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  #411 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2010, 12:21 PM
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Re: [ROM] - [11/14/2010] - MikFroYo v3.2 - [ FRG83 | 3.30.651.3 ] - FoSchnitzel

Originally Posted by carlitos View Post
NO U DONT NEET TO RE-ROOT. just put it on ur sdcard then flash it via recovery.. n no problems imo i update it and everythng is working just fine..
Thanks man I appreciate it....I guess I'll flash them later on tonight and see whats happens....if it happens to unroot I'll just root it again....no big thing...but thanks again
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  #412 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2010, 12:36 PM
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Re: [ROM] - [11/14/2010] - MikFroYo v3.2 - [ FRG83 | 3.30.651.3 ] - FoSchnitzel

Originally Posted by pwnsicle View Post
great rom as always! the power widgets on the notification bar aren't as helpful as i thought they'd be since i still end up using the power control widget (for bluetooth and brightness switches) but still a great feature. the transitions and flip clock are really nice. battery life is great too

quick question...i tried to look for that "social" app you mentioned in the changelog but i just get an abundance of apps in the market so if you could point me out to the one you're using.
also for some reason i noticed the sync symbol show up in the top bar A LOT...seems google keeps on syncing my calender for some reason. only solution i can think of is to turn off background sync but that slightly hinders the functionality of many other apps. i couldn't find a setting under accounts and syncs to stop it so =(

on another note...not sure if it's just me but i've been having problems receiving sms and mms and sometimes even sending mms. at first i thought it was your rom but then i flashed another one and was still having the same problem. i think i narrowed it down to a messaging app called "chompsms" and their newest updates. i've reverted back to the stock app and everything works fine now. i'm in the process of trying another one called handcent sms and it seems to be working fine

thanks for a great rom!

Jus want to say that I have notice similar things u have noticed.....I see the sync icon alot myself.... I figga it was just the apps that is set to update or sync at certain timer frames based on which u set...like I have Twitter update every 5mins...so my guess is that every 5mins I will see that icon in the notifications bar.....but I cant really say thats what it is bcuz its not a big deal to me....I to tried to look for that app called "social" as well and couldnt find it... as far as the power widgets on the notification bar I dont think their useful to me either....and I have this one icon that I have no idea what it does....its to arrows once pointing up and one pointing down...when I click on it...nothing happens....that too isnt a big deal cuz I wont use it....but just thought I'd mentioned it anways....Lastly...I use handcent sms....I like the app...very very customizable.....the main reaon I use it is cuz it allows u to hind ur text message preview that pops up in the notif. bar. the stock sms doesnt allow u to do that...anyways Just thought I'd give my two cents....lol

Last edited by Acedooncoon; 11-17-2010 at 12:41 PM.
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  #413 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2010, 04:43 PM
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Re: [ROM] - [11/14/2010] - MikFroYo v3.2 - [ FRG83 | 3.30.651.3 ] - FoSchnitzel

ok guys... i thought everyone knew...

but, u can modify the power widgets to have what ever shortcuts u want on it.

look here to see how to do that:
[PORT][MOD][OFFICIAL] Notification Menu Power Control Widgets for Sense based ROMs - xda-developers

then u will find it more useful... there is a max of six options and the list of which ones work is there.

if u run into issues let me know.

If you like my work feel free to buy me some pencils
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  #414 (permalink)  
Old 11-20-2010, 02:13 AM
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Re: [ROM] - [11/14/2010] - MikFroYo v3.2 - [ FRG83 | 3.30.651.3 ] - FoSchnitzel

Originally Posted by amikam View Post
ok guys... i thought everyone knew...

but, u can modify the power widgets to have what ever shortcuts u want on it.

look here to see how to do that:
[PORT][MOD][OFFICIAL] Notification Menu Power Control Widgets for Sense based ROMs - xda-developers

then u will find it more useful... there is a max of six options and the list of which ones work is there.

if u run into issues let me know.
thanks! i finally had to time to try this out and it worked like a charm!
did you get our note about the social app you were referring to in your change log?
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  #415 (permalink)  
Old 11-20-2010, 03:26 AM
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Re: [ROM] - [11/14/2010] - MikFroYo v3.2 - [ FRG83 | 3.30.651.3 ] - FoSchnitzel

Originally Posted by pwnsicle View Post
thanks! i finally had to time to try this out and it worked like a charm!
did you get our note about the social app you were referring to in your change log?
its called sociable... i dont think there is a free version of it though...
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  #416 (permalink)  
Old 11-25-2010, 12:05 AM
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Re: [ROM] - [11/14/2010] - MikFroYo v3.2 - [ FRG83 | 3.30.651.3 ] - FoSchnitzel

By the way your Rom i sick. My battery has been good as well. I used YouTube for an hour and my battery went from 50% to 20% in a hour but that's about normal. Can't wait for your new theme. I'm surprised you don't get a lot more traffic. 90% of the roms are the same, your's is one of the more unique ones I've seen. Great job.
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  #417 (permalink)  
Old 11-25-2010, 03:44 AM
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Originally Posted by billyapd21 View Post
By the way your Rom i sick. My battery has been good as well. I used YouTube for an hour and my battery went from 50% to 20% in a hour but that's about normal. Can't wait for your new theme. I'm surprised you don't get a lot more traffic. 90% of the roms are the same, your's is one of the more unique ones I've seen. Great job.
I think that sometime unique can be looked at as freak... that's why my trafic might seem low... but I'm actually over 1400 downloads for v3.2... so I don't think that's slow... just people seem to not post too much.
My rom is also showing up in some Chinese forums, don't know how it got there... but they like it also, so they ported it to Chinese.
and my theme have been ported to the hd2 android ports... also doing pretty damn good over there. (2500 dl in a week).
So I am getting traffic... but like I said before... people usually like to post bad things... and I think my rom holds up pretty good without issues... so maybe that's why there are not to many comments about the rom... I guess its better to have a little bit of good comments rather than a bunch of people with issues.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
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  #418 (permalink)  
Old 11-25-2010, 09:06 AM
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Re: [ROM] - [11/14/2010] - MikFroYo v3.2 - [ FRG83 | 3.30.651.3 ] - FoSchnitzel

Hey i wanted to know is it possible to make this theme Blue? And also have you tried making a theme using Launcher Pro ?
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  #419 (permalink)  
Old 11-25-2010, 10:58 AM
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Re: [ROM] - [11/14/2010] - MikFroYo v3.2 - [ FRG83 | 3.30.651.3 ] - FoSchnitzel

Originally Posted by easybucketz View Post
Hey i wanted to know is it possible to make this theme Blue? And also have you tried making a theme using Launcher Pro ?
i have someone from xda working on a itunes kind of blue... so unless he stops making it im leaving it for him to finish.

as for launcher pro... i dont use it so although u not the first one to ask i will have to wait on it a little longer so i could basically have time to really use it and see how it works etc.

i know it seems that theming is only changing a few images... but sometimes its a little more than that... there are some xml edits, sometimes changes in the smali code etc.
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  #420 (permalink)  
Old 11-25-2010, 07:24 PM
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Re: [ROM] - [11/14/2010] - MikFroYo v3.2 - [ FRG83 | 3.30.651.3 ] - FoSchnitzel

ok so i downloaded setcpu and now im wanting to overclock. assistance please

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