Originally Posted by kenjuan86
wow! seems like most of you are the customers who call in with a crappy attitude as soon as the sprint rep "like myself" greets you. Sprint provides service to hundreds of thousands of customers and on the daily basis, we (I) deal with customers trying to scam the company. Really! most of the reps in sprint are nice but you really can't expect us to jump at the chance to help you when you sware and talk down to us... I just laugh lol. Anyways back to the issue at hand. emails from ecare would come to you after you called in for a unresolved issue. We make it oour business to satisfy our customers. apoint to consider, the Touch Pro was not released until today! 11/02/08 chances of you getting a VALID offer for the pro before its released in all markets is slim to none. I suggest you check your sources, I hope that if in fact this offer is valid, we honor it and keep you loyal. (personal side note: Majority of srint customers are Spoiled, demanding, selfish jerks. Even when there service is satisfactory or above standards...you still threaten to cancel becauuse yoou used your upgrade already and won't a newer phone for half price. its sickning to me really)
I understand you work in the service industry and you have to deal with idiots all day. I have to do the same and it can be very frustrating. But, to automatically assume that we just called up Sprint with a list of demands and a lousy attitude and tone is incredibly arrogant.