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  #1471 (permalink)  
Old 03-09-2010, 02:39 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC Sense Kitchen v1.9 | WM 6.x / WM 6.5.x | 21055 / 21887 / 28014 | 2/16/1

Originally Posted by amikam View Post
here's sys's 21895 and 23544 with real 6.5 aku and vk ready.
don't forget to check the box that says "Real WM 6.5 AKU" before u cook!
i've added office 2010 to sys 21895 and cleared out some useless things from both sys.
i think u can safely cook anything in the sys, even the things that u have no clue what they are.

MikROM_SYSFolders_21895_and_23544_Real_WM6.5_AKU_V KReady.7z
have fun guys.
Originally Posted by amikam View Post
i patched up the nk.exe to recognize your device as diamond instead of Raphael, the original version that was posted will find your device to be raphael and not diamond... although it still works either way.
i'm working on fixing the stylus issue... there is a bunch of things in the nk,exe for raph that are useless... hopefully if i can get ride of them.. and all works... the stylus would be fine again also.
i've attached the nk.exe lib for u guys to replace with the original, it should not make a big difference... but it should fit better cuz i changed some directories that was leading the nk to some settings that has to do with raph and not diamond.. so i changed it back to fit the diamond ones.
i tested it and it works... i also think it's a little better then the other version although i could be wrong(cuz every time u flash a new rom it seems faster).
u guys can check and see if the stylus works... but for me it didn't. but than again i tested it on a "test device" so the stylus might have been messed up to begin with.
let me know how it's working for u guys.
thx bud for the goodies! time to fire up the kitchen....well after I rebuild it that is....
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  #1472 (permalink)  
Old 03-09-2010, 03:02 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC Sense Kitchen v1.9 | WM 6.x / WM 6.5.x | 21055 / 21887 / 28014 | 2/16/1

Originally Posted by mwalt2 View Post
Nice work. How are you editing the nk? Just a hexeditor on the module or what?
hex editor does the job.

If you like my work feel free to buy me some pencils
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  #1473 (permalink)  
Old 03-09-2010, 03:21 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC Sense Kitchen v1.9 | WM 6.x / WM 6.5.x | 21055 / 21887 / 28014 | 2/16/1

Originally Posted by OMJ View Post
thx bud for the goodies! time to fire up the kitchen....well after I rebuild it that is....
so OMJ i'm assuming u have to rebuiild it because you recmodded a lot of things throught especially in the EXT packages? and now it will actually hurt us if we use recmodded packages.

using native kernel now and man it runs smooth...but i can only imagine it will run even more smooth when you rebuild it, yes?
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  #1474 (permalink)  
Old 03-09-2010, 03:46 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC Sense Kitchen v1.9 | WM 6.x / WM 6.5.x | 21055 / 21887 / 28014 | 2/16/1

i reuploaded my sys folders
in the old sys i used the oemxipkernel folder from a touch pro cuz i thought i had to... although it works, it shouldn't really be like that.
so i made sure that this time it's a diamond oemxipkernel folder with my patched nk.exe.
u don't have to redownload since what u downloaded already works... but it u'd like it to be a little more suitable for the device u should find it better to download the newer version of the sys's.

MikROM_SYSFolders_21895_and_23544_VKReady_Real_WM6 .5_AKU_PatchedNK.7z

if u guys dont feel like downloading the sys i've attached just the oemxipkernel folder... just make sure u erase the existing one and copy that one instead(it is located in ROM\DIAMOND\21895 or 23544\...)

i hope it's clear enough... have fun.
Attached Files
File Type: zip OEMXipKernel_diamond_patched_NK.zip (489.4 KB, 16 views) Click for barcode!
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  #1475 (permalink)  
Old 03-09-2010, 05:35 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC Sense Kitchen v1.9 | WM 6.x / WM 6.5.x | 21055 / 21887 / 28014 | 2/16/1

Originally Posted by OMJ View Post
thx bud for the goodies! time to fire up the kitchen....well after I rebuild it that is....
Hey Buddy,

Planning on building a new rom today and downloading amikam's sys right now. Any idea on when the new kitchen will be out? I have never spent the time to figure out the reccmodding thing so I don't know if I should just insert his sys in 1.9 and go with the current EXTs as they are or wait for you to update the kitchen with all the EXTs re-un-recmodded? (don't think that's really a word but you get what I'm saying lol)
If I've helped you please hit the Thanks button
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  #1476 (permalink)  
Old 03-09-2010, 06:07 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC Sense Kitchen v1.9 | WM 6.x / WM 6.5.x | 21055 / 21887 / 28014 | 2/16/1

Looking forward to the new kitchen (2.0?). So far 23541 and 2012 work well. But the idea of 6.5 base and everything else is tempting. Can hardly wait to flash again. Good luck OMJ on your cooking.
El Mono
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  #1477 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2010, 12:14 AM
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Re: OMJ's HTC Sense Kitchen v1.9 | WM 6.x / WM 6.5.x | 21055 / 21887 / 28014 | 2/16/1

Originally Posted by hasseye View Post
so OMJ i'm assuming u have to rebuiild it because you recmodded a lot of things throught especially in the EXT packages? and now it will actually hurt us if we use recmodded packages.

using native kernel now and man it runs smooth...but i can only imagine it will run even more smooth when you rebuild it, yes?
yeah, I recmodded alot of modules in the 010_Sense_2.5_2012_ORI_WVGA_[CFC][LOC] packages & various dependency sense packages....all I did was copy/paste the original modules back into those packages.

I cooked up & posted a 23544 ROM, seems faster, but it didn't really blow me away....

I'll try to get a updated kitchen uploaded in the next couple days
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  #1478 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2010, 02:49 AM
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Re: OMJ's HTC Sense Kitchen v1.9 | WM 6.x / WM 6.5.x | 21055 / 21887 / 28014 | 2/16/1

Originally Posted by OMJ View Post
yeah, I recmodded alot of modules in the 010_Sense_2.5_2012_ORI_WVGA_[CFC][LOC] packages & various dependency sense packages....all I did was copy/paste the original modules back into those packages.

I cooked up & posted a 23544 ROM, seems faster, but it didn't really blow me away....

I'll try to get a updated kitchen uploaded in the next couple days
ok.. so from what i saw so far... not using lzx might have to be the way to go if u wanna feel the speed.
for my rom i posted two versions and pretty much every one agrees that non lzx version is faster.
so try to cook no lzx... maybe then you'll feel the difference better.
and don't forget to un recmod some things in the oem.
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  #1479 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2010, 03:00 AM
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Re: OMJ's HTC Sense Kitchen v1.9 | WM 6.x / WM 6.5.x | 21055 / 21887 / 28014 | 2/16/1

Originally Posted by OMJ View Post
yeah, I recmodded alot of modules in the 010_Sense_2.5_2012_ORI_WVGA_[CFC][LOC] packages & various dependency sense packages....all I did was copy/paste the original modules back into those packages.

I cooked up & posted a 23544 ROM, seems faster, but it didn't really blow me away....

I'll try to get a updated kitchen uploaded in the next couple days
Trying out the new rom u posted..I think im going to like IT!!!! Cant waite for the new kicten so i can cook one up....THANKS!!!
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  #1480 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2010, 06:38 AM
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Re: OMJ's HTC Sense Kitchen v1.9 | WM 6.x / WM 6.5.x | 21055 / 21887 / 28014 | 2/16/1

I decided to have a go at it. Downloaded 23544, went through all the drag/drop until I had everything in place and voila, it works. I wouldn't know to recmod(?) if my life depended on it so it was nice to see it actually work. Nevertheless I look forward to a certified OMJ complete kitchen. And as far as speed is concerned, it may be a bit faster but I was more than satisfied with my previous 23541/2012 build.
El Mono
P.S during the building process I actually got a message "timebomb removed successfully" - or something along those lines.
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