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  #24071 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2010, 03:10 PM
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Re: |RHODCMDA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Aug 28| 21914|23127 * Sense 2018

Originally Posted by Gsaraco View Post
I notice that when I slide out my keyboard from a locked state, the Today screen gets messed up (looks like it's trying to cram the portrait layout into the left half of the landscape screen). Sometimes I can't get the screen back to normal and I just have to reset the phone. I've tried the three different lockscreen styles and this seems to happen with all of them. To avoid this I have to make sure I unlock the screen first, then slide out the keyboard. This isn't too bad, but it's still easy to slide out the keyboard first without thinking, so it leads to many unwanted resets. Anyone else experience this issue?

Anyway I'm new to this thread but I've been enjoying the stylish Energy ROMs for a while now! Keep up the good work
i'm using 23127 and it's not an issue to do what you described, might help if you listed what rom you are trying that on, sorry if it's been answered already as i didn't scroll down to check.
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  #24072 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2010, 03:11 PM
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Re: |RHODCMDA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Aug 28| 21914|23127 * Sense 2018

Originally Posted by teradog View Post
OK so here's the issue.. I was so pissed, on the road, SOD's 20 times a day, every time I wanted to use it I had to reboot.... went to Aug 25 cookie 23xxx (not 127)
Still some issues.

Works great now, I'm not reflashing as it's so fast & works good!

1. Flashed Aug 25 23xxxcookie with pp12. Huge on 12 page pool now, (could go through posts over the last month on all the trials & tests).
2. windows\startup deleted arkswitch, touch lock pro, & setcpuspeed (autoinstalls/restores with sashimi)

Everything ran fine! no memory or any issues..., added back in setcpuspeed (@ 710) & still perfect. I'm not touching this thing for a while.

Also, question... anyone have tv.com running well on the tp2? If so what browser? skyfire is pretty choppy for me & I've got great reception! (check my field trial sig) I believe skyfire is the only one doing new enough flash for tv.com. (rendered @ their servers) but if anyone has success elsewhere please let me know.

*edit* perhaps I can watch tv.com on Android side now?! it has the lastest flash right?
I have the same SOD issue where the screen freezes and needs to be reset or try to wait it out and it can take 30 seconds to never to go back to normal operation. Did u try the same customizations to the Aug 28, 23127 rom with no luck or did the Aug 25 release have less bugs. Ive had similiar issues with Arcswitch, but not sure about what Touch lock pro even does. So deleting Arcswitch and Touch Lock Pro helped u with the screen freezing,SOD, issue that ive experienced also on the last 4 NRG 23XXX CHT Dinik Glass rom releases. Its pretty much the only problem ive been experiencing with NRGZ roms.Is there any other reason you are staying with the Aug 25 release instead of switching to the Aug 28 release.Did the Aug 28 release have more bugs or have the SOD issue more than the Aug 25 release? thanks for the help and info.
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  #24073 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2010, 03:28 PM
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Re: |RHODCMDA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Aug 28| 21914|23127 * Sense 2018

Originally Posted by cutecool View Post
thanx a lot mate, u saved my time
[QUOTE=muzik;1927356]I'm sure I'll be corrected if wrong (LOL). As I understand it...the page pool, if you think of it as a sliding scale from 0-20...the smaller the number, the more free memory but slower. As you go to a higher page pool it has less free memory but it runs faster. With NRG, you can guess that page pool is up so it runs faster. If you want to run alot of apps, a lower page pool is better, if you want speed, use a higher page pool. Some of the forum has lately found 12 to be the sweet spot for having both free memory and speed...some say 16...others use 0. YMMV.. I hope this helps...and it was right.[/QUOT

my pagepool preference is 12 if your using CHT. 14-16 pp if using Sense 2.5. 16-20 if your using Titanium only. Those pp setting have worked great for me with plenty of speed and memory no matter which rom version u use.My personal rom preference is 23XXX CHT Dinik Glass rom with a pp of 12.I have around 70mb giv or take a few mb after a soft reset and the internet and download speeds seem the same as when i tried the pp at 16 on the same rom, but the memory is noticeably less.I wouldnt use 0 for a pp setting. Using 0 allows the device to vary the pagepool as necessary and can cause problems if not monitored.
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  #24074 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2010, 03:45 PM
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Re: |RHODCMDA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Aug 28| 21914|23127 * Sense 2018

Originally Posted by lbcary View Post
I have the same SOD issue where the screen freezes and needs to be reset or try to wait it out and it can take 30 seconds to never to go back to normal operation. Did u try the same customizations to the Aug 28, 23127 rom with no luck or did the Aug 25 release have less bugs. Ive had similiar issues with Arcswitch, but not sure about what Touch lock pro even does. So deleting Arcswitch and Touch Lock Pro helped u with the screen freezing,SOD, issue that ive experienced also on the last 4 NRG 23XXX CHT Dinik Glass rom releases. Its pretty much the only problem ive been experiencing with NRGZ roms.Is there any other reason you are staying with the Aug 25 release instead of switching to the Aug 28 release.Did the Aug 28 release have more bugs or have the SOD issue more than the Aug 25 release? thanks for the help and info.
Re. Aug 28 Q: didn't like what some respectable posters had to say about battery life... plus I've already been on around that OS 121, 128, 129.. correct, not production 127, but I believe 128 was production.. and was nice, but this one is working now, so no jump for me.

Re. SOD & bugs: Over the last few days I've gone from an unusable phone to almost perfect. Too tired to change again now.

Re. Dinik: I don't use it. Yes, it's nice looking,etc.. personal taste... not ripping on it. But, especially outside I find ANY fancy shading makes it harder to see. IMHO

Re. touch lock pro: Someone a bunch of pages back post a link that gives mAh (current draw), cpu % etc.. like we use to have on the old win home screen add on's. Loved it, but either it's not playing well with 23xxx OR is conflicting with wmtask (my taskmanager) or ??? Got rid of it & arkswitch (which was always closing itself on some ROMs) & all my problems went away.

Along with using a page pool of 12 on the Aug 25 cookie.

There are a ton of reasons for your issues, and I could fill 2 pages with suggestions.

Key items being: which ROM, page pool size, deleting storage card- htc folder (search for exact location), are you running task29 before your new ROM flash (depends on whether you're switching OS, ROM brand, max to cookie, etc., etc.., etc if in question, just do it, it only takes 5 min max), turn off all animation (flip, weather, etc..), don't use a restore from backup AT ALL! Build from scratch... (especially .reg files from other OS's, builds, ROMs, etc.. can screw things up if restored)... actually, dll's also...

Much of the freezing may not be the ROM, some have suggested Cookie screens, we also discussed rebooting sense instead of the TP2, but if sense is stuck, you can't use quicklinks... so someone suggested: settings\home uncheck sense, ok, then recheck sense...

I just found this: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=125628
it's like the action soft left button on energy roms, & works with the end key long hold (hang up)... it has a relaunch sense button.. haven't used it yet, but looks good.
*edit* works great, dinik users will be happy, yes it relaunches sense, but it takes over action soft left key as well as long hold end... no biggy, most of the stuff is the same anyway between the 2 action screens.. (except relaunch sense)

To be specific, if I were in your shoes: (delete the htc folder on storage card first)
1. Redownload, try plain cookie
2. task29
3. set page pool to 12
4. turn off animation & make sure music player isn't on any of the cookie screens.
5. don't restore ANYTHING, customize the menu some
6. use it for a day, then start adding your personal cab files one by one.

Sorry if some suggestions are too basic, don't know what level of a user you are...
Read this & at the bottom is a link to DaveTN's post as well..

I've done all this at least 100 times... so I kind of knew what the culprits were that were causing my problems...
*edit* I could put back in arkswitch & test, then... touchlockpro... too tired, can use the 2 meg arkswitch uses anyway...

*edit2* I see you do the same page pool, looks good we must have been posting @ the same time :>))

Last edited by teradog; 08-30-2010 at 05:09 PM.
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  #24075 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2010, 03:47 PM
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Re: |RHODCMDA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Aug 28| 21914|23127 * Sense 2018

this may have been reported. but the dinik glass 23127 link is dead. ive tried for about 3 days now and it stops at 85megs every time. is there a mirror i can use? :/
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If someone helps you,click the "THANKS" button!
Or consider donating to chef or your rom!
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  #24076 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2010, 03:47 PM
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Re: |RHODCMDA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Aug 28| 21914|23127 * Sense 2018

Originally Posted by swlaraut View Post
This one has a long history, suffice to say NRGZ likes 9.7 and it plays well with everything else. I just download 10 and install to the device and set as default and have no problems.
I still use opera mini most of the time.

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  #24077 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2010, 03:56 PM
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Re: |RHODCMDA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Aug 28| 21914|23127 * Sense 2018

Originally Posted by thewahlrus View Post
I still use opera mini most of the time.
Loads stuff a lot quicker but it really sucks in terms of only having 1 zoom
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  #24078 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2010, 04:16 PM
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Re: |RHODCMDA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Aug 28| 21914|23127 * Sense 2018

Originally Posted by relisted View Post
this may have been reported. but the dinik glass 23127 link is dead. ive tried for about 3 days now and it stops at 85megs every time. is there a mirror i can use? :/
well i doubt the link is dead, it's either your browser, your internet or hotfile is just sucking, i did start to download 23127 GTX last night and noticed that it was downloading slow as hell, also try clearing your cache and restarting your computer just to make sure that all bases are covered.
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  #24079 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2010, 05:15 PM
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Re: |RHODCMDA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Aug 28| 21914|23127 * Sense 2018

Titanium Series, again , not invited to the "party" !
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  #24080 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2010, 05:16 PM
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Re: |RHODCMDA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Aug 28| 21914|23127 * Sense 2018

Originally Posted by teradog View Post
Re. Aug 28 Q: didn't like what some respectable posters had to say about battery life... plus I've already been on around that OS 121, 128, 129.. correct, not production 127, but I believe 128 was production.. and was nice, but this one is working now, so no jump for me.

Re. SOD & bugs: Over the last few days I've gone from an unusable phone to almost perfect. Too tired to change again now.

Re. Dinik: I don't use it. Yes, it's nice looking,etc.. personal taste... not ripping on it. But, especially outside I find ANY fancy shading makes it harder to see. IMHO

Re. touch lock pro: Someone a bunch of pages back post a link that gives mAh (current draw), cpu % etc.. like we use to have on the old win home screen add on's. Loved it, but either it's not playing well with 23xxx OR is conflicting with wmtask (my taskmanager) or ??? Got rid of it & arkswitch (which was always closing itself on some ROMs) & all my problems went away.

Along with using a page pool of 12 on the Aug 25 cookie.

There are a ton of reasons for your issues, and I could fill 2 pages with suggestions.

Key items being: which ROM, page pool size, deleting storage card- htc folder (search for exact location), are you running task29 before your new ROM flash (depends on whether you're switching OS, ROM brand, max to cookie, etc., etc.., etc if in question, just do it, it only takes 5 min max), turn off all animation (flip, weather, etc..), don't use a restore from backup AT ALL! Build from scratch... (especially .reg files from other OS's, builds, ROMs, etc.. can screw things up if restored)... actually, dll's also...

Much of the freezing may not be the ROM, some have suggested Cookie screens, we also discussed rebooting sense instead of the TP2, but if sense is stuck, you can't use quicklinks... so someone suggested: settings\home uncheck sense, ok, then recheck sense...

I just found this: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=125628
it's like the action soft left button on energy roms, & works with the end key long hold (hang up)... it has a relaunch sense button.. haven't used it yet, but looks good.

To be specific, if I were in your shoes:
1. Redownload, try plain cookie
2. task29
3. set page pool to 12
4. turn off animation & make sure music player isn't on any of the cookie screens.
5. don't restore ANYTHING, customize the menu some
6. use it for a day, then start adding your personal cab files one by one.

Sorry if some suggestions are too basic, don't know what level of a user you are...
Read this & at the bottom is a link to DaveTN's post as well..

I've done all this at least 100 times... so I kind of knew what the culprits were that were causing my problems...
*edit* I could put back in arkswitch & test, then... touchlockpro... too tired, can use the 2 meg arkswitch uses anyway...

*edit2* I see you do the same page pool, looks good we must have been posting @ the same time :>))
These are the steps i use most of the time when rom flashing;
1. Change pagepool to 12
2. Task 29 everytime i flash
3. Enter Bootloader and flash rom via a Fat 32 formatted sdcard with absolutely nothing on the sdcard except the rom .
4. If i use XDA then i insert a different sd card and then hard-reset the device and let xda run, but only if i know the cabs are solid and dont cause any problems.
5. I setup my data and mms connections manually.
6. I restore my contacts with PIM backup, i only restore contacts and nothing else. I also restore my CHT settings from CHT Editor.
7. Thats it,i think im not forgetting anything. If i have any problems i hard-reset and try again.
Ive already did almost everything u mentioned above and ill try the cpl i havent yet. First im going to delete Arcswitch because ive had problems with it one the past
Could u explain more of what i should look for in HTC folder and are u talking about the HTC folder on my sdcard,device, or the start menu HTC folder?
Not sure if its CHT itself causing screen freezing,SOD, issue because i was running Bhars rom with CHT for months now and never had any problem even close to what im experiencing now, but that wasnt with the Dinik Glass option. Ill reflash try everything on the Aug 25 CHT Dinik Glass rom and if it still doesnt solve the issue then ill try the plain cookie.
Thanks alot for the info and help. Let u know how it goes, and if u think of anything else please let me know.
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