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Old 11-02-2008, 05:13 PM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

Originally Posted by meccadon123 View Post
Perfect example of what the hell I'm talking about. This shiot is unacceptable. You other people stop with the BS about calling with attitudes and the other BS that SOME sprint reps just make up so they don't have to honor another employee's guarantee. And what the hell are some of you talking about court and "admissible evidence" for? Who the hell is going to court? All I ever referred to was isolated instances like the 1 above. It happens and most of you know it. It has happened to me at least 3 times(either the note don't exist or the rep that made the PROMISE was full of shiot and didn't notate anything), but I was persistent and I escalated my situation until it got resolved. Of course sprint made sure it took DAYS to get it taken care of, hoping I would go away, but there is no way in hell anyone is going to offer me anything just to RETAIN me as a customer and then say they can't honor what another rep said.

Some of you simple simon customers keep letting sprint do this shiot to you and like I said it empowers them. Don't stand for this "get over", "dishonest",
BS technique of retaining customers. Keep your cool, be determined, and continue to escalate the situation until you get someone that understands ethics not Law.

Court....Law...what a joke. Stand by your f'n word and do what you're paid to do.
Originally Posted by meccadon123 View Post
Is this really a hustle thread about saving a few bucks on a diamond? Talk about wasted bandwidth.
Funny how your opinion on trying to get a better deal has changed...
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