Re: Omnia vs. Iphone
I respect your choice and opinion, but I just wanted to point our a few things:
1- Omnia had never been advertized as an iphone 'killer' That is a moniker reviewers and marketing place on any new device that even vaguelly resembles the iphone. 2- The Omnia is actually very finger friendly. I am a past Treo user and never thought my pudgy digits could adapt to no physical keyboard, but not only have I adapted, the only time I ever see my stylus is when I need a reset and don't have a paper clip handy LOL!!! (I do agree fully with youe description of the stylus..I hate it as well) 3- The screen isn't as sensitive as some other devices out there, I have the iTouch, and have used the iphone, and yes the screen is a bit larger, and I will admit a lot better resolution, but the iphone is very frustrating to use, and usually needs more than one touch to get things going. 4- The iphone app-store is a good idea that WM is developing as well, but as far as the quantity, you have to keep in mind the g-sensor is still relatively new in the WM realm, and there are admittedly not as many apps out there, but in time, there will be just as many and anywhere from free to the obnoxiously priced (like we need more of them)!!! 5- There are admittedly apps that are unique to or just run better on the iphone, but there are also the ones that run better on WM, that will happen. As for a keyboard, Omnia's works well and you can turn auto-correct off. I use a RESCO because the buttons are a bit larger and actually work like iphone's!! 6- A lock? I agree the in-call one is irritating, so I will give you that one. For a device lock though...I use A_C's S2U2 and it may be based on iphones, but it actually does more and is more customizable than the iphone's. Just like anything else in life, the iphone is for some, the Omnia for others, and the same for any other device out there, so good luck with your choice, and please feel free to stop in and compare or see what is going on in the WM world!!! ![]() Thanks for the input!!! |
Re: Omnia vs. Iphone
Honestly I'm not sure why you even posted here (OP), since this forum is made up mostly of Windows Mobile power users who know about the iPhone but don't want it's limitations and/or want a device that is infinitely more customizable. Granted the iPhone and it's apps may be prettier and in some cases simpler, but other smartphones have had apps for quite some time. WinMo is certainly due for a makeover, but not only do most manufacturers put their own layers on top of the default software, a WinMo phone can use anything that's been created for it (no inconsistent App Store judges, and no needing to jailbreak the phone for simple yet missing functionality, only to have it reversed in the next update, or become bricked). And the whole iPhone killer thing...it's from the media. They all compare any full touchscreen device to the iPhone just because Apple is a media darling and almost always look good to them. I personally don't care about needing to feel superior to anyone, I just want a device that fits my needs. This forum exists for a reason - it's a place where owners of many different devices can share apps, tweaks and other knowledge to make their devices better. Your iPhone may be pretty, but doesn't have the same level of customization - and you can't replace the battery when it stops losing a charge, you just buy the next iPhone with one or two features more that the last one was missing.
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Re: Omnia vs. Iphone
The Omnia is FAR more customizable then the Iphone, I don't know why you posted here but I might as well let you know we don't really care that you went from an adults phone to a kids toy... so have fun playing ur games... heres a link where there may be people that care that you went to the Iphone... http://forum.theiphoneblog.com/
When ur Sidekick/Iphone can do this...Holla at me
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Re: Omnia vs. Iphone
I personally have never used an iphone (except about 30 seconds at Best Buy). I will concede that the screen was very sensitive and responsive, but I didn't like the 'feel' of it. It felt... ... ... too 'basic'. |
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Re: Omnia vs. Iphone
I could list the iPhone's shortcomings vs. Omnia, but what is the point?
Different strokes for different folks. The OP is just trolling. Enjoy ATT's network shortcomings. What good is a phone if you can't use it as such? |
Re: Omnia vs. Iphone
First to answer the question as to why I posted in this forum. I like many of you, resisted the notion of getting an apple device , really just because I decided in my own mind that I didn't want to "jump on the bandwagon" with everyone else.
I thought I would share my thoughts with everyone, now that I finally conceded that if you can't beat them, join them (and the fact that I'm happy i did). Regarding 'customization' , yes Winmo seems more customizeable, but you really shouldn't have to spend all day "Customizing" the phone and trying to make it more finger friendly. The battery is a good point, but I'll cross that bridge probably next year. Regarding AT&T - I thought the same thing about the network shortcomings, but I live in Atlanta and frequently travel the east coast on business. In Atlanta since I've had the phone (4 days now) , I haven't had a single dropped call yet. That being said, we'll see how well the network works as I travel. Regarding the phone itself. The phone keypad makes the iphone much easier and more intuitive. I asked my wife to pick up the Iphone and make a phonecall. She did it on the first go. This was not tha case with the Omnia. During the same exercise on the omnia she needed to hit (#) and the in-call lock and little tiny 'keypad' in the bottom menu definately perplexed and frustrated her (to which she replied, "why does this thing have to be so complicated?" Lastly, I would like to add that the Omnia's voicemail and missed call notification is also very poor. On the Omnia, I frequently missed that I had pending voicemails. Huge design flaw. This is why I ask the same question back to you "What good is a phone if you can't use it as such?" Again , I am not trying to aggravate anyone, but simply voice an opinion which I thought others may find interesting. This is after all , a 'forum'. Last edited by doseman; 01-02-2009 at 11:21 AM. |
Re: Omnia vs. Iphone
Well said nitrous |
Re: Omnia vs. Iphone
doseman....I understand your intentions with posting, and I see what you mean about the differnces in the two devices. That being said, I can also understand a lot of the frustrated sounding replies in here!! A lot of people are tired of all the comparisons made between the iphone and [insert almost any new WN device at the time here]. As I mentioned in ,y first post, the iphone and WM devices are very different, and I really think that about 90% of the comparisons shouldn't even be made, basically we are comparing apples to oranges (I knew I could get that analogy in there LOL)!!!
As far as your concerns witht he Omnia: 1- With making a phone call, all you do is press the left button (normally green) and the dial-pad pops up and you just dial and hit send, I really don't get whay people say it is complicated (not a did at you at all, I have seen others mention it as well) admittedly, maybe I am missing something!! 2- Battery life is an issue with almost all apple products...I would hope eventually they will allow easy access/change of batteries in not only the iphone, but all the ipod versions as well!! 3-missed calls and VM....I have never had an issue there either! I use S2U2 and in the past Phone Alarm and either one gives constant reminders (if anything...too much hence me not using Phone Alarm on the Omnia)!! 4- The customization is half the fun (OK maybe more LOL) of a WM device...a lot of us live for the constant changing, tweaking, showing off new looks/capabilities!!!! I hope you continue to be happy with your iphone!! ![]() |
Re: Omnia vs. Iphone
A few of the games I tried were simply not compatible 'control-wise' with the Omnia (ie. 3D Super-G Stunt). Honestly, I found the selection of quality apps for the winmo pretty limited considering how long the OS has been available. Having no keyboard, makes this list of working apps even more restrictive on the Omnia. Also, I havent played around with Jailbreaking at all, but it appears (from reading) that Iphones don't traditionally become bricked as you can easily restore them to factory defaults if you encounter issues. I understand that 'iphone killer' is a media moniker, but I think the phrasing stems from a phone's ability to capture market share. I don;t think this phone will do it. I think the Storm will sell more units (better marketing and just because it's a blackberry) Please see my comments in post above regaridng basic usability and cutomization.(i.e The keyboard, the phone keypad & the in-phone lock.) Also, to adress syrguy1968's (and other's) comments. - I do believe the comparison is vaild and I do not belive this is an apples to oranges comparison at all. They are both smartphone's/pocket 'computers' with multimedia capabilities. Am I missing something? I understand the 'green button shorcut' to dial out, but again I simply was expressing what happened when I used my Wife as a litmus test. Again, I am simpky sharing my frustration(s) after using the Omnia for 3 weeks. I am not bashing the device, but I do believe there is room for vast imporvement of the default options offered. As it is, many have spoken of purchasing 3rd party apps to make up for many of the phone's shortcomings (Resco Keyboard or S2U2 for alerting) If other's are considering buying the Omnia, I just thought that my comments may be helpful. Last edited by doseman; 01-02-2009 at 01:24 PM. |
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