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  #4181 (permalink)  
Old 04-17-2008, 01:31 PM
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Re: No2Chem nueROM 2.0 (WM6.1) Thread

Originally Posted by nmhusa View Post
I think the analogy would be a 2 year old XP machine that has the software upgraded to Vista runs faster than a new machine with Vista preinstalled.

I have upgraded the PPC6700 to WM6 (i.e. Vista in your analogy) and it runs faster with no memory leaks, with more memory to spare that my Mogul with WM6. So the issue is not WM6, but the hardware that it is run on or more likely specific drivers for the Mogul that are not needed or used on the PPC6700.
The 6800 has: Wireless, Rev A, GPS, nicer display (drivers not initiated yet), and so on...

So it is more like saying a 2 year old windows xp machine upgraded to vista, compared to a new machine that hasn't been optimized yet.

Besides, if you are posting in this forum, then you have WM 6.1 installed which isn't even as close to as optimized (drivers) as the WM 6.0 stock ROMs.
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  #4182 (permalink)  
Old 04-17-2008, 03:05 PM
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Re: No2Chem nueROM 2.0 (WM6.1) Thread

Originally Posted by Everette View Post
The 6800 has: Wireless, Rev A, GPS, nicer display (drivers not initiated yet), and so on...

So it is more like saying a 2 year old windows xp machine upgraded to vista, compared to a new machine that hasn't been optimized yet.

Besides, if you are posting in this forum, then you have WM 6.1 installed which isn't even as close to as optimized (drivers) as the WM 6.0 stock ROMs.
Well, the wireless can be disabled, GPS doesn't have to be running, and like you said, display drivers arent initiated yet. A stock clean rom with nothing cant even break 25 or 26 usually. With identical setups on both phones (I havent tried this, but previous poster apparently did) you would think the mogul would run faster. Anyway, this probably isn't the thread to discuss this.

Back on topic: Maybe 5061 will be completely optimized
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  #4183 (permalink)  
Old 04-17-2008, 03:10 PM
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Re: No2Chem nueROM 2.0 (WM6.1) Thread

Originally Posted by skreemer7 View Post
Well, the wireless can be disabled, GPS doesn't have to be running, and like you said, display drivers arent initiated yet. A stock clean rom with nothing cant even break 25 or 26 usually. With identical setups on both phones (I havent tried this, but previous poster apparently did) you would think the mogul would run faster. Anyway, this probably isn't the thread to discuss this.

Back on topic: Maybe 5061 will be completely optimized
lol I completely agree with you about the "off topic" discussion. This thing has almost 4200 posts for a reason, when it really shouldn't. It would probably be worth it for the admin's to make a N2C forum section so problems, how to's, and general what if's could be separated.
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  #4184 (permalink)  
Old 04-17-2008, 06:20 PM
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Re: No2Chem nueROM 2.0 (WM6.1) Thread

Ok...So I downloaded the ROM about 2 hours ago. Head to work and ready to text someone until I find out certain keys don't even work while using my keyboard. And yes, I have the keyboard set as the primary input method. Anyone else have this problem?
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  #4185 (permalink)  
Old 04-17-2008, 06:48 PM
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Re: No2Chem nueROM 2.0 (WM6.1) Thread

Originally Posted by jayj2k1 View Post
Ok...So I downloaded the ROM about 2 hours ago. Head to work and ready to text someone until I find out certain keys don't even work while using my keyboard. And yes, I have the keyboard set as the primary input method. Anyone else have this problem?
hi, could you be more specific as to which keys do not work for you, and your configuration? thanks!
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  #4186 (permalink)  
Old 04-17-2008, 06:51 PM
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Re: No2Chem nueROM 2.0 (WM6.1) Thread

Originally Posted by nmhusa View Post
(BTW Currently running Sprint Mogul with no2chem 5060)

A little off topic perhaps, but I am interested in everyones opinion on this. I pulled out my never used (i.e. replacement PPC6700) from a while back and flashed it with the Apache WM6 CE OS 5.2.1620 (Build 18125.0.4.2) ROM from the Apache forums. It comes with quite a lot of junk preinstalled.... HTC home, games, deepfish (not sure why), dict editor, ext rom unlock, esmertec java, windows live, etc etc,..... Does AD2P, EVDO (no rev a) and no GPS......

Despite all that is installed the program memory is sitting at 27 Megs and is bloody stable. No memory loss (leak ??), Memory comes right back up to 27 Megs after programs are closed. the interface is smooth, fast and responsive despite running WM6.

So what is the issue with the memory management on the Mogul ? After following these forums I was left with the impression that WM6 is the culprit. Now I am not so sure. If the ancient PPC6700 (Apache) can manage WM6 with no problems and no memory loss, then why not the Mogul. Another noticable improvement on the PPC6700 is the dialing speed. It remains fast despite installation of a big button dialer and use of the keypress sounds. I alway have to turn off sounds on the Moguls keypad to speed up the responsiveness of the keypad when dialing.

With 5060 installed and the same configuration I used on the PPC6700, I am booting into 15 Megs after a soft reset and then gradual memory issues till I end up with 5-6 megs in a day or so, requiring a soft reset to gain memory back.

No2chem are there major differences with the driver sizes for the PPC6700 and Mogul ? I noticed the "no2chem_Apache_Sprint_WM6_1_Test.rar" file that you had uploaded. I have not installed it on my 6700 yet, but am curious as to what you think the reason for the poor memory on the Mogul is ?

Any thoughts ??
I really believe its in the way the kernel was built and also that the device itself takes 12mb of memory before releasing it to WM. Sorry, 5061 doesn't *yet* have any magic in it that would fix the memory issues.
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  #4187 (permalink)  
Old 04-17-2008, 09:07 PM
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Re: No2Chem nueROM 2.0 (WM6.1) Thread

Originally Posted by no2chem View Post
I really believe its in the way the kernel was built and also that the device itself takes 12mb of memory before releasing it to WM. Sorry, 5061 doesn't *yet* have any magic in it that would fix the memory issues.
Oh geez!

He's at it again... Do you think you could tweak the kernel to keep things on a need-to-have-running basis? I agree with the OP of this comment: My memory does gradually go down even when all programs are closed.
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  #4188 (permalink)  
Old 04-17-2008, 10:42 PM
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Smile Re: No2Chem nueROM 2.0 (WM6.1) Thread

Originally Posted by no2chem View Post
I really believe its in the way the kernel was built and also that the device itself takes 12mb of memory before releasing it to WM. Sorry, 5061 doesn't *yet* have any magic in it that would fix the memory issues.
Thanks for the response. I have been hunting around for a solution.... PDAVIET memory fix on the Hermes is a registry change, but I have had no luck in identifying exactly what it is and what it is supposed to fix.

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  #4189 (permalink)  
Old 04-17-2008, 11:11 PM
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Re: No2Chem nueROM 2.0 (WM6.1) Thread

Originally Posted by no2chem View Post
hi, could you be more specific as to which keys do not work for you, and your configuration? thanks!
I am currently using the WM6.1 Kitchen 5060 with Sprin't 3.35 radio. The keys that won't work on the keyboard are O,Q,Z, and A. It is really weird. Also, the on-screen keyboard with the stylus won't let me enter in any letters, numbers, or symols at all.

Last edited by jayj2k1; 04-17-2008 at 11:13 PM.
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  #4190 (permalink)  
Old 04-17-2008, 11:28 PM
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Re: No2Chem nueROM 2.0 (WM6.1) Thread

so far:

-IR has been re-enabled
-Actual WM6.1 IrDA package pulled from emulator
-All regedits merged into a single provXML
-Improved memory allocation
-Fix SIP support (multiple sips now available).

..more changes to come
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