Re: [3/27/2010] MikROM [Sense 2.5 | 21897 / 23551 | Lite & Standard Versions]
Thank you for your help.
Have tried so many cabs, G-maps and TeleNav versions, reg settings, all with no change.
(Currently awaiting any help after flash to stock then flash to 27Mar10 Lite 21897)
First step: let me know if you have in "HTC Home tab" the "My location weather" working fine??? Yes it is on and working
Second step:
Same version you linked
Third step:
G-maps, go to menu--> "option" = Turn Off GPS
"GPS setting" = "Managed by Windows"
"menu" --> "Help" --> "about" :
a) Total data received = 296KB
b) cache size = 512KB
c) Platform = winm-PocketPCv5.2.21897-DIAM500/WEB [en_US, en]
d) battery = 83%
e) myl = N/A
f) wifi = N/A (4)
Fourth Step: Press start button --> Settings --> Personal --> Phone , you will be now in "Settings" (Voicemail/sounds-rings settings) windows go to "Services" TAB (at the bottom) You will see a square with a list of "phone service settings" select "Location Setting" and press "Get Settings" = on