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  #161 (permalink)  
Old 09-28-2009, 12:24 AM
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Re: Sprint replacing for TP2

Originally Posted by ott View Post
If people are getting swapped into TP2's, then their getting HUGE favors from someone that's pulling A LOT of strings. The only other alt that their even supposed to go into as a comp model is the Treo Pro, which in my opinion, is nothing like the TP, but w/e...
I've gone through a number of TP's now, all for keyboard, USB, or vibrating issues, and while if they offered me a TP2 I'd take it, I'm not at all looking for it, just a TP that works. That said, if I was told "Hey, take this Treo Pro instead.", I'd completely flip out. IMO, you're right, they're nothing alike at all.
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  #162 (permalink)  
Old 09-28-2009, 01:13 AM
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Re: Sprint replacing for TP2

and yesterday my screen started dying? The screen becomes unresponsive, then pressing Power button drained all the ink slowly from the screen with a fading ghost image of what i was doing, then turning the screen on makes it all black, and sometimes u see a whitle line when u turn it off.

Sliding the keyboard makes it freeze, until its back in portrait and even in portrait it freezes randomly or the ink drains out of it. Funny thing is i cancelled insurance/repair on the line 3 months ago. Up for 75$ bucks Oct 1st. Oct 6th cant come soon enough, or the Hero or the SamsungQ .

Honestly though, ive never had a phone crap out in ONE year. it was like it died right on its anniversary of one year... One thing is i treated the phone like a king, Seidio Spring clip holster (~80$ ) screen shield, and the Rubber Sedio Innocase (combo deal) never slipped from my hand, no chips, not chrome defects. Just a dead touch screen , un responsive landscape and keyboard in the scope of 2 days it just got worse and worse, switched to an old Samsung A900 that i can tether with
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  #163 (permalink)  
Old 09-28-2009, 03:27 AM
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Re: Sprint replacing for TP2

Why are people making it sound like when you send in a defective phone, Sprint just throws it in the the trash? At the most Sprints out shipping, why would they throw away a phone? Isn't this where refurbs come from.

Couple people in this thread sure high on their horse. Get a life. I pay 300 for a phone, and the keyboard goes out, damn right I want it fixed, or replaced. Why would I take apart my phone? I got the insurance for this reason. I had a new phone not 3 days and the screen got stuck in landscape, then the keyboard went out a few days after.

You bet I sent the defective phone back to them for a replacement. Were not talking bout a cheap 50 buck phone here. This nonsense about bricking phones, dude your way off track on that one. Your dismal comeback was just that dismal. There's a name for people that act like you on forums, a keyboard jockey. Enjoy your triumph over adversity on PPC Geeks haha.

Btw if your so business savy why are you wasting your time on the forums, instead of applying for a job at Sprint? You seem to know the ins and outs of running a carrier. Whats running Sprint into the ground as well, please do save the sinking ship with your great insight!

I must admit If I were forced to send my phone in countless times, I would be looking for some type of compensation. As I stated before were paying a nice chunk of money for these phones, some of us to just send em back a short while later. Alas how much you really think Sprint is paying HTC for these phones? Pennies on the dollars I'm sure, and making a fair amount off us. So I'm sure replacing a phone isn't that large an issue for Sprint, especially when most can be refurbished and sent right back out.

I see you are an employee of Sprint, explains a great deal. Perhaps I'll see you on tv as the CEO one day. Probably get a hold of you on the phone one day and be left with a bad taste in my mouth after most likely. If you work for Sprint why you bothering with the pinch trick? Wouldn't you just have your keyboard fixed, I have to call BS on that. Sounds a bit fishy for me. I forgot to mention I work for HTC. On the internet we can be anything we want to be.

Last edited by endless82; 09-28-2009 at 03:45 AM. Reason: New info.
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  #164 (permalink)  
Old 09-28-2009, 10:00 AM
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Re: Sprint replacing for TP2

Originally Posted by takimaki View Post
Awesome, three days into having a refurb replacement, and I'm going to need my 4th TP from Sprint. The replacement's mini-usb doesn't work with the headset that originally came with it (lol), and the touch screen is going nuts...it won't register my finger in certain directions, other times a stylus tap registers on the wrong spot (not even close to where it should be).

I don't understand why it seems like only Sprint customers are having such a tough time with Touch Pros. I don't even want a TP2, I just want something, anything thats comparable that JUST WORKS and isnt crap quality.
i had the touchscreen problem with my last replacement. my current replacement seems to be working fine for now. it does look to be beat up and refurbed more than once tho.
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  #165 (permalink)  
Old 09-28-2009, 01:25 PM
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Re: Sprint replacing for TP2

Originally Posted by endless82 View Post
couple people in this thread sure high on their horse. Get a life. I pay 300 for a phone, and the keyboard goes out, damn right i want it fixed, or replaced. Why would i take apart my phone? I got the insurance for this reason. I had a new phone not 3 days and the screen got stuck in landscape, then the keyboard went out a few days after.

You bet i sent the defective phone back to them for a replacement. Were not talking bout a cheap 50 buck phone here. This nonsense about bricking phones, dude your way off track on that one. Your dismal comeback was just that dismal. There's a name for people that act like you on forums, a keyboard jockey. Enjoy your triumph over adversity on ppc geeks haha.

I must admit if i were forced to send my phone in countless times, i would be looking for some type of compensation. As i stated before were paying a nice chunk of money for these phones, some of us to just send em back a short while later. Alas how much you really think sprint is paying htc for these phones? Pennies on the dollars i'm sure, and making a fair amount off us. So i'm sure replacing a phone isn't that large an issue for sprint, especially when most can be refurbished and sent right back out.
+1 ...exactly
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  #166 (permalink)  
Old 09-28-2009, 01:52 PM
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Re: Sprint replacing for TP2

Originally Posted by ale896 View Post
I just filed a claim with Asurion last week because my TP decided it wanted to dance out of its case and into a rain puddle... ...They sent me a BRAND NEW TP...no TP2, but hey, at least I didn't get a refurb TP.
same here man. i was out drinking and i had my tp1 on the table and i knocked over a drink. my phone got flooded so i went through asurion and had to pay the now 100 buck fee and surprisingly got a brand new tp1. now i have a extra sd card, case and charger
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  #167 (permalink)  
Old 09-28-2009, 03:40 PM
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Re: getting a replacement from sprint...

Originally Posted by strra View Post
necrobumping to say:
6/16 i posted that they were sending me a new one
now it's 9/24 and i'm replacing again. seems these things have a 3 month shelf life.
i tried to get her to send me a touch pro 2 but they wouldn't budge and said that if it happens again i have to go to the sprint store for further help....
ugh i hate ups. this is the second time they've been unable to find my house! now i have to wait until tomorrow and drive an hour out of my way to go pick it up.

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Last edited by strra; 09-28-2009 at 04:29 PM.
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  #168 (permalink)  
Old 09-28-2009, 06:39 PM
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Re: getting a replacement from sprint...

Originally Posted by strra View Post
ugh i hate ups. this is the second time they've been unable to find my house! now i have to wait until tomorrow and drive an hour out of my way to go pick it up.
after many calls to ups, they let me meet the driver somewhere to get the phone.
the phone is a refurb and the refurb date is 9/16/09.... so maybe by september 16th, they figured out how to stop the keyboard from getting disconnected?
one weird thing though, the back is different. for one, it doesn't say HTC on it and the paint feels softer... almost tacky... as if they repainted it with a different paint. i'll use it for a bit but i feel like this paint won't last long.
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  #169 (permalink)  
Old 09-28-2009, 08:14 PM
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Re: Replacement Woes

I was one of those "lucky" customers that converted over to Verizon from Alltel ...... had to do an insurance claim on my sleek, chrome, Alltel TP and got an inept, bricky, Verizon phone with less RAM .... argh!!
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  #170 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2009, 02:26 AM
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Re: getting a replacement from sprint...

Originally Posted by strra View Post
after many calls to ups, they let me meet the driver somewhere to get the phone.
the phone is a refurb and the refurb date is 9/16/09.... so maybe by september 16th, they figured out how to stop the keyboard from getting disconnected?
one weird thing though, the back is different. for one, it doesn't say HTC on it and the paint feels softer... almost tacky... as if they repainted it with a different paint. i'll use it for a bit but i feel like this paint won't last long.
another difference i must point out is that the keyboard is different than my original and my first replacement. while those had a gloss finish, this one has a matte finish and has a bit more feedback in the touch.... i like it better, actually...
anyone have any info on this?
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