Re: [3/27/2010] MikROM [Sense 2.5 | 21897 / 23551 | Lite & Standard Versions]
First step: let me know if you have in "HTC Home tab" the "My location weather" working fine??? (that means that your automaticaly local weather is automaticaly know where you are (town, city, country), so if you move to other place automaticaly relocate it with that local weather. So actually you are seeing at the home tab your local weather not manually set, isn't it?? Ok, second step: What version of G-maps are you using?? I remmember people telling having problem with v3.2, so download the last one which is v4.0.0.81 from this link here (if it is not the one you are using today). Now we both have the same version on G-maps, Third step: Open G-maps, go to menu--> "option" : tell me what text appear in the first row (it can be "USE GPS" or "Turn Off GPS") ?? and now go to "GPS setting" and tell me what is the settings ("Managed by Windows" or "set Manually")?? Ok return to map view and Next go to "menu" --> "Help" --> "about" : what text appear in this categories: a) Total data received; b) cache size; c) Platform; d) battery; e) myl; f) wifi ??? and close G-maps. Fourth Step: Press start button --> Settings --> Personal --> Phone , you will be now in "Settings" (Voicemail/sounds-rings settings) windows go to "Services" TAB (at the bottom) You will see a square with a list of "phone service settings" select "Location Setting" and press "Get Settings" and tell me which option is mark (on or off). Ok now I will wait for your answer Shanep13 Quote:
Anyway I have not see that bug in the last ROM I'm using now this last week.
Actual: Moto DroidX, rooted.
Retired: HTC Diamond CDMA; Rom: O.a.T.ROM WinMob 6.5.x Sence 2.5.2016 Sys 21684 (Nov.19) Perfection is not a place where you arrive, it is the very journey itself where aletheia would become Last edited by Sabroso; 04-05-2010 at 05:57 AM. Reason: enhanced my questions |
Re: [3/27/2010] MikROM [Sense 2.5 | 21897 / 23551 | Lite & Standard Versions]
ok first problem i encountered, i made a call and the phone locked like normal. I then reach the answering machine so i tried to end call, a top bar with some icons was down at the time(don't know why) the screen froze and couldn't press anything not even end. I pressed the top sleep button and the answering machine repeated over and over i didn't get your message. I had to take the battery out
Re: [3/27/2010] MikROM [Sense 2.5 | 21897 / 23551 | Lite & Standard Versions]
Thank you for your help. Have tried so many cabs, G-maps and TeleNav versions, reg settings, all with no change. (Currently awaiting any help after flash to stock then flash to 27Mar10 Lite 21897) First step: let me know if you have in "HTC Home tab" the "My location weather" working fine??? Yes it is on and working Second step: Same version you linked Third step: G-maps, go to menu--> "option" = Turn Off GPS "GPS setting" = "Managed by Windows" "menu" --> "Help" --> "about" : a) Total data received = 296KB b) cache size = 512KB c) Platform = winm-PocketPCv5.2.21897-DIAM500/WEB [en_US, en] d) battery = 83% e) myl = N/A f) wifi = N/A (4) Fourth Step: Press start button --> Settings --> Personal --> Phone , you will be now in "Settings" (Voicemail/sounds-rings settings) windows go to "Services" TAB (at the bottom) You will see a square with a list of "phone service settings" select "Location Setting" and press "Get Settings" = on |
Re: Manila locker issues / GPS
AmiKAM, please I don't want to take your time but if you can write in your list, that the "roaming ICON" is bad assigned. It appear the "wifi ICON" instead of.
---------------------------------------------- Shanep13, Quote:
First step: Press "Start Menu" go to Folder where QuickGPS is a open it, Put the Mark on the three options and then PRESS "DOWNLOAD" and tell me What say in "VALID TIME" THEN press in "DONE" left Softkey. Close QuickGPS. Second step: Open G-Maps press "menu" --> "option" --> "GPS setting": Select = "Set Manually" change manually to "COM4" and 4800, Press left softkey "OK". Now over the MAP press the blue square with a Bright blue spot (Down-right Corner). No inmediatelly focus your attemption to the Uper-right Corner. Did appear a little blue rectangule with "Seeking GPS satellites (0)" legend???? Wait 20 seconds and notice if it start to get Satellites?? IF not, Step Third: CLose G-Maps go to HTC Home tab, press "Menu" --> "set local time and date. What appeas??? Step Fourth: Go to HTC settings TAB, go to "Location" write what are the options selected, please. ---------------------------------------------- Last edited by Sabroso; 04-06-2010 at 06:29 AM. |
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Re: [3/27/2010] MikROM [Sense 2.5 | 21897 / 23551 | Lite & Standard Versions]
So far all the settings seem to be fine, very frustrating. Thank you again for all your help. First step: (Was 4 days but updated now) Download time 06/04/10 06:56:12 Valid time: 7 days 0 hours Second step: Manually set to COM4 and 4800 "Seeking GPS satellites (0)" l waited and zero satellites found Step Third: Time: 7:01 am Date: Apr 6 2010 City: GMT-6 Central US Step Fourth: Location service settings: On Programs that Use location services: checked Automatically decline location service in all HTC software that attempt to use location: not checked |
Re: Manila locker issues / GPS
Is that what's going on? Good catch. I was in a room where I got no signal, and saw that my WiFi appeared to be on. I thought amikam had somehow set the phone to enable WiFi when a data connection wasn't available. It makes more sense that the phone was just roaming, and the roaming icon is incorrectly displaying as WiFI.
Re: [3/27/2010] MikROM [Sense 2.5 | 21897 / 23551 | Lite & Standard Versions]
Thank you for your help but after reading every thread found here at ppcgeeks and XDA Developers regarding GPS issues the following was found: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.php?p=1604823&postcount=3572 Actually Sabroso you replied in post 358 on this topic. In Post: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.php?p=1607402&postcount=3598 Scmasaru stated that adding the following to the registry resolves the issue: For those who cannot get AGPS or My Location to work please check the Google Mobile Maps About page. If the second from the last line shows "myl: N/A", add the following reg keys: Code: HKLM\software\google\googlemaps supports_extended_ril=1 (String Value) supports_extended_wifi=1 (String Value) Later Google maps versions fail to create the two items so myl stopped working. Before we did not have this problem because OMJ cooked in the GMM 3.2 which creates teh reg values. So for later versions we should always cook in the two reg keys to work around the problem. It appears to be an issue with OMJ’s kitchen…. I am sure OMJ is working on resolving the issue. Still getting zero satellites found but the map jumps to my location (very close maybe 100 feet) within seconds. Amikam, Can this be added to your next release? Last edited by shanep13; 04-06-2010 at 02:57 PM. |
Re: [3/27/2010] MikROM [Sense 2.5 | 21897 / 23551 | Lite & Standard Versions]
ok guys sorry but i really still dont have much time.
im working on a theme in my free time and dont really keep up with new things... ill probably have time starting tomorrow night and the take care of all the issues... here is a preview of the slider im making... almost done. please tell me what u guys think of it. it might look better in black or just on a black background.... not sure about it yet. Last edited by amikam; 04-06-2010 at 04:10 PM. |
This post has been thanked 1 times. |
Re: GPS vs A-GPS
ANYONE KNOW, if it is posible to have a NOT working GPS ANTENA but have My location weather working????
Just to double check: After you manually update QuickGPS, and go to G-maps check that you have enable GPS (no "aGPS") and press the Blue square with the point, it actually say "Seeking GPS satellites (0)" instead of "You current location is temporarily unavailable"?????? mmmm than mean that you actually have all the service enable but for some reason your GPS ANTENA is not working. Step One: Just a noob question but have you try in a undersky area (like a street, I mean not inside a building)??? (I guess GPS satellite are over the hole Earth, so it has to work anywhere with underSky direct view) Step Two: Which radio are you using for what company, for example my radio is "Sprint Diamond v1.12.34F"?? have you update radio Lately???? Quote:
Shanep13, I guess you have already discover that to make work "aGPS" in G-maps you have to disable GPS (I mean press "Turn Off GPS")?? Anyway, that is not a solution for your problem (I mean a real solution) so that i why I have not mention that before. What I really concern is about why "Seeking GPS satellites (0)" find no Satellite, because the "services are on", you have "local weather" fine, QuickGPS fine, and it actually say "Seeking for GPS Satellites", mmm I will wait for you answer but I'm ending my check list. Anyway, The good thing of "aGPS" is that don't consume you battery as the "GPS antena", but the bad thing is that need "data conection" for work, so in an area where you don't have signal as a rural road you will have no "aGPS" working. I have already ask AmiKAM to include that "aGPS" regedit in future ROMs, also the one which make "Opera mobile 10" autorotate enable. Last edited by Sabroso; 04-07-2010 at 01:41 PM. |