don't you leave? That is dumb then no one learns. It is the duty of the consumer to make aware to the business what they have made mistakes on. What sets companies apart in this day and age is not weather they make mistakes, but how they handle them after they've been made.
All you people that are saying that we are playing the victim card need to maybe hang up the Sprint customer service headset for a while and learn a little bit more about the real world including verbal contracts, customer service, and basic telephone skills. I'm sure you'll try to flame me for this post because it's apparent that's how some of you vent your frustration after Sprint sends you home for the day. Well I have big shoulders go ahead, at least then you won't be taking it out on your wife later.
Well said.

By the way, the thread title is very self-explanatory. If it doesn't apply to some of you, why waste your time reading it, and why waste everyone else's time filling it with your own unsubstantiated opinions?
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  #139 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 02:45 PM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

hey Chedda Chez, what medical school does your family own? University of Texas? I'm trying to get into medical school. I'll subsidize the price difference on your phone for an interview. =D
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  #140 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 03:09 PM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

Originally Posted by lilgrass71 View Post
hey Chedda Chez, what medical school does your family own? University of Texas? I'm trying to get into medical school. I'll subsidize the price difference on your phone for an interview. =D
i wish bro...the school that we own teaches Continue Education Programs & we have just been certified through the state to teach RN & LVN classes.

So far we provide classes for:

Registered Nurse Classes (starting late 09')
Licensed Vocational Nurse (starting late 09')
Certified Nurse Aide
Medical Assistant
Emergency Medical Tech
Pharmacy Tech
Restorative Aide
C.P.R Classes
OSHA Classes
First Aid Classes

Name of the school is called "Academy of Nursing Assistance" (www.nurses-aide.com)


UPDATE ON SITUATION: no call from EMT Dprt. Made one call to see if maybe i missed a call or something and they said no BUTTT the rep that i spoked to ask me what was going on, we spent 35 min on the phone and he asked me to forward my e-mail that was sent to me from eCare to him so he can forward to his supervisor... THATS A BIG STEP in the RIGHT direction...he will call me back by COB today. im still in line for a return phone call from the EMT Dprt. though.
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