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  #11071 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2009, 12:05 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Genesis' (23016) ** | Built Sep 20th | Manila 2

Originally Posted by ThreeFaces View Post
...also the call issues most folks report are known issues related to the Tachi dialer. If you initiate a call, then immediately try to end the call before it connects, the call will usually "hang" [meaning it will still connect the call and you may lose the ability to disconnect it]...you're best to soft reset at that point. At least, that's what I do. It only happens when you accidentially call someone...so, it's not like I'm doing this every day.

Slide to Answer issues. I've found in most cases when the Tachi dialer slide to answer becomes "stuck" or seemingly unresponsive, I take a breath, then give it a few seconds to connect the call...then I can start taking and all is well.

It's very strange, but somehow the best "fix" I've found for dealing with Tachi is patience. Any attempt to rush/force/press multiple buttons multiple times until my desired action is complete...all end in failure.
You know I have not had any issues like this with the tachi dialer. Im not sure as to why, but I accidently call people but I dont press the actual end call button I just use the touch screen end call button. So is the problem you guys are having when you try and end a call with the actual end call button rather than the touch screen one? Like I said I accidently call people and I just press the touch screen end call button and it hangs up immediately not issues.
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  #11072 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2009, 12:13 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Genesis' (23016) ** | Built Sep 20th | Manila 2

Originally Posted by rootlinux View Post
Just got my Extended battery today and it looks and fits perfect.
OEM battery and back cover.
Back cover is the exact same color as the stock cover because it is HTC OEM.
Doesn't add much width or weight either.
Actually feels better in my hand.

If you have battery woes I suggest this.
Oh NO NO NO!! LMAO The phone itself is already bulky and this thing looks like it wont even fit in my pocket, and Im not a skinny jean wearing kind of guy. I will just try and manage utilizing my geeks skills with tweaks and hacks to prolong my battery. That size is just ridiculous. Ill give you thanks tho for the suggestion.
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  #11073 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2009, 12:17 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Genesis' (23016) ** | Built Sep 20th | Manila 2

Originally Posted by rootlinux View Post
Just got my Extended battery today and it looks and fits perfect.
OEM battery and back cover.
Back cover is the exact same color as the stock cover because it is HTC OEM.
Doesn't add much width or weight either.
Actually feels better in my hand.

If you have battery woes I suggest this.
can you report back and let us know how well it holds up..looks like a great deal
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  #11074 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2009, 12:26 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Genesis' (23016) ** | Built Sep 20th | Manila 2

Originally Posted by jskee35 View Post
can you report back and let us know how well it holds up..looks like a great deal
Yeah Im not going to judge a book by its thickness. lol. I too would like to know the status on how the battery is holding up.
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  #11075 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2009, 12:28 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Genesis' (23016) ** | Built Sep 20th | Manila 2

Originally Posted by youngpro83 View Post
This has been an ongoing discussion for the past couple of days. I too was having this issue with this rom. I personally feel that changing the polling interval to 30000 will help with losing the increments at such a fast rate. Also in advanced config in power management. Enable everything except SIM Power Management. Lastly do not soft reset when prompted by advanced config. Allow your battery to die down to about 20 percent and then plug in the charger and then soft reset and allow your phone to charge fully without any interruptions in charging. This should give you more battery life. I did this and I was able to manage over 12 hours of battery easy! I took my phone off at 1230pm and I didnt charge it until 220am and I was at 33 percent which is 4 green bars out of 10. Also with the percentage try not to look at it as the actual life of your battery I go by the green battery bars. because 93 percent is still fully charged. 81 percent is 9 bars out of 10 and so on. Hope this helps. Also you can check back about 1 or 2 pages back for full details on the battery tweaks and hacks we have all discussed. Trust me there is definitely a way to prolong your batter with this oh so fast rom so dont give up. You will get there. I did!! GO ENERGY GO
Thanks for the quick reply and help!!!

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  #11076 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2009, 12:30 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Genesis' (23016) ** | Built Sep 20th | Manila 2

Originally Posted by youngpro83 View Post
Okay this might be a NooB question...but my title is NooB so I fit in that category so to speak with ppcgeeks, but I installed the social network thing and I didnt noticed anything or any options that allowed me to upload my photos. How do I upload a picture Ive taken on to facebook with this? I know that I can just sync my phone and upload, but I want to take a picture of my beautifulness and post it to facebook from my phone. Being that displaying my beautifulness is very much a life threatening social networking situation.
It's cool dude...first on teh dialer issues, I also don't normally have issues, but those are the most common issues folks have that I believe are known to be "bugs" with the tachi dialer. If you don't have issues, high five! Perfect rom club! <----did we just become best friends?

Anyway, facebook stuff. Two things to install, first the Social Netwroking Photo Album cab [it's named something else], then Dutty's facebook upload fix cab. Once those two are in, go to your Album and open it up to view a pic you just took. .

With the album open, hit MENU and you should see an option to Upload to Facebook [if you're in landscape, scroll down]. It will ask you to chose which pics you want to upload. Once you do this, you may be asked to log into your facebook account. Then the image will go into your upload que and you're good. I just did a test and it works.

EDIT: if you're viewing apic you just took, press the center button to bring up the menu option, then select Upload to Facebook from there.

Anyway, that's how you can do it.

Your facebook login is controlled under START-SETTINGS-CONNECTIONS-Account Manager [if you want to stay logged in. To view your Upload que, go to START-SETTINGS-SYSTEM-Uploader and you'll see whats up.

Hope that helps.

Last edited by ThreeFaces; 09-21-2009 at 12:56 PM. Reason: I'm a noob, that's why. There is no bug.
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  #11077 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2009, 12:43 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Genesis' (23016) ** | Built Sep 20th | Manila 2

Originally Posted by twisteddan View Post
Thanks for the quick reply and help!!!
Not a problem. This site and others that make this site possible have helped me on numerous occasions. Also to add to this, do not feel discouraged if your battery drops from 100 to 93 in a matter of minutes. The fast charge and phone itself is not designed to charge past a certain point so it never really charges to 100 percent. I would say 94 95 percent at the most so when you take your phone off the charger it is going to drop pretty quick down to 94 or 93 percent but then should stay at about 93 for at least an hour with the all the tweaks mentioned, and then it should start dropping regularly every one to two hours or so. Just remember that when you check your batter try not to look at it as oh my battery was at 90 now its at 83 because if you tap the notifications tab on the top of your phone you will notice that the battery is still at 90 percent even at 83 or even 81. That is still 9 battery bars out of 10. Like I said before, I got over 12 hours easy yesterday. 33 percent might seem low but in reality it is really still good. 4 out of 10 green battery meter bars. a little less than half of a battery. Even 11 percent is still 2 green bars out of 10. Not too bad. I have just installed LUMOS and now I will see how much more battery life I can get.
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  #11078 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2009, 12:49 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Genesis' (23016) ** | Built Sep 20th | Manila 2

Originally Posted by ThreeFaces View Post
It's cool dude...first on teh dialer issues, I also don't normally have issues, but those are the most common issues folks have that I believe are known to be "bugs" with the tachi dialer. If you don't have issues, high five! Perfect rom club! <----did we just become best friends?

Anyway, facebook stuff. Two things to install, first the Social Netwroking Photo Album cab [it's named something else], then Dutty's facebook upload fix cab. Once those two are in, go to your Album and open it up to view a pic you just took. [don't open the pic...this may be a bug I found].

With the album open, hit MENU and you should see an option to Upload to Facebook [if you're in landscape, scroll down]. It will ask you to chose which pics you want to upload. Once you do this, you may be asked to log into your facebook account. Then the image will go into your upload que and you're good. I just did a test and it works...with a small bug:

If you're viewing the specific pic you intend to upload, it seems like the menu option is inaccessible. This may just be something glitching for me I don't know.

Anyway, that's how you can do it.

Your facebook login is controlled under START-SETTINGS-CONNECTIONS-Account Manager [if you want to stay logged in. To view your Upload que, go to START-SETTINGS-SYSTEM-Uploader and you'll see whats up.

So the only thing that may slow you down is needing to open the Album to do it.

Hope that helps.
LMAO@The Perfect Rom Club...I love it!! We are definitely friends in that sense. TPRC!! lol. Good stuff. Thanks again for the insight on the facebook thing. Silly me....I never thought about hitting the menu button. I just thought it was like a program or something that would just show up in my start menu. But I do have both of those cabs on my PC, actually I think I have almost every cab imaginable for the TP. Its crazy, but I will definitely give that a try and see what I come up with about the bug or so called bug or what not.
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  #11079 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2009, 12:51 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Genesis' (23016) ** | Built Sep 20th | Manila 2

Hey dude, I noobed up my response...there was no "bug" with the album, just a noob at the helm. If you're viewing a specific pic [like from the camera app or in the album] you CAN get the menu to display by pressing the center button. Sorry for the confusion.
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  #11080 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2009, 12:52 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Genesis' (23016) ** | Built Sep 20th | Manila 2

Originally Posted by ThreeFaces View Post
Anyway, facebook stuff. Two things to install, first the Social Netwroking Photo Album cab [it's named something else], then Dutty's facebook upload fix cab. Once those two are in, go to your Album and open it up to view a pic you just took. [don't open the pic...this may be a bug I found].
So you were able to load the photo album 2.5 social networking cab onto the 9/20 rom?

I tried a few times and received an "installation failed" message due to lack of "system permissions". I never had this problem on the 8/11 rom. Maybe I will try downloading the cab again and seeing if I can figure it out.
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