Originally Posted by phistyle
does the contract state anything about you specifically getting a touch pro at the said price? of course not...all the contract pretty much state is that you will use sprint's service for the stated amount of time and pay your bills on time. No where on that contract whether one year or two years does it state that you will get a phone at sprint's loss unless it's an offer stated (not to be mistaken by something a rep. said to you)...just like how you called in to sprint and some of the reps. are clueless when the touch pro was coming out and such or details of certain plans...so you going to sue them because they didn't know when the touch pro come out or you couldn't get the phone at the price you wanted?....these mail-in-rebates and discounts and such are offers and promotions writtin in stone....and the "supposed" offer from a representative is not writtin anymore and most of the time is not recorded so you really have no repercussion against them...take them to court if you like but surely you will not win and try and fight them over what a "representative" said....
Well I'll tell you what. You can continue to have retentions reel you in with BS offers to keep you UNDER CONTRACT, and I'll continue to hold each and every person THEY PAY to answer the phones and handle my issues to whatever comes out of their mouths.
You are what they call a "lay-down-ski". Yes, they do have terms in the business for different types of customers. They can tell you one thing and do something totally different and people like you don't speak up and that empowers them.
I pay Sprint, they work for me, not the other way around.
It's also some what naive to compare a rep that doesn't know a release date to a rep whom has offered you goods and or services for a certain price (just to retain you as a customer) and then go back on what they say and have it mean nothing. What world do you live in? Please let me know, I want to open a business there.