Originally Posted by rootlinux
As stated here and in my testing the best way to keep from scratching our heads with what look like bugs that no one else seems to have or only a few of us have is to ALWAYS flash to stock rom, HARD reset and then Flash to custom rom and HARD reset.
Do this every time you try a new custom rom.
I have set hours trying to figure out WTF is up when a simple reflash and hard reset fixed it.
Make sure to hard reset after stock rom and after custom rom.
It appears that some files get left behind during the flash process and it can cause hours of headaches.
Most common errors I have come across by not doing this are clock, keyboard and dialer problems.
Save yourself the headaches friends. 
Take the time to do it right the first time.
Why do you flash to stock ROM before you flash a custom ROM? That makes no sense unless you want to troubleshoot a specific issue, be it hardware or weirdness. But Everytime you flash a custom ROM you flash to stock first then the custom, seems strange. And your statement that "some files get left behind during the flash process" makes no sense either since it "flashes it" it complete earses it. If you hold true to that statement then when you flash from a customer to Stock the same should apply.
I just flash the custom, do a wipe device and then am golden.....
Originally Posted by Cobaltikus
HKCU\ControlPanel\Keybd\StylusOutStatus (DWORD) is missing
This could be why people are having trouble with things not working based on the stylus sensor (like wake on stylus out and TouchLockPro).
I added the value back in and rebooted but it does not get set when the stylus is pulled out and put back in....
I don't think anyone has figured this out. If you do thought you would be a God