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  #81 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2008, 01:59 AM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

I got the same crap with EMT, voicemail from them saying they were unable to contact me on my PCS number, so they de-escalated it. The kicker is, the ticket included the info that that phone was NO LONGER WORKING. I emailed ecare like WTF, gave them the ticket number, and they pushed the ticket back to EMT for me, with a clear note to call a different contact number. I finally got a call and resolution from them after that.

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  #82 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2008, 03:07 AM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

Wait a sec....
when the hell did this become Russia? If any employee of any company tells me they are going to do something, and I have a CURRENT CONTRACT with said company, you can bet your *** that they will do exactly what they said they will do.

Look I'm not referring to people just trying to "stick it to" or "get over on" sprint. This is about employee's of a company with which I have an active CONTRACT with. Do you folks understand CONTRACT? For those who are out of contract, well that's a different situation.

However, you can bet your a$$ that if my Landlord "SAID" that I only had to pay half my rent until he/she gets the heat working.....how much do you think I'm going to pay? Or if they told me to renew my lease for another year and they would install a finished basement in 30 days, do you think i would honor the new lease 90 days later with no basement?

These sprint Reps are hired by the company and they are reps of the company while handling your account. When the hell did it become "OK" to just tell someone any damn thing you want to and not have to honor what you say?

Look at what he current administration has done to America. It's perfectly OK for the big corporation to get over on the average Joe, but how dare average "Joe the Plumber" demand adequate services rendered for something he is paying for. Business ethics 101 people.

This is almost the same as sprint reps coming into certain forums and offering their advice about calling in to sprint. "Be real nice, and we'll do you favors, if you are not nice, you will get a note on your account" (funny, you can always seem to find the negative notes about me as a customer, but you can never find the notes about what the hell you are suppose to be doing to my account to get it right). I have a better idea, how about you service my account the f'n way they pay you to or i will continue to ask for your supervisor or take my business else where. Some of these reps think sprint is the damn soup kitchen and its customers can't live without it.

You offer a service that you get compensated for, either offer that service in a manner befitting an upstanding company or continue to suffer mass customer exodus....PERIOD

Last edited by meccadon123; 11-02-2008 at 03:12 AM.
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  #83 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2008, 04:21 AM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

does the contract state anything about you specifically getting a touch pro at the said price? of course not...all the contract pretty much state is that you will use sprint's service for the stated amount of time and pay your bills on time. No where on that contract whether one year or two years does it state that you will get a phone at sprint's loss unless it's an offer stated (not to be mistaken by something a rep. said to you)...just like how you called in to sprint and some of the reps. are clueless when the touch pro was coming out and such or details of certain plans...so you going to sue them because they didn't know when the touch pro come out or you couldn't get the phone at the price you wanted?....these mail-in-rebates and discounts and such are offers and promotions writtin in stone....and the "supposed" offer from a representative is not writtin anymore and most of the time is not recorded so you really have no repercussion against them...take them to court if you like but surely you will not win and try and fight them over what a "representative" said....

Last edited by phistyle; 11-02-2008 at 04:24 AM.
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  #84 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2008, 04:52 AM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

Originally Posted by jeryzkid22 View Post
Sprint Stock will stay down if it keeps selling a hot new phones for cheaper than the two year upgrade price to people that have special plans.
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  #85 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2008, 06:05 AM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

Originally Posted by madzilla View Post
I dont wanna sound like a ****, but there are a lot of companies for various things we have been dealing with for ages and nobody expects discounts from them that are not part of the agreement. I goto the grocery store and i dont try to haggle my groceries. God forbid you try to haggle your cable company. Nobody has gone to Blockbuster and said hey if you gimme a dollar off of that movie ill keep renting from you. I dont see why everyone is all mad cause they have been customers with sprint for years and sprint isnt giving them discounts that are above and beyond what they are already giving out. sure if they said they would give you a huge discount then later on they turn around and say sorry i cant that is one thing but to expect it even if they didnt erroneously promise it to you is well... unrealistic. Its a "Premium" phone so you cant try going into this without expecting to pay a "premium" price. I dont see fararri giving discounts.
I agree. Sprint already has an offer for people who haven't haven't upgraded a phone in 2 years. They get to buy a new phone for the new customer price. Why people are surprised when they call in trying to get a better deal than that and then find out later the representative had no right in making that offer is beyond me. Sprint also gives people a $70 credit for renewing their contract in addition to the new phone price. So most everyone who is out of contract and eligible for the phone upgrade can get the phone for $229. And people who were able to buy it from Best Buy with the coupon last week could get another $60 knocked off that price. Heck, that's cheaper than any other smartphone I've ever bought from Sprint (actually, my Kyocera 6035 may have been cheaper). I know it's tempting when you read about others calling and getting these deals, but it shouldn't be expected -- although it's nice if it happens.

And I agree that anyone who has a Mogul or other phone that doesn't work deserves to get a functioning phone -- either a replacement Mogul or a Touch Pro if it's not available. I'm talking about those who are trying to get a deal better than the one that Sprint already has and getting upset when you can't get it... I just don't get it.
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  #86 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2008, 06:58 AM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

Originally Posted by phistyle View Post
does the contract state anything about you specifically getting a touch pro at the said price? of course not...all the contract pretty much state is that you will use sprint's service for the stated amount of time and pay your bills on time. No where on that contract whether one year or two years does it state that you will get a phone at sprint's loss unless it's an offer stated (not to be mistaken by something a rep. said to you)...just like how you called in to sprint and some of the reps. are clueless when the touch pro was coming out and such or details of certain plans...so you going to sue them because they didn't know when the touch pro come out or you couldn't get the phone at the price you wanted?....these mail-in-rebates and discounts and such are offers and promotions writtin in stone....and the "supposed" offer from a representative is not writtin anymore and most of the time is not recorded so you really have no repercussion against them...take them to court if you like but surely you will not win and try and fight them over what a "representative" said....

Well I'll tell you what. You can continue to have retentions reel you in with BS offers to keep you UNDER CONTRACT, and I'll continue to hold each and every person THEY PAY to answer the phones and handle my issues to whatever comes out of their mouths.

You are what they call a "lay-down-ski". Yes, they do have terms in the business for different types of customers. They can tell you one thing and do something totally different and people like you don't speak up and that empowers them.

I pay Sprint, they work for me, not the other way around.

It's also some what naive to compare a rep that doesn't know a release date to a rep whom has offered you goods and or services for a certain price (just to retain you as a customer) and then go back on what they say and have it mean nothing. What world do you live in? Please let me know, I want to open a business there.

Last edited by meccadon123; 11-02-2008 at 07:01 AM.
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  #87 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2008, 09:54 AM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

You guys are acting like you are suffering from the virgin syndrome. That you HAVE to stay with the guy/girl you lost your virginity to. Sure, there is something called loyalty, but if Sprint is not showing it to you, then you don't need to show it back. Speak in a language they will understand, switch.

As for Sprint stock and company worth, they make their money off of the monthly service they provide, not the phones they sell. The actual phone they sell is about 5% of the total price of the 2-year contract. If they decided to lower the price of the phone a little, it sure as hell is not going to hurt their bottom line.
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  #88 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2008, 10:36 AM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

I called back today. They offered $299. Initially promised $199.

The $299 required me to changed my plan out of Sero and pay for data.

I was like WTF. If I have to pay $299 and then have to pay extra for data then why am I still here at Sprint. IPhone is $199 and the plan will be the same.

I opened up an escalation ticket.
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  #89 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2008, 10:46 AM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

Originally Posted by meccadon123 View Post
Well I'll tell you what. You can continue to have retentions reel you in with BS offers to keep you UNDER CONTRACT, and I'll continue to hold each and every person THEY PAY to answer the phones and handle my issues to whatever comes out of their mouths.

You are what they call a "lay-down-ski". Yes, they do have terms in the business for different types of customers. They can tell you one thing and do something totally different and people like you don't speak up and that empowers them.

I pay Sprint, they work for me, not the other way around.

It's also some what naive to compare a rep that doesn't know a release date to a rep whom has offered you goods and or services for a certain price (just to retain you as a customer) and then go back on what they say and have it mean nothing. What world do you live in? Please let me know, I want to open a business there.
Youre still missing a few key concepts of contract law though. yes oral agreements are ok, and yes it would seem there was a valid oral agreement. Now, where is the customer's evidence to support anything? There is none if there are no notes, theres no record that ever happened. Where is sprint's evidence? The contract resign! Does Sprint have to honor its agents prices quotes? Well it depends really. Id say $250 is reasonable pricing, but thats me personally. If a rep said $50, itd be harder to hold Sprint to honor that.

Now awat fro law and to common sense- if youre dumb enough to resign before you get what you promised (after knowing what Sprint is known for) then its your own fault for being naive. I still cant fathom why anyone would resign a contract to be promised a price on a phone that isnt even out yet, because i would wait til the day it was out, negotiate, and have it shipped that day! EVERYONE here knows how Sprint is and what theyre known for and how they lie- its no secret.

And still the BIGGEST point being missed here while everyones busy freaking out on their soap box is YOU HAVE 30 DAYS EVEN IF YOU DIDNT GET A PHONE TO GET OUT THE CONTRACT.
Hello people, kind of a key stipultion before you all go ape crap. No one is getting screwed, they can back out of the resign under 30 days if they dont get the promised price. so no one gets hurt in the end here that everyone is on their soap box preaching about the devil Sprint

Last edited by SprintTouch08; 11-02-2008 at 10:53 AM.
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  #90 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2008, 10:51 AM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

Oral statements are not admitted in court per the Parol Evidence Rule unless they are being testified to prove fraud or the statements clarified the text within the contract.

Plus, if you have a loan, and you ask for an extension, and they say yes, you better get it in writing. If they say yes and you do not pay them when you were originally supposed to, you CAN be sued because you cannot make changes to a contract with old consideration.

Business Law FTW!
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