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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-16-2008, 04:15 AM
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Re: Anyone using iGO 8

Originally Posted by nini1 View Post
Couldn't get the .dem file to work thus far but for me the building file works in downtown area when you pass by landmarks buildings for example.

BTW, what configuration do you use for the TMC? "1headhunter1" suggested to add the following to the sys.txt file :

port="COM,x" // <- x = port used by TMC (1,2,3,...)
source="yyy" // <- yyy = TMC protocol
What type of phone did headhunter use this on? Didnt try dem yet.
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Old 05-14-2008, 05:07 AM
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Re: Anyone using iGO 8

Need some help here. Although I said I would use Tomtom/Garmin instead, I'd still like to try iGO.

So this is the problem:
When I start iGO, and the GPS receiver, isn't connected, I can receive calls. When I connect GPS receiver, having locked onto satellites or may be not even, I can no longer receive incoming calls. Even when I exit iGO, I still cannot receive calls. I either have to reset my phone or I put it in airplane mode and then back to phone mode again.

I think someone the program interferes with the radio or something. This is a similar problem I had when I was with ghetto's rom where I could not get incoming calls while I had gps running, using tomtom, garmin, gps viewer or any programs that uses gps. The only thing different this time is that Tomtom, Garmin don't have the problem anymore. I can receive calls while I'm using them and locked onto satellites. It's only iGO that doesn't work.

Does anyone know if iGO interferes with the radio? The way I prime the gps is I search of the receiver, then I search for TMC and then go back to searching for the gps. I'm thinking maybe when I search for TMC it inactivates the radio or may be it forces it to stay on evdo or whatever and not allow it to go back to 1xRTT, which from what I read elsewhere is needed to receive calls/data. Anyone have any ideas?

I'm with Bell Mobility, in Vancouver, BC. Using a clean rom that I cooked up with the kitchen. I also did that ##778# hack from this site
to make it so that I poll the station more frequently. That didnt help at all, still didnt get any incoming calls.
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Old 05-14-2008, 05:09 AM
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Re: Anyone using iGO 8

i own a mogul and have a problem with igo8..... for some reason my phone does not detect my gps?? it says no gps found? nor can i locate the tmc.....help pleasE?
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 05-16-2008, 04:12 AM
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Re: Anyone using iGO 8

Originally Posted by lawsofpower48 View Post
i own a mogul and have a problem with igo8..... for some reason my phone does not detect my gps?? it says no gps found? nor can i locate the tmc.....help pleasE?

You have to prime the GPS with a program. Search for "GPS prime" for some suggestions. I use GPSviewer. Thats a benefit of garmin, no need for a primer app.

Going to try astrolauncher in a few.

No TMC support on the Mogul or the Touch. (It broadcasts over FM so you need a FM transmitter, like in the ETEN M700 ppc, the Titan's competitor)
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Old 05-23-2008, 12:28 PM
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Re: Anyone using iGO 8

Originally Posted by lawsofpower48 View Post
i own a mogul and have a problem with igo8..... for some reason my phone does not detect my gps?? it says no gps found? nor can i locate the tmc.....help pleasE?

You have two options to get the GPS working with the Mogul. The GPS port need to be open by a 3rd party software such as GPS Viewer. The other option which I like is use of the AstroGPSLauncher. Search this forum for download. Good lunck!
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Old 05-14-2008, 05:48 PM
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Re: Anyone using iGO 8

I had it installed for a few days but every time I ran the program it would reset my clock. Also, I always use Google Maps to prime and after a reboot it always connects in < min. However, after installing iGO8 it would take several minutes or never connect to a satellite at all. Then, while using iGO8 it would drop satellites and says "gps lost" and normally it would reconnect in a couple secs but not always.

The program is really nice but after dropping satellites (tomtom *never* had) and the extra time to find a signal to begin with plus resetting my clock... I had to restore a backup before the installation. Everything seems back to normal now for me.

Thats too bad because it seemed much nicer than tomtom.
  #7 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2008, 01:13 AM
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Re: Anyone using iGO 8

Originally Posted by unr View Post
I had it installed for a few days but every time I ran the program it would reset my clock. Also, I always use Google Maps to prime and after a reboot it always connects in < min. However, after installing iGO8 it would take several minutes or never connect to a satellite at all. Then, while using iGO8 it would drop satellites and says "gps lost" and normally it would reconnect in a couple secs but not always.

The program is really nice but after dropping satellites (tomtom *never* had) and the extra time to find a signal to begin with plus resetting my clock... I had to restore a backup before the installation. Everything seems back to normal now for me.

Thats too bad because it seemed much nicer than tomtom.
There is a fix for the tiemzone change on the igo site, you have to do something to the sys.txt.

Try the link that dumb4ever has in his post, it's much better than the way I was doing it as it seemed to solve my incoming call problems. This will prime your gps and also allow you to lock on satellites faster. I use it with tomtom and now with garmin.
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Old 08-29-2008, 09:55 AM
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Re: Anyone using iGO 8

Originally Posted by unr View Post
I had it installed for a few days but every time I ran the program it would reset my clock. Also, I always use Google Maps to prime and after a reboot it always connects in < min. However, after installing iGO8 it would take several minutes or never connect to a satellite at all. Then, while using iGO8 it would drop satellites and says "gps lost" and normally it would reconnect in a couple secs but not always.

The program is really nice but after dropping satellites (tomtom *never* had) and the extra time to find a signal to begin with plus resetting my clock... I had to restore a backup before the installation. Everything seems back to normal now for me.

Thats too bad because it seemed much nicer than tomtom.
I only have problems with dropped satellites when I turn off AGPS, and usually it picks them back up within 20 secs (I am a sprint, USA user, I turn off AGPS when using iGO8 in Canada where I don't want to use data - TomTom won't get a lock for me in Canada with AGPS turned off). With AGPS turned on, I get a lock in 5 seconds or less, and rarely if ever lose GPS. AstroGPSLauncher is what I use, it is great.

The clock resetting issue is fixed if you simply turn of the settings in iGo that automatically update your phone clock to the GPS time server; also set the right time zone in iGO8.

For me, TomTom7 is only better for POIs, that's it. iGO8 has better graphics, UI, options, skins, and routes (for me). And I can use iGO8 out of the country, which is a plus.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 08-29-2008, 02:42 PM
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Re: Anyone using iGO 8

Originally Posted by tatnai View Post
I only have problems with dropped satellites when I turn off AGPS, and usually it picks them back up within 20 secs (I am a sprint, USA user, I turn off AGPS when using iGO8 in Canada where I don't want to use data - TomTom won't get a lock for me in Canada with AGPS turned off). With AGPS turned on, I get a lock in 5 seconds or less, and rarely if ever lose GPS. AstroGPSLauncher is what I use, it is great.

The clock resetting issue is fixed if you simply turn of the settings in iGo that automatically update your phone clock to the GPS time server; also set the right time zone in iGO8.

For me, TomTom7 is only better for POIs, that's it. iGO8 has better graphics, UI, options, skins, and routes (for me). And I can use iGO8 out of the country, which is a plus.
I was under the impression that AGPS is does not use data although some say it does...how did you turn AGPS off? Like do you mean in the registry and then soft resetted? or do you mean you just turn of data thereby disabling AGPS?

For me, I have faster locks, see more sats and more locks with data on than when it is off. Whether that's due to AGPS or not, I know there's a difference. I'm in Vancouver, Canada if that makes any difference, on Bell as well using 20273 rom made from the kitchen. I tested pretty much with iGO8/OCN8 only and look at the sat viewer. With data on, I'd be getting 6-9 sats locked and they were of strong strength but with data off (blocked by no data) the most I would get after a cold start is only 4-5 locks, avg is closer to 2-3 locks only. It would also take forever to get a lock but it does lock. That's why I think data is needed for better GPS signal. Whether that's AGPS or not I'm not sure, if it is, then I guess AGPS needs data, if not then like I said in other posts, there's something else that affects the signal we get.
  #10 (permalink)  
Old 08-29-2008, 04:02 PM
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Re: Anyone using iGO 8

Originally Posted by aspalaasn View Post
I was under the impression that AGPS is does not use data although some say it does...how did you turn AGPS off? Like do you mean in the registry and then soft resetted? or do you mean you just turn of data thereby disabling AGPS?

For me, I have faster locks, see more sats and more locks with data on than when it is off. Whether that's due to AGPS or not, I know there's a difference. I'm in Vancouver, Canada if that makes any difference, on Bell as well using 20273 rom made from the kitchen. I tested pretty much with iGO8/OCN8 only and look at the sat viewer. With data on, I'd be getting 6-9 sats locked and they were of strong strength but with data off (blocked by no data) the most I would get after a cold start is only 4-5 locks, avg is closer to 2-3 locks only. It would also take forever to get a lock but it does lock. That's why I think data is needed for better GPS signal. Whether that's AGPS or not I'm not sure, if it is, then I guess AGPS needs data, if not then like I said in other posts, there's something else that affects the signal we get.
Here's a good tutorial on GPS vs aGPS - I didn't know much about it before I read it. Whether this would incur a data charge when I'm roaming in Canada depends on a) what aGPS configuration the vogue works on, and b) whether the cell tower - phone communication occurs over the data line or not. Your testing would suggest that the cell tower "assistance" is using a data route.

I turned off aGPS by using a program called Advanced Config. It is included in many custom roms, can be dl'd too. I also turn off my data when I go to canada by preventing data while roaming - for reasons other than just the aGPS. The only thing I've found with iGo8 is that with aGPS and data off, I typically need to soft reset before using it or it won't get a lock, don't know if this is because it is trying to use old sat info, or because I just got impatient the first couple of times and then began soft resetting after that. But yeah, I would get a lock in about 2-4 minutes with that config, and dropped sats about every 10 mins for 20 seconds or so.

But your testing might also indicate that I don't kneed to turn off aGPS, I can probably just block my data connection and have the same results. I thought that maybe the phone would be "searching" for that assisted information and then maybe not function at all; apparently that's not the case.

Definitely while I'm home in the US I keep aGPS on, and have seconds to a sat lock and almost never drop a signal. I only disabled it cause I was going to Canada.

I did not try simply disabling data but leaving aGPS on, as I assumed it wouldn't work anyways. The next time I go to Canada, I will give this a try, and see if I lose satellites all the time and/or if my TTFF dramatically improves; from what you say, though, it's probably the equivalent of turing aGPS off.

Last edited by tatnai; 08-29-2008 at 04:10 PM.
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