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  #141 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 03:30 PM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

Okay another example of Sprint revoking an offer..

On my second line where I have a HTC Touch, the screen is defective. It has a rainbow effect and the Sprint tech said even if they replace the phone, it will still have the same problem and come back. So I wanted a different phone.

So I have emails and phone conversation that they will swap the HTC Touch to a HTC Touch Pro at even cost. They said they will place the order on Friday. Today I call back and they said they do not have any information of that and that they can't do it. I was like your people notated my account Friday. They could only offer upgrade pricing. They said they want to "educate me" on the options and that even trade was not an option.. even though I have email and two phone calls that okayed it.

Gawd thats two lines I have to deal with this ****.

Last edited by fatlard; 11-03-2008 at 03:55 PM.
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  #142 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 03:51 PM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

Originally Posted by frejos View Post
I just hate it when people feel the need to be judgmental and condescending, I doubt that he is actually your son. Also, apparently it is just fine to make money at the expense of the very people you are condemning. Hope that goes well for you...
that is a legit offer ...I'm opening a new line for my brother which DO NOT have a cell phone right now and he don't like any of the phones out right now so he want to use my old phone...there's nothing WRONG with using the discount on a new phone by opening a new LINE...I'm not out trying to get the phone for $250 or even at $100...I'm getting the phone at the PRICE THEY ARE CURRENTLY OFFERING AT THE STORE; not some BS that a REP. told me...in my case it's a win-win situation for me, my lil bro and the person that wants to buy the phone at a good price that is still under contract...any other comments? thank you and come again....
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  #143 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 03:59 PM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

Originally Posted by DexterDawg View Post
This thread makes me sick. Obviously there are a number of you that work for Sprint or somehow have been brainwashed by them. While there are a lot of people that feel themselves to be victims unnecessarily, there are a lot of people that have legitimate complaints. If due to those complaints Sprint feels they want to offer something that is good business. I don't get the negative customer is wrong attitude that some of you preach. I have never called, or emailed Sprint for anything other than legitimate reasons. In the course of almost every call with them I am disconnected due their phone system (aren't they a telecom company? lol). Face it they're very inefficient with there entire system. When I talk to a rep that reviews the noted on my account and says "whoa" that tells me enough. I also never ask for anything when I call Sprint. I voice problems and let them offer a solution. It just happens in this situation that their solution was to offer me two touch pros in exchange for my current phones. I agreed, and now no one at Sprint can figure out how to order them and I don't have time to drive 120 miles to a Sprint store.
As far as saying why don't you leave? That is dumb then no one learns. It is the duty of the consumer to make aware to the business what they have made mistakes on. What sets companies apart in this day and age is not weather they make mistakes, but how they handle them after they've been made.
All you people that are saying that we are playing the victim card need to maybe hang up the Sprint customer service headset for a while and learn a little bit more about the real world including verbal contracts, customer service, and basic telephone skills. I'm sure you'll try to flame me for this post because it's apparent that's how some of you vent your frustration after Sprint sends you home for the day. Well I have big shoulders go ahead, at least then you won't be taking it out on your wife later.
apparently you don't understand how this economy works...people voice with their feet and their wallets....if consumers don't like something they usually voice with their feet and wallet and move elsewhere ....not sit there and struggle it out...this is america right? you do have the option to choose.....companies see that and they know that...if they start losing more customers, they will try some counter-measure activites.... just look at circuity city closing about 155 stores today due to losing profits....people choose to go elsewhere such as Fry's, Best Buy, or whatever.....it's always funny to see people call other people that support sprint that they WORK for them....I'm no where even close to them unless you consider the Business field associated with them...I've never even worked for a cell phone company before...are you sure you're not an ex-at&t customer service rep? come on now...you can tell us...oh yea...didn't you deliver my chinese take-out the other day...I gave you a decent tip didn't I?

Last edited by phistyle; 11-03-2008 at 04:03 PM.
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  #144 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 04:11 PM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

Originally Posted by phistyle View Post
apparently you don't understand how this economy works...people voice with their feet and their wallets....if consumers don't like something they usually voice with their feet and wallet and move elsewhere ....not sit there and struggle it out...this is america right? you do have the option to choose.....companies see that and they know that...if they start losing more customers, they will try some counter-measure activites.... just look at circuity city closing about 155 stores today due to losing profits....people choose to go elsewhere such as Fry's, Best Buy, or whatever.....it's always funny to see people call other people that support sprint that they WORK for them....I'm no where even close to them unless you consider the Business field associated with them...I've never even worked for a cell phone company before...are you sure you're not an ex-at&t customer service rep? come on now...you can tell us...oh yea...didn't you deliver my chinese take-out the other day...I gave you a decent tip didn't I?
okay... just breath a little. were all getting far to hostile. peach and love people, this is a comunity of people here. My grandpa always said, if you wouldn't say it to a persons face, then don't insult them any other way. were all here to further our understanding of the merger of device and carrier do we really need to resorte to insults? Aren't we all on the same team?
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  #145 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 04:17 PM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

Originally Posted by cornelious2 View Post
okay... just breath a little. were all getting far to hostile. peach and love people, this is a comunity of people here. My grandpa always said, if you wouldn't say it to a persons face, then don't insult them any other way. were all here to further our understanding of the merger of device and carrier do we really need to resorte to insults? Aren't we all on the same team?
to my understanding ....homeboy here insulted me first...

quote "All you people that are saying that we are playing the victim card need to maybe hang up the Sprint customer service headset for a while and learn a little bit more about the real world including verbal contracts, customer service, and basic telephone skills. I'm sure you'll try to flame me for this post because it's apparent that's how some of you vent your frustration after Sprint sends you home for the day. Well I have big shoulders go ahead, at least then you won't be taking it out on your wife later."
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  #146 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 04:20 PM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

Originally Posted by phistyle View Post
to my understanding ....homeboy here insulted me first...

quote "All you people that are saying that we are playing the victim card need to maybe hang up the Sprint customer service headset for a while and learn a little bit more about the real world including verbal contracts, customer service, and basic telephone skills. I'm sure you'll try to flame me for this post because it's apparent that's how some of you vent your frustration after Sprint sends you home for the day. Well I have big shoulders go ahead, at least then you won't be taking it out on your wife later."
I am pretty sure that wasn't me that posted that. And I am also pretty sure that an eye for an eye just makes the world go blind. do we really need to sink to eachothers level?
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  #147 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 04:34 PM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

so I have read the first 7 pages then skipped to the last page and read it. Hopefully OP'er has had his issue resolved by now. Just wanted to throw my two cent in, dont know if it'll matter or not since i'm a low poster. Anyways, I work for Sprint at a corp sales/service store and want to help in what little fashion I can here.

To anyone that is calling in with any kind of issue, few steps that can help you in case your issue becomes drawn out. But please note, not ALL phone agents are Sprint agents. Sprint does contract out for customer care service. So this is why you may get an offer thats TOO GOOD, just remember this.

* Soon as you call, be ready to take down the agents id number, they will say it as soon as they connect with you.(If you didnt understand them, ask'm to repeat, we have to)

* If you are offered anything and you accept, when the agent ask you to hold a few moments so they can notate the account, ask for a confirmation email at the sametime. Yes, they can send it during the phone call, you do not have to wait til the call has ended.

*If you have access to your email, kindly ask the agent to stay connected with you until you receive the email, agents can generally hold upwards of 5 - 7 mins, just make small talk I guess until its received

*I'm only requesting this next one, but its up to you how you proceed. Do Not start the conversation off cussing/cursing. We have the right to inform you that we are ending the call and hang up.

I'm not promising anything with this, just from what I read, I didn't see anyone mention that they had obtained the agents id, but again I did skip some pages. Sorry if this was already covered or pointed out, again just my two cents.
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  #148 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 04:41 PM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

Originally Posted by phistyle View Post
apparently you don't understand how this economy works...people voice with their feet and their wallets....if consumers don't like something they usually voice with their feet and wallet and move elsewhere ....not sit there and struggle it out...this is america right? you do have the option to choose.....companies see that and they know that...if they start losing more customers, they will try some counter-measure activites.... just look at circuity city closing about 155 stores today due to losing profits....people choose to go elsewhere such as Fry's, Best Buy, or whatever.....it's always funny to see people call other people that support sprint that they WORK for them....I'm no where even close to them unless you consider the Business field associated with them...I've never even worked for a cell phone company before...are you sure you're not an ex-at&t customer service rep? come on now...you can tell us...oh yea...didn't you deliver my chinese take-out the other day...I gave you a decent tip didn't I?
Now I am fine debating about the economy and why businesses do what they do (Do you even know why circuit city has been closing stores for the last two years?), however you took it to a level I am not willing to go. I've been a small business owner for over 10 years. There are several people here that do work for Sprint. Since you don't you should ignore that part. As far as "struggling it out", I never said that, but if for one minute you think you are doing you or anyone else a service by walking away from a situation with out giving someone a chance you missed the boat. If everyone quit doing business with anyone that did them wrong there wouldn't be anyone to do business with. Overall I have been happy with Sprint as their ability to solve problems has been superb. In fact I just got done speaking with someone at their company and it appears that my issue is being resolved. Now that is good business, of course I'm still going to ***** about how much time and effort I've spent dealing with this issue, but at the end of the day I'm happy, they kept me as a customer, thus they are happy. Fortunately in my line of work I get to decide if you will be my customer or not. Certainly you would not fit my criteria. Good day.

One more thing. Trying to make me feel bad by saying I deliver Chinese food or work this place or that is quite childish. Which you very well may be a child so I will give you the benefit of the doubt
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  #149 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 04:47 PM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

I know everyone is a little on edge these days...but can we please stay on topic?

"I don't want to spend my life explaining myself. Either you get it or you don't." Frank Zappa
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  #150 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 04:52 PM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

Originally Posted by cozboogie View Post
I know everyone is a little on edge these days...but can we please stay on topic?

That would be great. Although whenever someone talks about their retention offer in here they are getting flamed.
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