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  #401 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2010, 03:13 PM
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Originally Posted by cuejunky View Post
I just wanted to let everyone know what a fantastically stable & smooth rom this is! Battery life with this rom is amazing. I have tried all of the available roms and imho this is the best with AVA running in second. If I had to pick something to complain about, it would be the keyboard, I personally like swype. Keep up the good work.
I'm glad u like it man...
I personally use smart keyboard cuz of the Hebrew on it.
But I couldn't include swype even I wanted to... it's considered warez now... but I'm sure Google can find it for u for free somewhere.

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  #402 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2010, 04:18 AM
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Re: [ROM] - [10/29/2010] - MikFroYo v3.1 - [ FRG83 | 3.30.651.2 ] - It's Been Re-Done

ok... an update will come on Sat that will include the new mod as seen here:

[PORT][MOD][OFFICIAL] Notification Menu Power Control Widgets for Sense based ROMs - xda-developers

also... a few more tiny things and an updated system to 3.30.651.3.

sorry for not being around ere too much... but it really does seem like xda have all the good stuff for the evo.
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  #403 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2010, 10:53 PM
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Re: [ROM] - [10/29/2010] - MikFroYo v3.1 - [ FRG83 | 3.30.651.2 ] - It's Been Re-Done

Originally Posted by amikam View Post
ok... an update will come on Sat that will include the new mod as seen here:

[PORT][MOD][OFFICIAL] Notification Menu Power Control Widgets for Sense based ROMs - xda-developers

also... a few more tiny things and an updated system to 3.30.651.3.

sorry for not being around ere too much... but it really does seem like xda have all the good stuff for the evo.
i'm guessing that this update will be labeled 3.12 and will flash over 3.11 right?

oh and your black and white skin for the notification menu power control widgets looks sick! keep up the good work!
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  #404 (permalink)  
Old 11-14-2010, 09:51 AM
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Re: [ROM] - [10/29/2010] - MikFroYo v3.1 - [ FRG83 | 3.30.651.2 ] - It's Been Re-Done

Originally Posted by pwnsicle View Post
i'm guessing that this update will be labeled 3.12 and will flash over 3.11 right?

oh and your black and white skin for the notification menu power control widgets looks sick! keep up the good work!
im happy u like my work... it was fairly simple... i always get lucky with photoshop and a simple preset bevel does the job.

no... i think a full wipe would be needed, but u can always try without wiping first... there were some major changes.

im updating the first post right now with the new links, changelog and screen shots.

updated... please read the changelog... nothing special that u guys need to know... but you will see whats been done.

Last edited by amikam; 11-14-2010 at 10:03 AM.
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  #405 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2010, 11:22 PM
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Re: [ROM] - [11/14/2010] - MikFroYo v3.2 - [ FRG83 | 3.30.651.3 ] - FoSchnitzel

Yo Im feeling this ROM...its crazy....Good F**king job...lol...my only thing is my Baseband stills says "1.39xxxxxx"....how do I update that? and my PRI says "1.34xxx" how do I update that?....right now things seems to be flowing very very smoothly and I love it....so if it cant be done then no worries....
The other thing is how do I get the other lock screen (first row, 3rd pic)..right now I have the reg. lock screen, which is cool but was hoping for sumthing different.
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  #406 (permalink)  
Old 11-16-2010, 05:08 AM
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Re: [ROM] - [11/14/2010] - MikFroYo v3.2 - [ FRG83 | 3.30.651.3 ] - FoSchnitzel

I really want to try this rom again, but lately I'm in need of a rom with apps2sd support. I tried to run a different rom, but as soon as I restored a backup, it told me I was low on space. Is there any chance of getting apps2sd support? Thanks!
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  #407 (permalink)  
Old 11-16-2010, 12:43 PM
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Re: [ROM] - [11/14/2010] - MikFroYo v3.2 - [ FRG83 | 3.30.651.3 ] - FoSchnitzel

Originally Posted by Acedooncoon View Post
Yo Im feeling this ROM...its crazy....Good F**king job...lol...my only thing is my Baseband stills says "1.39xxxxxx"....how do I update that? and my PRI says "1.34xxx" how do I update that?....right now things seems to be flowing very very smoothly and I love it....so if it cant be done then no worries....
The other thing is how do I get the other lock screen (first row, 3rd pic)..right now I have the reg. lock screen, which is cool but was hoping for sumthing different.
look here:
[ Radios ][ 10-22 ] All EVO Radio, WiMAX, PRI & NV versions - xda-developers
and here:
[ Mods ][ 11-3 ] Calkulin's Mods & Fixes for the EVO [MMS l USB Tether l Reboot Mod] - xda-developers

Originally Posted by blockhead428 View Post
I really want to try this rom again, but lately I'm in need of a rom with apps2sd support. I tried to run a different rom, but as soon as I restored a backup, it told me I was low on space. Is there any chance of getting apps2sd support? Thanks!
look here:
[Script][A2SD] Darktremor Apps2SD (10/03/2010) - xda-developers
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  #408 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2010, 12:27 AM
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Re: [ROM] - [11/14/2010] - MikFroYo v3.2 - [ FRG83 | 3.30.651.3 ] - FoSchnitzel

If I download the updates in the link u sent will I have to re-root my phone again? and after reading a few threads it seems that people are have issues with the updated radios and so forth...Im wondering is it even worth doing it?....
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  #409 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2010, 01:14 AM
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Re: [ROM] - [11/14/2010] - MikFroYo v3.2 - [ FRG83 | 3.30.651.3 ] - FoSchnitzel

Originally Posted by Acedooncoon View Post
If I download the updates in the link u sent will I have to re-root my phone again? and after reading a few threads it seems that people are have issues with the updated radios and so forth...Im wondering is it even worth doing it?....
NO U DONT NEET TO RE-ROOT. just put it on ur sdcard then flash it via recovery.. n no problems imo i update it and everythng is working just fine..

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  #410 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2010, 01:31 AM
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Re: [ROM] - [11/14/2010] - MikFroYo v3.2 - [ FRG83 | 3.30.651.3 ] - FoSchnitzel

great rom as always! the power widgets on the notification bar aren't as helpful as i thought they'd be since i still end up using the power control widget (for bluetooth and brightness switches) but still a great feature. the transitions and flip clock are really nice. battery life is great too

quick question...i tried to look for that "social" app you mentioned in the changelog but i just get an abundance of apps in the market so if you could point me out to the one you're using.
also for some reason i noticed the sync symbol show up in the top bar A LOT...seems google keeps on syncing my calender for some reason. only solution i can think of is to turn off background sync but that slightly hinders the functionality of many other apps. i couldn't find a setting under accounts and syncs to stop it so =(

on another note...not sure if it's just me but i've been having problems receiving sms and mms and sometimes even sending mms. at first i thought it was your rom but then i flashed another one and was still having the same problem. i think i narrowed it down to a messaging app called "chompsms" and their newest updates. i've reverted back to the stock app and everything works fine now. i'm in the process of trying another one called handcent sms and it seems to be working fine

thanks for a great rom!
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