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  #1101 (permalink)  
Old 10-05-2010, 08:18 PM
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Re: Update[9-23-10]★SharkieROM v1.3★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016]

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
I don't and never have had that problem of the screen not fully waking up. Whether I use the power button to turn off the screen or psShutXP to turn the display off, it always come back on the way it should, which in my case is 100% brightness. I gotta go with something that you've done.

Anyone else have this issue?
as an update, i found the culprit...it was me lol

no but seriously yea, i had used keybrd config. to change the long press power button to a shutdown app 'svmpowermanger' and this must of caused the issue cause i skipped this step after a fresh flash and no prob. i just use the psshut shark now
It is, wat it is...nothing more, nothing less
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  #1102 (permalink)  
Old 10-05-2010, 08:32 PM
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Re: Update[9-23-10]★SharkieROM v1.3★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016]

Originally Posted by kjhadfield View Post
as an update, i found the culprit...it was me lol

no but seriously yea, i had used keybrd config. to change the long press power button to a shutdown app 'svmpowermanger' and this must of caused the issue cause i skipped this step after a fresh flash and no prob. i just use the psshut shark now
That's good to know that you found the problem. This, however, leads me to assume that you've used Keyboard Config. to route this app to the long press send key on other ROMs and you didn't have this issue. Is that correct? Or is my ROM the first that you've tried that on?
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  #1103 (permalink)  
Old 10-05-2010, 08:49 PM
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Re: Update[9-23-10]★SharkieROM v1.3★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016]

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
That's good to know that you found the problem. This, however, leads me to assume that you've used Keyboard Config. to route this app to the long press send key on other ROMs and you didn't have this issue. Is that correct? Or is my ROM the first that you've tried that on?
no not the send key but the power key and yes on all roms using the same saved xml for the keybrd config. but none other roms had already used the power key for other app, in your rom its the psshut app. so im guessing thats why, the 2 werent playing nice. its not a big deal.

not many use that shutdown app, i only like it cause its fullscreen (its not the latest version cause he changed everything i liked bout it in the 1st place, so its the 1st release) but it gives options of screen off, suspend, reset, turn off or exit app (simple an straight forward) and i have icons anastasia style to replace but it could look 10x better if some1 could make a killer (sharkie touch) theme for it

if you like i attached the cab for you to try and the icons in the rar a friend on xda made. i like the theme you made for the psshut app and wonder if that would look good also on more real estate this app gives.

like i said no biggy, just idea
Attached Files
File Type: rar SVMPowerMgr.rar (66.4 KB, 0 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: cab SVMPowerMgr.cab (172.5 KB, 1 views) Click for barcode!
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  #1104 (permalink)  
Old 10-05-2010, 10:54 PM
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Re: Update[9-23-10]★SharkieROM v1.3★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016]

Just wondering what would it take to get at&t. Added to stedy. Provisioning.
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  #1105 (permalink)  
Old 10-06-2010, 05:23 AM
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Re: Update[9-23-10]★SharkieROM v1.3★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016]

This ROM is for CDMA phones only. AT&T is GSM. This ROM won't work on an AT&T phone. Did you already flash your AT&T phone with this ROM? It was my understanding that flashing a CDMA ROM on a GSM phone (and vice versa) would brick your phone...

Edit: So I noticed in your details it says that you're on Sprint. Are you on Sprint or AT&T?
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  #1106 (permalink)  
Old 10-06-2010, 11:14 AM
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Wink Re: Update[9-23-10]★SharkieROM v1.3★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016]

Originally Posted by Sharkie405
What's up Karenes!! Thanks for trying out my ROM! I'm glad you're liking it so far.

As far as GPS, I don't have any trouble with bing or google maps. Google Maps usually takes a few seconds to find me. Obviously, this greatly depends on where you are, what radio you're using, inside or outside, etc...
Bing seems to take slightly longer than Google Maps on my phone to find my location, but it always does.

I'm not sure why you'd be unable to get a fix using Bing or Google Maps. I'm assuming you've tried Quick GPS? Not that it should matter really, but it may help you get a fix sooner. I'll look around tonight or tomorrow when I have time and see what I can find on those scenarios. Sorry I don't have a quick fix for you right now. It's hard for me to work on issues that I can't recreate on my phone. I'll let you know what I come up with...

Anyone else having any "unusual" GPS issues with GM or Bing?

Thanks again for coming out of your lurking state to say what's up! I really appreciate it!

Thanks for the warm welcome - made my day!

Ok - this is the craziest thing. I reloaded your ROM on Monday, and couldn't log into anything. Not FB, not any maps (Google nor Bing), Twitter, weather - nothing. Then all of a sudden this morning everything was working except Google. It says "your current location is temporarily unavailable" but Bing found me. As you know, I am such a novice (hence why I "lurk") at this so I'm pretty sure it's operator error vs anything else. As long as I can get one map to work then I won't stress, it's when I can't get myself out of a wet paper bag that I worry .

Thanks ~Karen
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  #1107 (permalink)  
Old 10-06-2010, 12:20 PM
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Re: Update[9-23-10]★SharkieROM v1.3★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016]

Well, never hesitate here to ask any question. I still ask the noobest questions sometimes. How else are we supposed to learn?

Are you familiar with Task29? If you're not, you should look into it. It definitely helps with weird issues that no one else seems to be having. I've gotten into the good habit of Task29'ing before every flash. It only takes a minute to do and it can make a world of difference.
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  #1108 (permalink)  
Old 10-06-2010, 02:06 PM
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Re: Update[9-23-10]★SharkieROM v1.3★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016]

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
This ROM is for CDMA phones only. AT&T is GSM. This ROM won't work on an AT&T phone. Did you already flash your AT&T phone with this ROM? It was my understanding that flashing a CDMA ROM on a GSM phone (and vice versa) would brick your phone...

Edit: So I noticed in your details it says that you're on Sprint. Are you on Sprint or AT&T?
As far as I know flashing a GSM ROM on a CDMA phone brick your phone. It just won't boot, and you have to power up in bootloader to flash a CDMA ROM. Radios on the other hand are Brick City. If you flash a GSM radio onto a CDMA phone (or vice versa) you'll brick the phone every time.

It's still not good to flash the wrong ROM, but just wanted to clarify it a little.

@Sharkie - I haven't had a chance to add that reg string yet for the animated boot screen. I'll try and play around with it later this afternoon.
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  #1109 (permalink)  
Old 10-06-2010, 07:33 PM
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Re: Update[9-23-10]★SharkieROM v1.3★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016]

Originally Posted by Kliptik View Post
As far as I know flashing a GSM ROM on a CDMA phone brick your phone. It just won't boot, and you have to power up in bootloader to flash a CDMA ROM. Radios on the other hand are Brick City. If you flash a GSM radio onto a CDMA phone (or vice versa) you'll brick the phone every time.

It's still not good to flash the wrong ROM, but just wanted to clarify it a little.
im not positive but my guess is he is on sprint w/ a sprint tp2 but he unlocked it to use at&t sim card?

@Sharkie - I haven't had a chance to add that reg string yet for the animated boot screen. I'll try and play around with it later this afternoon.
right on let me know what you find, if i get a chance i'll do the same

your right as in the "hklm\SOFTWARE\HTC\htcanimation" is not there but i did see this "hklm\SOFTWARE\HTC\StartupAnimation" but inside there was no value and im not sure how to go bout it. should i name value "StartupGif" but where would i enter the file path. its been awhile since i looked into messing round w/ the reg. and i kinda forget

edit: ok i tried this w/out any luck

added new string value name "StartupGif" and the contents of this value entered "\Windows\animated.gif" i put a "animated.gif" into the windows folder then soft reset and no gif on boot still

edit: i also tried renaming the "StartupAnimation" folder to "HTCAnimation" and still no luck (didnt know how to make new folder so thats why i renamed it)

edit (agian): i found this and will try adding all these values here well i tried that and no luck

Last edited by kjhadfield; 10-06-2010 at 08:33 PM.
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  #1110 (permalink)  
Old 10-06-2010, 11:43 PM
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Re: Update[9-23-10]★SharkieROM v1.3★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016]

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
Well, never hesitate here to ask any question. I still ask the noobest questions sometimes. How else are we supposed to learn?
Love your attitude bro. So Sharkie I just loaded it up awhile ago and really love it so far (Sprint 1.3 6.5.x). The little details are always what really get me into a rom, and yours are great - sliders, keyboard skin, etc. Anyway I have gotten accustomed to using the Anastasia EndKey v4.5 and have loaded it onto several roms lately without issue but it is telling me "it does not have sufficient system permissions". I have installed sdkCerts. Any ideas?
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