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Re: UPDATE:Rainbow looking circle
I'm not sure what your getting but if it makes you feel better when I picked up my replacement yesterday it was a NIB the rep even let me keep the battery out of my old TP so now I have 3 batteries. Sprint must be having trouble getting there referbs going I haven't heard of anyone getting a refreb yet.
“It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope.”
Robert Kennedy Ha y'all come visit me at WMExperts some time. ![]() |
Re: UPDATE:Rainbow looking circle
There goes one of your claims... They pulled the same BS with me. But I ended up doing that twice and then the 3rd time they said I only have one claim left... I even asked and confirmed every time. I asked "is this going to use up one of my claims?" and both times I was told that because it is a manufacturers defect that I didn't cause that they over look that kind of claim... so yeah the point is don't do it again if you get the same thing. Make sure they replace it at sprint.
Re: UPDATE:Rainbow looking circle
I was wondering about that. I went to the sprint store and the tech just looked at it and said "Oh well sorry cant help you". I was like F$$$ You! Thats why I called.
And I was under the assumption that I was gonna get a brand new retail box with all the accessories from Asurion. I guess I find out later on today if that's the case. And Ill call back sprint tomorrow and ask on using up one of my claims. ![]() |
Re: UPDATE:Rainbow looking circle
Re: UPDATE:Rainbow looking circle
Just had this happen on my verizon touch pro it covered most of the screen and after about 2 days of having this the touch screen wouldnt work.. verizon sent me a refurbished and so far i havent had any problems
Re: UPDATE:Rainbow looking circle
I talked with Sprint technical support online and mentioned about the threads here at ppcgeeks and xda and sprintusers. They sent me a refurbished unit that have chipped off chrome on the phone all over. I called them up again, the woman is now sending me a new tp. This is pretty frustrating as my phone is only 2 weeks old. I thought steam got in it somehow when I left it in the bathroom while showering and waited a week for it to get out. But with all the complaints I decided that this is a manufacturing defect. I also send the links to the different forums to HTC and ask them to look into it. If it is couple of people in a forum, I can understand, if it is more than 10 pages, then that's a widespread problem.
Re: UPDATE:Rainbow looking circle
I'm wondering why I can only see it under fluorescent lighting. If the lighting is natural or from incandescent bulbs, there's no "smudge". If I didn't have any CFL bulbs in my house, I probably wouldn't even know about this.
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