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Old 05-07-2009, 11:53 AM
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Re: Any hope of GPS unlock for Verizon Omnia?

Just as an FYI I have successfully used the GPS in my verizon omnia. I currently am using a combination of the leaked updated 6.1 rom (new widgets) that I got from (, but that alone did not do the trick. First I went to settings, personal tab, phone, gps, change settings to location on. Then I also had to install "gpsgate2.5" (attached below) and run the wizard. I checked all outgoing ports and manually added the com8 gps multiplexer port in that program set it to i believe 112500 (also change to auto startup so u dont have to do it manually). Then this program will show a green indicator and display running ok. Then using google maps I manually configured the gps setting to that same port "com8" and same setting of 112500. Works great, suprisingly seems accurate to within a few feet. I cant wait till verizon officially lauches this software for everyone. I will try gpsgate2.5 on one of the omnias without the leaked rom and see if it works anyways.
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