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Old 01-04-2009, 10:40 PM
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Re: Omnia vs. Iphone

This thread is so silly. It makes my laugh.

If you like the iphone...bully for you. But you're posting on a message board targeted to WM operating users. And the reason most of the people in THIS forum like for everything that it offers which iphone does not.

If you want a phone that you can play with right out of the box...then the iphone is for you. IMO, the iphone is like a "personal gaming/multimedia system" that you can use to make a phone call. You can add games to it and listen to your music...but you can't customize it to be what you truly want it to be. The device itself has no potential. What you take out of the box is all you are ever going to have. Just like an can buy/get all the games you want...but you're never going to be able to add actual functionality to your xbox to make it something else.

My Omnia (and previously owned xv6700) is much like my laptop. I can add software. I can change registry specifications. I can add memory. I can completely change the way it looks. It has Mobile Office on there...I can do my homework/business on my phone! I can connect to wi-fi and/or use it as a modem. I can put my own videos on there to watch, I can listen to FM radio, and I can even hook it up to my tv and show a slideshow of my photos. I can also remote desktop to my laptop.

I refuse to own an ipod. I refuse to own an imac. I refuse to own an iphone. Why? Because I am not a sheep that lives in a fence. I like to explore my limits and customize my world. When I was using itunes back in the day...I absolutely hated it and when I went to remove it from my completely screwed it up. I don't need to purchase any special software in order to use my omnia. I am not limited to use only their endorsed products. And I don't feel like I have a media***** being shoved down my throat. I don't buy hype.

I also have great battery life and a great network. I live in smalltown kansas...if I had an iphone I wouldn't even be able to use it in the town that I live. I'd have to travel about 20 miles north just to make a damn phone call. AT&T has terrible coverage area here and lacking customer service. everyone else said...if you want a toy that you can play with right out of the box and be limited on what you can actually do with your phone...then the iphone was a good choice for you and we're glad that you're happy.

However...the rest of us are going to continue to be happy with our customizable smartphones.
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