Re: Any hope of GPS unlock for Verizon Omnia?
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Re: Any hope of GPS unlock for Verizon Omnia?
Just as an FYI I have successfully used the GPS in my verizon omnia. I currently am using a combination of the leaked updated 6.1 rom (new widgets) that I got from (http://www.modaco.com/content/i910-s...or-omnia-i910/), but that alone did not do the trick. First I went to settings, personal tab, phone, gps, change settings to location on. Then I also had to install "gpsgate2.5" (attached below) and run the wizard. I checked all outgoing ports and manually added the com8 gps multiplexer port in that program set it to i believe 112500 (also change to auto startup so u dont have to do it manually). Then this program will show a green indicator and display running ok. Then using google maps I manually configured the gps setting to that same port "com8" and same setting of 112500. Works great, suprisingly seems accurate to within a few feet. I cant wait till verizon officially lauches this software for everyone. I will try gpsgate2.5 on one of the omnias without the leaked rom and see if it works anyways.
Re: Any hope of GPS unlock for Verizon Omnia?
I updated the ROM and it worked beautifully (and quickly). I was apprehensive at first because I didn't know what it would do to my Verizon software or if my phone would become some European version or something but it totally works and all the Verizon stuff is still there. I just had to reinstall my 3rd party software (as was expected).
Not only did it unlock my GPS for WindowsLive and Google Maps, but the volume menu's a little cooler, you can un-conversation-ize text messaging (i like the conversation style tho), select different cursors for the optical mouse, IE displays better, my Japanese input method editor actually WORKS now........it's just better period. |
Re: Any hope of GPS unlock for Verizon Omnia?
Re: Any hope of GPS unlock for Verizon Omnia?
Thanks |
Re: Any hope of GPS unlock for Verizon Omnia?
I think I still have the files on my laptop at home. Post the FTP site and I will try and upload them when I get home from work.
Re: Any hope of GPS unlock for Verizon Omnia?