Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????
Some of you simple simon customers keep letting sprint do this shiot to you and like I said it empowers them. Don't stand for this "get over", "dishonest", BS technique of retaining customers. Keep your cool, be determined, and continue to escalate the situation until you get someone that understands ethics not Law. Court....Law...what a joke. Stand by your f'n word and do what you're paid to do. Last edited by meccadon123; 11-02-2008 at 04:51 PM. |
Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????
go ahead and threaten to sue sprint then if you guys really think they should honor what their reps said ... I know the outcome and I'm pretty sure you guys would know the outcome too....and this guy above me with this comment is an example of a "joke" ...I actually WANT to renew my contract every 2 years...I've always been happy with their service so I don't mind hanging on with them...if I wasn't I would of left sprint long ago and went to AT&T, verizon, or whatever...YOU GUYS CAN DO THE SAME...IF U DON"T LIKE IT...GO TO ANOTHER CARRIER AND STOP CRYING...SHEESH...nothing but crybabies...
Last edited by phistyle; 11-02-2008 at 04:53 PM. |
Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????
yea the outcome is they would settle because it would cost them more to take the case to court.
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????
But why do you feel that you should get a phone that costs $299 for new customers for $124.99? You said before that you have a line that is only eligible for the $75 upgrade credit. Why should Sprint give you this phone for $124.99 instead of the 1 year upgrade price or 2 year upgrade price? Or is this one of the two lines you have that are out of contract? Cause if it were for those lines, you could easily have gotten the phone for $240 at Best Buy and then gotten a $70 credit for signing a new 2 year contract for that line which would put the phone at $170 and saved you a lot of grief. I think the point of some of the posters on here is that if you're asking for some ridiculous price to get a new phone above and beyond what Sprint already offers, why should you be surprised if you have problems actually getting it? Like another poster said, if you signed a contract to get that price, you can always cancel within 30 days and go back to your old phone/contract. |
Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????
well your contract date really is only part of the puzzle. if you have an expensive plan, you are worth more to sprint than if you just have the basic voice package. that being said if you are one of their whales (customers they make big money off of) then it really isn't that big of a stretch to assume that you can get some extra deals out of them to keep you happy.
Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????
Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????
Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????
exactly, the rants and raves are humorous now. If you werent willing to spend the 2 yr 299 price then you shouldnt be getting such an expensive phone in the first place. If the deal falls through then it falls through and oh no your stuck paying the same price everyone else is. Buy the phone or dont if you cant afford that then. You have those two options, whining and crying here about whats crap and whats not get you nowhere. No one's going to sue Sprint over a $50-100 savings, and youd lose anyways, so its blwoing smoke out the you know where.
The major point a lot of you are missing is a promise means NOTHING until it is enforced. If you dont get it then you dont get it, they arent under and obligation to honor that and your in turn free to leave Sprint and use other carriers too. The whole legal theory discussion is in a contract there is an offer/acceptance which was done, and consideration, the latter which youre missing. OP MAY have a good arugement to them that he already resigned, BUT he can also simply cancel the resigned contract too. If you didnt resigned you suffered no detriment, and thus no consideration not making it a valid agreement by law. Thats all the principle being set was. AKA you didnt do crap so quit whining you werent hurt by this, not getting what you want doesnt count unless youre paying $500+/month theres few convincing reasons to get a $600 phone for under $150 no matter who promised what. If you didnt resign then you suffered no detriment here, move on and pay the 299, dont get it, or leave Sprint already Last edited by SprintTouch08; 11-02-2008 at 05:32 PM. |
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