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  #61 (permalink)  
Old 10-09-2008, 10:40 AM
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Re: Finally sprint agree to swap me from 6800 to touch pro when it release.

yea they sent me a few emails saying i cant upgrade, or giving me a credit towards the pro. I just kept emailing them until they said they will replace my mogul once the pro is released
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  #62 (permalink)  
Old 10-09-2008, 12:19 PM
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Re: Finally sprint agree to swap me from 6800 to touch pro when it release.

Brown88, Here is the latest reply that I received...we are on the same track...

We are very sorry that your Mogul phone is not working as you had

But unfortunately, we are unable to exchange it for HTC Touch Pro as it
is beyond 30 days return period.

We are offering you to purchase HTC Touch Pro for $249.99 which is a
very special arrangement for you and are not even available for the new
connections. I am sorry but we are unable to offer any further discount
on this phone.

Thank you for your understanding. We appreciate your business.

In addition to this, I received a phone call both on my cell phone - which I did not answer - then at my home phone at approx 8:00 am PST from someone in India because I had not yet replied to their email sent at 3 AM PST. He said that I had not yet replied and asked me if I wanted to order the Touch for $249. I told him that it was unacceptable, and that he was wasting my time because he was calling me without a better offer than what they emailed. I let him know not to call me until he could provide a better offer.

I will be sending another email....
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  #63 (permalink)  
Old 10-09-2008, 12:28 PM
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Re: Finally sprint agree to swap me from 6800 to touch pro when it release.

alright im keep trying then.
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  #64 (permalink)  
Old 10-09-2008, 12:58 PM
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Re: Finally sprint agree to swap me from 6800 to touch pro when it release.

Originally Posted by jjbusch View Post
We are offering you to purchase HTC Touch Pro for $249.99 which is a
very special arrangement for you and are not even available for the new
connections. I am sorry but we are unable to offer any further discount
on this phone.
this sounds like a decent deal? cant u just ebay yer mogul then for ~$200?
XV6800 > XV6850 > Fuze > PPC 6850 (R.I.P.) > XV6850 (again) -> iPhone (sorry to say this, but it simply does everything better than wm -- EVEN EXCHANGE EMAIL!)
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  #65 (permalink)  
Old 10-09-2008, 01:47 PM
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Re: Finally sprint agree to swap me from 6800 to touch pro when it release.

After sending this to Sprint

The phone that is currently in use is not a HTC Touch, but a HTC
Mogul. I have been to the Sprint Repair Center many times. Every time
they look at my phone, they are unable to correct the issue and they
decide to issue a replacement. This course of action is becoming
repetitive and frustrating. I have made claims under TEP, and this also
has not resovled the issue. I spoke with a representative about the
problems and researched them online and found that this device, the HTC
Mogul, isn't malfunctioning, these are known common issues. They seem to
be design flaws that have still not been resolved via software updates,
and with the Touch Pro on the way, there will be no more updates. I
enjoy the service I get through Sprint, but how my phone is acting after
I received

Thank you for contacting Sprint. I am sorry for the inconvenience you
have experienced.

Your phone currently has a one-year manufacturer's warranty. This is one
year from the date of activation. An onsite technician will need to
confirm that the defect is covered under the warranty. Please visit a
Sprint Store to verify the same. I fully acknowledge that you have to
travel some distance to reach our store. However, please consider
visiting the store as this will only solve your concern

Please click on the hyperlink below to find the nearest Sprint Store:


If the defect would be found under manufacturer warrant, please contact
the manufacturer at 866-449-8358. This is direct number to contact the
manufacturer Customer Services.

We at Sprint offer great rebates for the existing customers depending
upon the handset life on the account. I really understand the situation
and would be glad to clarify the procedure under which we offer Handset
Upgrade Rebates.

Rebate on the purchase of new PCS Phone while upgrading the current PCS
Phone does not depend on the active age of the account with Sprint.
Rebate directly depends on the activate age of the currently active PCS
Phone on the account.

If the current PCS Phone on the account is active from more than 22
months, account is eligible for $150.00 rebate. If the phone is active
on the account from more than 12 months but less than 22 months, we
offer $75.00 rebate.

So, rebate on the phone is directly associated with active age of the
currently active PCS Phone. As per this rebate offer, you are not
eligible for any Rebate on the purchase of a new PCS Phone.

The HTC Touch Diamond was scheduled to be launched on September 02,
2008. However, the launch date was postponed till October 19, 2008.

You can get the notification when the HTC Touch Diamond by registering


I guess I will have to take it a notch further.

Any sugggestions or ideas?

Thank you again for contacting Sprint. We appreciate your business.

a single year is unacceptable.
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  #66 (permalink)  
Old 10-09-2008, 02:06 PM
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Re: Finally sprint agree to swap me from 6800 to touch pro when it release.

This was my reply to that email I received from E-care.

Dear Sprint Customer Service Specialist,

I am also sorry for this inconvenience. I have been to the Sprint Repair Center many times. Every time the on site technician looks at my phone, they are unable to correct the issue and they decide to issue a replacement. This course of action is becoming repetitive and frustrating. I have made claims under TEP, and this also has not resovled the issue. I spoke with a representative about the problems. I enjoy the service I get through Sprint, but how my phone is acting after a single year is unacceptable. I hope you will be able to resolve my issue.

I am writing in regards to some serious issues I have had with the Sprint PCS Mogul, which I purchased in January. Shortly after receiving my Mogul, I noticed problems with the Bluetooth functionality, where I could hear callers on my headset, but to them my voice sounds choppy. It is simply unacceptable to not be able to use my phone in a business environment.These problems, I expect, are not happening on the new Touch Pro. What I would like is for you is to order the HTC Touch Pro phone and arrange a return kit for the HTC 6800 handset. On receipt of the return kit, I will send back the HTC 6800 handset at the address mentioned and the charge for this phone should then be credited back to my account. This way, the account will be charged only for the difference in charge of the two phones (HTC 6800 handset and HTC Touch Pro phone). Please escalate this to a supervisor if you do not have the authority to do this. I have come to expect great service and excellent devices from Sprint, but I may need to take my business else where if this issue can not be resolved.
Best regards
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  #67 (permalink)  
Old 10-09-2008, 03:46 PM
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Re: Finally sprint agree to swap me from 6800 to touch pro when it release.

when I emailed dan. I got a phone call from him telling me to call asurion and I can have my phone replaced. I will call them and see if they can give me something. will have a follow up
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  #68 (permalink)  
Old 10-09-2008, 03:47 PM
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Re: Finally sprint agree to swap me from 6800 to touch pro when it release.

Originally Posted by Zenoran View Post
this sounds like a decent deal? cant u just ebay yer mogul then for ~$200?
I guess I have higher expectations of a $550 phone. I guess I just expect it to work correctly, as advertised, and I guess that I expect a company to stand behind the products that they sell. Am I expecting too much? I don't think so.

I shop at Nordstroms. Why? They stand behind their products.

I no longer take my car to the service garage at my local Ford dealership. Why? They did not stand behind their work, so I found a shop that would.

I shop through the Amway Global/Quixtar website... why? I get a 180 day no questions asked money back guarantee on everything... all I have to do is return the EMPTY container if I don't like something.

I buy alot of electronics at Fry's. Why? They take everything I've ever needed to return back, without any "restocking fee" and without any hassles (although their customer service people could stand to have a class on "how to smile and make our customers feel welcome")

I guess I prefer to give my money to companies that are willing to give stellar customer support and understand the principal that 1 ticked-off customer will tell 10 of his friends about how badly they were treated, while 1 happy customer MIGHT tell 2 or 3 people about how pleased they are... and thus are willing to work to spread the word through happy customers.

The unfortunate thing is that the Cell phone companies have you locked in to poor customer service and crappy devices through their penalizing contracts.
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  #69 (permalink)  
Old 10-09-2008, 04:24 PM
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Re: Finally sprint agree to swap me from 6800 to touch pro when it release.

I'm 3 emails in, this is their last response:

Dear Sherv*********

Thank you for your reply.

I apologize for the inconvenience caused to you due to the handset
problem. However, it is not possible to exchange the handset with the
HTC Touch Pro.

The HTC Mogul, if found defective under manufactures warranty can only
be replaced with the same or equivalent model.

Thank you again for contacting Sprint. We appreciate your business.

Bianca R.
Customer Service Specialist


That said, I'm definitely not giving up and will persist as, really, the mogul is a hunk o' junk given its price and shoddy performance. Who's to say that the Touch Pro will be any better, but I have hope!

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  #70 (permalink)  
Old 10-09-2008, 08:58 PM
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Talking Re: Finally sprint agree to swap me from 6800 to touch pro when it release.

This is the email I received back...

Thank you for writing back to us. Currently, the handset active on the line 2187 is HTC Touch which got active on March 08, 2008. As this handset is still under the 1 year manufacturing warranty, therefore you can replace the handset with any handset model of the same price for free. I understand that you want to replace the handset with the Touch Pro. The Touch Pro is going to be launched on October 19, 2008. Therefore once the handset will be launched, please write back to us. We will send the return kit for the HTC touch. Also, we will send the new Touch Pro at the mailing address. The difference in the prices of the handsets will be charged on your account. If you have any other concern related to account please write back to us. We will be glad to assist you. I appreciate you emailing us today.
Sweet success?
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