Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????
so I have read the first 7 pages then skipped to the last page and read it. Hopefully OP'er has had his issue resolved by now. Just wanted to throw my two cent in, dont know if it'll matter or not since i'm a low poster. Anyways, I work for Sprint at a corp sales/service store and want to help in what little fashion I can here.
To anyone that is calling in with any kind of issue, few steps that can help you in case your issue becomes drawn out. But please note, not ALL phone agents are Sprint agents. Sprint does contract out for customer care service. So this is why you may get an offer thats TOO GOOD, just remember this.
* Soon as you call, be ready to take down the agents id number, they will say it as soon as they connect with you.(If you didnt understand them, ask'm to repeat, we have to)
* If you are offered anything and you accept, when the agent ask you to hold a few moments so they can notate the account, ask for a confirmation email at the sametime. Yes, they can send it during the phone call, you do not have to wait til the call has ended.
*If you have access to your email, kindly ask the agent to stay connected with you until you receive the email, agents can generally hold upwards of 5 - 7 mins, just make small talk I guess until its received
*I'm only requesting this next one, but its up to you how you proceed. Do Not start the conversation off cussing/cursing. We have the right to inform you that we are ending the call and hang up.
I'm not promising anything with this, just from what I read, I didn't see anyone mention that they had obtained the agents id, but again I did skip some pages. Sorry if this was already covered or pointed out, again just my two cents.