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  #341 (permalink)  
Old 10-28-2010, 04:00 PM
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Re: [ROM] - [10/25/2010] - MikFroYo v3.0 - [ FRG83 | Fully Themed ] - It Is Done.

Originally Posted by Cranemachine View Post
amikam I GREATLY appreciate your fast response and have done exactly as you said.

If I just flash your new ROM from recovery it will keep ALL the settings and contacts, and pix, and texts, and information on my phone right? I shouldnt need to back anything up? I just wanted to make sure prior to flashing the new ROM.

Thanks again for all your time and help. This ROM ROCKS!!!!! WELL DONE!!!!!
im glad u like...

but here is the issue...
i dont know what rom u coming from but it would probably be best if u wipe completely... im 99.99% sure that if u wont than u will have a bunch of things not working.
my themeing and tweaking goes into 99% of the apps on the rom... so i had to resign, and move things around etc.
all of these signatures etc. might overlap with whats on your phone right now... so i would say that u should backup your data and do a full wipe.
or, u can wait a little longer until ill put up the new version that hopefully will be more compatible with everyone's else roms... then u might be able to not wipe... but i can't promise.
but anyways... it is always best to wipe before flashing a new rom just because it will ensure that nothing will go wrong and everything will work right.

also, this current version might have issues with u restoring old apps... so i would suggest to keep data and reinstall old apps not restore then using a backup (unless thats how the backup restores them)

If you like my work feel free to buy me some pencils

Last edited by amikam; 10-28-2010 at 04:03 PM.
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  #342 (permalink)  
Old 10-28-2010, 06:04 PM
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Originally Posted by amikam View Post
known issue with vanilla locker.
u need to set the alarm from the vanilla clock and not from the htc clock. ill skip the tech details about it.

ill put an updated rom on Saturday... it will include a new white htclockscreen i made by default so u could choose which ever u like better.

very strange... i used calk's rom as my base... so i can't understand why it wont work.
i am running a few more scripts at start up... but thats all.

try this for me...
hopefully u got adb.
plug up the phone and open the cmd window in winodws and go to the adb directory.

type in:
1. adb remount
2. adb shell rm /system/etc/init.d/01sysctl
3. adb shell rm /system/etc/init.d/04modules
4. adb shell rm /system/etc/init.d/07fix_permissions
5. adb shell rm /system/etc/init.d/99complete
6. adb reboot recovery
when in recovery clear cache and dalvik-cache. then reboot. it will take a little longer to reboot because the dalvik-cache was cleared...

this will remove the extra scripts that i added besides the zipalign one...
maybe this has something to do with it.

i just saw u wrote something about the wifi hack... well... that should not effect anything on the phone because it is only the hotspot apk that was tweaked and nothing else in the system... so i know it seems like it should have been something in the system... but not really... anyone can pull out my sprint hot spot apk and have a working sprint hot spot for free. (i pulled it from myn's rom)
Ok when I get back to the house later tonight ill mess around with and see if I can get it to work. Hey I know its alot of work but just wondering on ur update Saturday could u make the top and bottom bar not so bright like use a gray white.

sent from the moon on my Evo 4g
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  #343 (permalink)  
Old 10-28-2010, 08:23 PM
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Re: [ROM] - [10/25/2010] - MikFroYo v3.0 - [ FRG83 | Fully Themed ] - It Is Done.

ok guys...

im putting this zip up here for u all to try and tell me what u think.
its the white htclockscreen i made.

now... i took off the "sprint" cuz i really dont think it's necessary to show it... but if u one of those guys who really have to have it showing let me know and ill make u guys a version with showing...
another change i made is for the musicplayer in the lockscreen... background is now transparent... so you'll kinda wish u dont have the album art so u can just have the music note showing and the background.
notification icons were changed also, and a few other things...

keep in mind that this will probably not work on other roms just because i had to make changes in com.htc.resources to make sure that when a call comes in the text is black also so its using my rom''s files (if anyone wants to know how to change it to fit your own rom... pm me and ill do my best to explain).

i would like to say that htc really made this work to be sort of a bitch because of the way they setup things... its never the same way for everything. sometimes hex... sometimes predefined colors that are in a different apk...
and for backgrounds... they use images and predefined colors in the xml's and resources.arsc... too many things to find to make it work the way u want...
but i guess thats why its a closed source and not an open one.

please note that i didn't get a chance to fully test everything that should happen with the lockscreen because i dont usually use htclocksreen... so i have no clue what kind of popups it has and for what...
thats for u guys to help me with... so hopefully a good amount of u guys will d/l it and give me feedback so i can make changes if necessary before updating the rom.

here is the link:


and here is a quick screen shot:
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  #344 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2010, 12:34 AM
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Re: [ROM] - [10/25/2010] - MikFroYo v3.0 - [ FRG83 | Fully Themed ] - It Is Done.

Originally Posted by amikam View Post
ok guys...

im putting this zip up here for u all to try and tell me what u think.
its the white htclockscreen i made.
i'm on it captain

so the lockscreen works like a charm! i actually prefer it over the vanilla lockscreen because you get the music player controls and for some reason the vanilla lockscreen seemed a little glitchy (not sure if it's just the lockscreen or the fact that 0.000001% of your rom isn't finished theme yet =D). when i say glitchy i mean sometimes the left slider (the one to unlock the phone) doesn't appear but if you swipe your finger across to the right, it still unlocks so it still works. and the transition seems a little funky when unlocking the vanilla one

Last edited by pwnsicle; 10-29-2010 at 07:58 PM.
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  #345 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2010, 12:58 AM
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Re: [ROM] - [10/25/2010] - MikFroYo v3.0 - [ FRG83 | Fully Themed ] - It Is Done.

Ok well I couldnt get it to work. Here is my home screen and the battery life i have gotten with this rom.

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  #346 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2010, 05:49 AM
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Originally Posted by pwnsicle View Post
i'm on it captain

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
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  #347 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2010, 05:52 AM
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Re: [ROM] - [10/25/2010] - MikFroYo v3.0 - [ FRG83 | Fully Themed ] - It Is Done.

Originally Posted by DJCaSpER View Post
Ok well I couldnt get it to work. Here is my home screen and the battery life i have gotten with this rom.
so u got like 24 hours of batt?
or am i seeing wrong?
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  #348 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2010, 06:39 AM
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Originally Posted by amikam View Post
so u got like 24 hours of batt?
or am i seeing wrong?
Ur seeing it right.

sent from my Evo 4g
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  #349 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2010, 08:26 AM
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Re: [ROM] - [10/25/2010] - MikFroYo v3.0 - [ FRG83 | Fully Themed ] - It Is Done.

Originally Posted by DJCaSpER View Post
Ur seeing it right.

sent from my Evo 4g
not bad at all...

personally i keep flashing and testing things out... so for me its very hard to notice battery life...

i remember about 2 days ago i had 52% left after 17-18 hours, but since then i tested so many thing out that it was impossible for me to see how far i can take it.

im testing out king bfs #11 now... it seems kinda like the cfs #11 thats in the current rom versions as far as speed goes... but i can actually overclock max without crashing the phone, so its a little faster once u r on 126 instead of 115.
so i just hope batt will be as good as before...

i heard that ziggy's kernels are also really good... but i think they r still kinda buggy for the evo... so when he gets all of those bug fixed... ill check it out, before that i just dont see a point in checking it... which is the same reason that im not even looking at the new sense ports cuz half of the phone features dont work.
also one of the reason i dont like cm, but than again... if cm will get everything working and somehow someone will get htc widgets or something like them on it... ill make the switch.

anyways... im sorry to hear that u cant get it fixed.. maybe my new version that should be up by sat night will work for u. cuz thats the bottom line... a rom should let u do everything that u need to do and even if it has different bugs it doesn't matter cuz u wont feel them if u get what u need.
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  #350 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2010, 12:21 PM
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On ur rom and calk's rom i added 1 profile and changed 1 profile. The profile o added was "battery 100% 1190max-1190min priority 69 pro." And changed "screen off its still the same setting 245-245 but put too powersave." 1190 CPU speed is the highest u can go with out getting forced closed in apps and on the enternet. But so u know i went back to calk's rom for now cuz i need all my contacts. When u release ur rom on sat. I will give it a try to see if the sync works cuz i really like rom with everything themed and the animations and ur rom is much faster then calk's. When testing the kernal on ur rom bench mark is 1498 and on calk's it 1345. And when using hot reboot on ur rom takes like 10 sec's and calk's takes 14 too 17 sec's to reboot.

sent from my Evo 4g
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