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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2009, 05:59 PM
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Re: Omnia vs. Iphone

Originally Posted by doseman View Post
Since this is a discussion, regarding the point - "a WinMo phone can use anything that's been created for it" - What about google maps? Not working (yet) on the Omnia.
A few of the games I tried were simply not compatible 'control-wise' with the Omnia (ie. 3D Super-G Stunt).

Honestly, I found the selection of quality apps for the winmo pretty limited considering how long the OS has been available. Having no keyboard, makes this list of working apps even more restrictive on the Omnia.

Also, I havent played around with Jailbreaking at all, but it appears (from reading) that Iphones don't traditionally become bricked as you can easily restore them to factory defaults if you encounter issues.

I understand that 'iphone killer' is a media moniker, but I think the phrasing stems from a phone's ability to capture market share. I don;t think this phone will do it.
I think the Storm will sell more units (better marketing and just because it's a blackberry)

Please see my comments in post above regaridng basic usability and cutomization.(i.e The keyboard, the phone keypad & the in-phone lock.)

Also, to adress syrguy1968's (and other's) comments. - I do believe the comparison is vaild and I do not belive this is an apples to oranges comparison at all. They are both smartphone's/pocket 'computers' with multimedia capabilities. Am I missing something?

I understand the 'green button shorcut' to dial out, but again I simply was expressing what happened when I used my Wife as a litmus test.

Again, I am simpky sharing my frustration(s) after using the Omnia for 3 weeks. I am not bashing the device, but I do believe there is room for vast imporvement of the default options offered. As it is, many have spoken of purchasing 3rd party apps to make up for many of the phone's shortcomings (Resco Keyboard or S2U2 for alerting)
If other's are considering buying the Omnia, I just thought that my comments may be helpful.
Of course the GPS is not unlocked yet - but Verizon will be setting it free "in the 1st half of 2009." ...that is if you want to talk about individual shortcomings. And perhaps saying EVERYTHING will work exactly the way it should isn't quite accurate, but the point is you don't have to go through the App Store (convenient as it may be) to download apps specifically certified by Apple.
Everyone knows that WinMo is currently a creaky, ugly old platform that simply has loads of band-aids to pretty it up, and they don't always work together as they should. And you're right, most people don't want to have to deal with these shortcomings and/or having to purchase other programs to get the devices to work properly. But this forum is here for that reason, and most of the users here probably found the site because they were willing to tweak a little bit to get a great device. Furthermore, the option is still there to improve the software wherever possible with these 3rd party addons; no jailbreaking is required that could mess something up or brick the phone with the next update. (Landscape texting keyboard, anyone?) So yes, your iPhone does have some advantages over the Omnia, but anyone reading these forums probably knows about them already (as well as the iPhone's disadvantages) and they're trying to make their experience better. And of course, not having to hear about all of the comparisons to it is also nice.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2009, 06:01 PM
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Re: Omnia vs. Iphone


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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2009, 05:06 PM
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Re: Omnia vs. Iphone

I respect your opinion doseman, and as many have said, the iPhone and WinMo phones are very different beasts.

The iPhone is not a smart phone. Let's face it, it will never be a smartphone. The iPhone is a phone and multimedia device. The reason I would buy the iPhone is for the apps, music, and web browsing. If I were wanting something that not only offers multimedia support and applications, I would go with a WinMo Smartphone. The abilities and applications available with WinMo phones are vast. Browsing through the applications I have on my phone now, I have Divx, FM radio, Google maps, Pandora, opera mobile, mobile im, Podcasts, Remote desktop, video editer, and Microsoft Office (view and edit) among many others.

The possibilities of a smartphone are really amazing and I love being able to find really any application for my phone and download it easily. I have edited the registry for wider scroll bars and other aspects to make WinMo more touch friendly so that I could remove my stylus. I find myself using the optical mouse alot more in replacement of the stylus and I am fine with it.

So really all of what I am saying is that you can't compare these phones. They have different strengths and they are for different users. I like the iPhone, but for me, WinMo is a better match for me. I want the ability to connect to my desktop wireless, make my phone an access point, or edit word documents.

I'm glad you found the right phone for you.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2009, 05:32 PM
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Re: Omnia vs. Iphone

Wow be easy here guys. If he loves the iPhone and hates WM let him. I love my TPro.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2009, 07:23 PM
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Re: Omnia vs. Iphone

Omnia and WinMo are for folks who like to customize and mod their phones to make them look better, work better, and do much more than they did out-of-the box. Plus, the Winmo especially in the Omnia version is much more versatile than the iPhone. I tried an iPhone for about a week and did not like it. Took it back. Besides being a poor phone (or maybe it's ATT network) it simply did not have the PDA functions I was looking for. No sync of Outlook tasks for example. You cannot charge an extra battery and swap out when needed. No cut and paste. You can only put apps on it that the Arrogant Mr. Jobs says you can put on it. It is a Toy, not a serious business phone. The Omnia brings together both the serious business phone, and the fun and play factor. For example, in addition to all the music and FM radio enjoyment, Divx videos, I have read you can mod it to play many Nintendo games. For versatility, ease of use, customization of user experience the Omnia at present rules the roost.

Let the iPhools of the world go merrily on their way, but I won't be among them.
Omnia i910
Windows XPMCE

Wait until tomorrow to procrastinate
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 01-04-2009, 01:34 AM
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Re: Omnia vs. Iphone

Originally Posted by 76BluRay View Post
I respect your opinion doseman, and as many have said, the iPhone and WinMo phones are very different beasts.

The iPhone is not a smart phone. Let's face it, it will never be a smartphone. The iPhone is a phone and multimedia device. The reason I would buy the iPhone is for the apps, music, and web browsing. If I were wanting something that not only offers multimedia support and applications, I would go with a WinMo Smartphone. The abilities and applications available with WinMo phones are vast. Browsing through the applications I have on my phone now, I have Divx, FM radio, Google maps, Pandora, opera mobile, mobile im, Podcasts, Remote desktop, video editer, and Microsoft Office (view and edit) among many others.

The possibilities of a smartphone are really amazing and I love being able to find really any application for my phone and download it easily. I have edited the registry for wider scroll bars and other aspects to make WinMo more touch friendly so that I could remove my stylus. I find myself using the optical mouse alot more in replacement of the stylus and I am fine with it.

So really all of what I am saying is that you can't compare these phones. They have different strengths and they are for different users. I like the iPhone, but for me, WinMo is a better match for me. I want the ability to connect to my desktop wireless, make my phone an access point, or edit word documents.

I'm glad you found the right phone for you.
actually the iphone IS considered a smartphone...

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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 01-04-2009, 02:30 AM
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Re: Omnia vs. Iphone

It runs the same OS as the iTouch: how can it be a smartphone? The Instinct is as much a smartphone. What is considered a smartphone will likely run WinMo, PalmOS, or Blackberry operating systems.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 01-04-2009, 01:31 PM
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Re: Omnia vs. Iphone

Originally Posted by FaithOmitted View Post
It runs the same OS as the iTouch: how can it be a smartphone? The Instinct is as much a smartphone. What is considered a smartphone will likely run WinMo, PalmOS, or Blackberry operating systems.
U sound silly, any device that can sync directly with exchange servers or other types of emails, and has PIM functionality, i.e. robust calendar/contacts/note taking/record keeping functionality, is considered a "smart device" by public standards. Microsoft has its own standards on what whats considered a smart phone and whats not.

You saying a instint as as much as a smartphone as an iphone is also not correct. The instinct was designed with one type of user in mind, one who wants an easy to use entertainment device. The iphone was aimed at business users, as well as people who want mobile entertainment.

Why do u think 2.0 brought so many upgrades to the iphone to help corporate users? Im not defending the iphone, its just that were WM users here, aand tend to bash other devices just becuase its not what we use
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 01-04-2009, 10:40 PM
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Re: Omnia vs. Iphone

This thread is so silly. It makes my laugh.

If you like the iphone...bully for you. But you're posting on a message board targeted to WM operating users. And the reason most of the people in THIS forum like WM...is for everything that it offers which iphone does not.

If you want a phone that you can play with right out of the box...then the iphone is for you. IMO, the iphone is like a "personal gaming/multimedia system" that you can use to make a phone call. You can add games to it and listen to your music...but you can't customize it to be what you truly want it to be. The device itself has no potential. What you take out of the box is all you are ever going to have. Just like an xbox...you can buy/get all the games you want...but you're never going to be able to add actual functionality to your xbox to make it something else.

My Omnia (and previously owned xv6700) is much like my laptop. I can add software. I can change registry specifications. I can add memory. I can completely change the way it looks. It has Mobile Office on there...I can do my homework/business on my phone! I can connect to wi-fi and/or use it as a modem. I can put my own videos on there to watch, I can listen to FM radio, and I can even hook it up to my tv and show a slideshow of my photos. I can also remote desktop to my laptop.

I refuse to own an ipod. I refuse to own an imac. I refuse to own an iphone. Why? Because I am not a sheep that lives in a fence. I like to explore my limits and customize my world. When I was using itunes back in the day...I absolutely hated it and when I went to remove it from my computer...it completely screwed it up. I don't need to purchase any special software in order to use my omnia. I am not limited to use only their endorsed products. And I don't feel like I have a media***** being shoved down my throat. I don't buy hype.

I also have great battery life and a great network. I live in smalltown kansas...if I had an iphone I wouldn't even be able to use it in the town that I live. I'd have to travel about 20 miles north just to make a damn phone call. AT&T has terrible coverage area here and lacking customer service.

So...like everyone else said...if you want a toy that you can play with right out of the box and be limited on what you can actually do with your phone...then the iphone was a good choice for you and we're glad that you're happy.

However...the rest of us are going to continue to be happy with our customizable smartphones.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2009, 02:48 AM
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Re: Omnia vs. Iphone

Originally Posted by tinycandi View Post
This thread is so silly. It makes my laugh.

If you like the iphone...bully for you. But you're posting on a message board targeted to WM operating users. And the reason most of the people in THIS forum like WM...is for everything that it offers which iphone does not.

If you want a phone that you can play with right out of the box...then the iphone is for you. IMO, the iphone is like a "personal gaming/multimedia system" that you can use to make a phone call. You can add games to it and listen to your music...but you can't customize it to be what you truly want it to be. The device itself has no potential. What you take out of the box is all you are ever going to have. Just like an xbox...you can buy/get all the games you want...but you're never going to be able to add actual functionality to your xbox to make it something else.

My Omnia (and previously owned xv6700) is much like my laptop. I can add software. I can change registry specifications. I can add memory. I can completely change the way it looks. It has Mobile Office on there...I can do my homework/business on my phone! I can connect to wi-fi and/or use it as a modem. I can put my own videos on there to watch, I can listen to FM radio, and I can even hook it up to my tv and show a slideshow of my photos. I can also remote desktop to my laptop.

I refuse to own an ipod. I refuse to own an imac. I refuse to own an iphone. Why? Because I am not a sheep that lives in a fence. I like to explore my limits and customize my world. When I was using itunes back in the day...I absolutely hated it and when I went to remove it from my computer...it completely screwed it up. I don't need to purchase any special software in order to use my omnia. I am not limited to use only their endorsed products. And I don't feel like I have a media***** being shoved down my throat. I don't buy hype.

I also have great battery life and a great network. I live in smalltown kansas...if I had an iphone I wouldn't even be able to use it in the town that I live. I'd have to travel about 20 miles north just to make a damn phone call. AT&T has terrible coverage area here and lacking customer service.

So...like everyone else said...if you want a toy that you can play with right out of the box and be limited on what you can actually do with your phone...then the iphone was a good choice for you and we're glad that you're happy.

However...the rest of us are going to continue to be happy with our customizable smartphones.
see...i am a hardcore WM FANBOY. Always have been, but you, my firiend, say this thread is comical. U sound just like an apple person, just opposite! Biased is the word im looking for. I just hate when people post things that arent entirely correct....

So...like everyone else said...if you want a toy that you can play with right out of the box and be limited on what you can actually do with your phone...then the iphone was a good choice for you and we're glad that you're happy.
2.0/2.2 has brought so many updates/programs that it dont make sense. From a what it can do standpoint....the 2.0 update REALLY opened up what it can do. Check your facts bruh

The device itself has no potential
again..I own a diamond and will always own a WM phone..but you clearly havent used an iphone or iphone 3g running 2.0 or later..

2.0 really opened up the things u can do with it. So its not just some close ended multimedia device anymore...do some research before u bash a platform...not just the iphone OS, ANY platform.
Again, I am not defending iphones...or WM, but you bashed an OS that you dont seem to have a clue about.

Last edited by Success100; 01-10-2009 at 02:51 AM.
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