I posted the below over at Scott's VZNAV 3.0 Final thread. Thought it made sense to post here as well.
I live in Brookly NY and had lots of problems getting lock with the GPS before using the QuickGPS. I would see lots of sats but would take FOREVER to lock on ANY of them (sometimes 5-7 minutes) and once locked, all was good in the world.
Once I flashed to this ROM yesterday I turned my location on in the phone settings, launched QuickGPS and let it update and then launched HTC GPS Tool while walking from my house to the train station yesterday morning and WHAM! in under 30 seconds I used and locked on 9 sats.
To test this out again, today after getting off the train coming home from work, I whipped out my handy dandy VZW TP

and launched HTC GPS Tool (I have not updated the QuickGPS utility since yesterday morning) and clicked OPen Port and WHAM! in less than 10 seconds I was locked onto 8 sats!
I also remember there was some question about the GPS working without the any other radio being active so I closed the GPS port, shut the phone radio, shut the BT radio, made sure WIFI radio was off and launched HTC GPS Tool and opened the port and WHAM! locked on 5 sats in less than 10 seconds. So I guess that confirms that the GPS is truly running on its own without any live assistance other than the stored almanac that is created by QuickGPS.
WOOHOO! Long live SCOTT and |||BORED|||
THey have made a phone that I was starting to doubt because of the lack of RAM and locked GPS and made it as great as it can be and I am sure Scott is not done if the ROM production for the TITAN is any indication (R4R was a sweet ROM).
But I have to confess, the extra RAM is still overshadowing this phone.