01-01-2009, 08:48 PM
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Re: Omnia vs. Iphone
Originally Posted by nitrous9200
Honestly I'm not sure why you even posted here (OP), since this forum is made up mostly of Windows Mobile power users who know about the iPhone but don't want it's limitations and/or want a device that is infinitely more customizable. Granted the iPhone and it's apps may be prettier and in some cases simpler, but other smartphones have had apps for quite some time. WinMo is certainly due for a makeover, but not only do most manufacturers put their own layers on top of the default software, a WinMo phone can use anything that's been created for it (no inconsistent App Store judges, and no needing to jailbreak the phone for simple yet missing functionality, only to have it reversed in the next update, or become bricked). And the whole iPhone killer thing...it's from the media. They all compare any full touchscreen device to the iPhone just because Apple is a media darling and almost always look good to them. I personally don't care about needing to feel superior to anyone, I just want a device that fits my needs. This forum exists for a reason - it's a place where owners of many different devices can share apps, tweaks and other knowledge to make their devices better. Your iPhone may be pretty, but doesn't have the same level of customization - and you can't replace the battery when it stops losing a charge, you just buy the next iPhone with one or two features more that the last one was missing.
Well said.....
I personally have never used an iphone (except about 30 seconds at Best Buy). I will concede that the screen was very sensitive and responsive, but I didn't like the 'feel' of it. It felt... ... ... too 'basic'.