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  #1091 (permalink)  
Old 10-04-2010, 03:37 PM
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Re: Update[9-23-10]★SharkieROM v1.3★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016]

Originally Posted by karenes721 View Post
Hey guys - I d/l Sharkies last week and *LOVE* it - no battery pulls yet! I do have a problem with google maps or even bing maps finding me - any idea's as to what's up with the GPS? My weather can find me but that's about it. Thanks!
What's up Karenes!! Thanks for trying out my ROM! I'm glad you're liking it so far.

As far as GPS, I don't have any trouble with bing or google maps. Google Maps usually takes a few seconds to find me. Obviously, this greatly depends on where you are, what radio you're using, inside or outside, etc...
Bing seems to take slightly longer than Google Maps on my phone to find my location, but it always does.

I'm not sure why you'd be unable to get a fix using Bing or Google Maps. I'm assuming you've tried Quick GPS? Not that it should matter really, but it may help you get a fix sooner. I'll look around tonight or tomorrow when I have time and see what I can find on those scenarios. Sorry I don't have a quick fix for you right now. It's hard for me to work on issues that I can't recreate on my phone. I'll let you know what I come up with...

Anyone else having any "unusual" GPS issues with GM or Bing?

Thanks again for coming out of your lurking state to say what's up! I really appreciate it!
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Last edited by Sharkie405; 10-04-2010 at 03:42 PM.
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  #1092 (permalink)  
Old 10-05-2010, 12:58 AM
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Re: Update[9-23-10]★SharkieROM v1.3★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016]

aye sharkie could you tell me the name of the animated bootsplash agian ( i know we talked bout this once b4 but i search the \windows and couldnt find it ie. startup, htc_animation or such) or do you not include it in the rom at all cuz i never have seen a gif load on boot ever? only the shark w/ sharkie rom on the bottom (but thats the welcomehead.png)

also im bout to load the liven windows theme but i dont want to loose the bottom softkey bar or taskbar (you know the ones you have w/ the rounded corners) could you upload those 2 files so i could rename an replace? i also tried looking for those in \windows but didnt see them (thought the black_softkey bar was it but didnt look like it)

thanks for the help
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  #1093 (permalink)  
Old 10-05-2010, 01:07 AM
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Re: Update[9-23-10]★SharkieROM v1.3★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016]

The softkey bar is called "Dusk-softkeybar" (minus quotes). The top bar is called "Dusk-taskbar". If you load the livven theme you won't lose my remix theme. If you try and set my theme again, it won't set the first time. You have to go back to a different theme, set that theme and then go back to my remix theme and set it and it will stick. I'm not sure why this happens, but it's been happening in my ROMs for a long long time. It honestly doesn't bother me much cuz I always use my theme, but I figured people wouldn't be switching back and forth between my theme and other themes constantly.

But again, you won't lose my theme. Just do what I said to get it back.

I'm not sure myself on the name of the .gif that apparently I'm missing. I'll have to get back to you on that one in a bit.
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  #1094 (permalink)  
Old 10-05-2010, 01:18 AM
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Re: Update[9-23-10]★SharkieROM v1.3★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016]

ok thanks for those names. im actually gonna install a liven cab, not use the simple gloss versions in the rom and replace some of the files but i wanna keep your rounded corners. they look so much better then the ones that come w/ the liven theme. once i get it all installed i'll post a screenie to show what files i changed.

im starting to think you dont have a animated.gif on boot or maybe you do but maybe its disabled? i have this htc gif (cartoonie style) i always use and i miss using it. i can post that if you wanna see what i mean by cartoonie. i think its freakin awsome.
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  #1095 (permalink)  
Old 10-05-2010, 01:27 AM
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Re: Update[9-23-10]★SharkieROM v1.3★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016]

Originally Posted by kjhadfield View Post
ok thanks for those names. im actually gonna install a liven cab, not use the simple gloss versions in the rom and replace some of the files but i wanna keep your rounded corners. they look so much better then the ones that come w/ the liven theme. once i get it all installed i'll post a screenie to show what files i changed.

im starting to think you dont have a animated.gif on boot or maybe you do but maybe its disabled? i have this htc gif (cartoonie style) i always use and i miss using it. i can post that if you wanna see what i mean by cartoonie. i think its freakin awsome.
Yeah, post it up. And I promise I won't forget to look into that before the next release.
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  #1096 (permalink)  
Old 10-05-2010, 01:58 PM
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Re: Update[9-23-10]★SharkieROM v1.3★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016]

maybe make sure quick gps is activated? it expires once every 7 days if not told to update automatically, after flashing, you have to go back and download again. always.

If I have helped you Press THANKS!!!!!
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  #1097 (permalink)  
Old 10-05-2010, 01:59 PM
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Re: Update[9-23-10]★SharkieROM v1.3★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016]

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
What's up Karenes!! Thanks for trying out my ROM! I'm glad you're liking it so far.

As far as GPS, I don't have any trouble with bing or google maps. Google Maps usually takes a few seconds to find me. Obviously, this greatly depends on where you are, what radio you're using, inside or outside, etc...
Bing seems to take slightly longer than Google Maps on my phone to find my location, but it always does.

I'm not sure why you'd be unable to get a fix using Bing or Google Maps. I'm assuming you've tried Quick GPS? Not that it should matter really, but it may help you get a fix sooner. I'll look around tonight or tomorrow when I have time and see what I can find on those scenarios. Sorry I don't have a quick fix for you right now. It's hard for me to work on issues that I can't recreate on my phone. I'll let you know what I come up with...

Anyone else having any "unusual" GPS issues with GM or Bing?

Thanks again for coming out of your lurking state to say what's up! I really appreciate it!

that last reply was for the above
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  #1098 (permalink)  
Old 10-05-2010, 07:37 PM
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Re: Update[9-23-10]★SharkieROM v1.3★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016]

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
Yeah, post it up. And I promise I won't forget to look into that before the next release.
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  #1099 (permalink)  
Old 10-05-2010, 07:42 PM
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Re: Update[9-23-10]★SharkieROM v1.3★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016]

Originally Posted by kjhadfield View Post
aye sharkie could you tell me the name of the animated bootsplash agian ( i know we talked bout this once b4 but i search the \windows and couldnt find it ie. startup, htc_animation or such) or do you not include it in the rom at all cuz i never have seen a gif load on boot ever? only the shark w/ sharkie rom on the bottom (but thats the welcomehead.png)

also im bout to load the liven windows theme but i dont want to loose the bottom softkey bar or taskbar (you know the ones you have w/ the rounded corners) could you upload those 2 files so i could rename an replace? i also tried looking for those in \windows but didnt see them (thought the black_softkey bar was it but didnt look like it)

thanks for the help

Hey check this post out for info on the animated boot screen. I just checked, and the reg value is missing for the animated GIF.
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  #1100 (permalink)  
Old 10-05-2010, 08:12 PM
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Re: Update[9-23-10]★SharkieROM v1.3★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016]

Did you try adding that reg. string in?

I'll try it when I get home later tonight and see if that works.

Thanks Kliptik.
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