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  #231 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2009, 07:55 PM
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Re: UPDATE:Rainbow looking circle

UGHH WTF second tp just activated it on saturday. and it has a big *t* rainbow spot on the screen. So is there a similar problem on the diamond?
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Last edited by idenkilla; 03-31-2009 at 08:20 PM.
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  #232 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2009, 12:11 AM
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Smile Re: UPDATE:Rainbow looking circle

Originally Posted by falzon03 View Post
yeah well you better keep all the accesories lol...their just shipping you a phone with no battery in a little box lol....nothing else lol....o well maybe a stylus and a back but not sure haha
Ah ok. The first person I talked to said they were shipping me a brand new TP so I figured it was a retail box and all. I was told I can keep the battery though.
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  #233 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2009, 01:15 AM
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Re: UPDATE:Rainbow looking circle

Originally Posted by Vertech View Post
Ah ok. The first person I talked to said they were shipping me a brand new TP so I figured it was a retail box and all. I was told I can keep the battery though.
I'm not sure what your getting but if it makes you feel better when I picked up my replacement yesterday it was a NIB the rep even let me keep the battery out of my old TP so now I have 3 batteries. Sprint must be having trouble getting there referbs going I haven't heard of anyone getting a refreb yet.
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  #234 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2009, 01:28 AM
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Re: UPDATE:Rainbow looking circle

Originally Posted by Vertech View Post
I called Sprint last night and they told Asurion to credit me the fee for a new phone. So it either got shipped out last night or early today, either way its on its way 2nd day air. They even told me just to ship the only phone back and keep all the accessories!
There goes one of your claims... They pulled the same BS with me. But I ended up doing that twice and then the 3rd time they said I only have one claim left... I even asked and confirmed every time. I asked "is this going to use up one of my claims?" and both times I was told that because it is a manufacturers defect that I didn't cause that they over look that kind of claim... so yeah the point is don't do it again if you get the same thing. Make sure they replace it at sprint.
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  #235 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2009, 02:25 AM
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Re: UPDATE:Rainbow looking circle

I was wondering about that. I went to the sprint store and the tech just looked at it and said "Oh well sorry cant help you". I was like F$$$ You! Thats why I called.

And I was under the assumption that I was gonna get a brand new retail box with all the accessories from Asurion. I guess I find out later on today if that's the case. And Ill call back sprint tomorrow and ask on using up one of my claims.
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  #236 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2009, 08:54 AM
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Re: UPDATE:Rainbow looking circle

When you guys call Sprint which department do you try and get? Also, what's the number of that department?
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  #237 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2009, 02:05 PM
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Re: UPDATE:Rainbow looking circle

Originally Posted by blkout View Post
This is not an with any screen protectors. This is a known issue with the TP. It is a manufactures defect, the only problem is if you have had your phone for a while and wait to take it in normal/heavy finger use can also cause the same issue. Therefore if you get a phone that has this problem (normally as soon as you take it out of the box) you need to take it in. If you take it in right away and show them that you haven't had the phone long then it is "supposed" to be a free swap out. If they do not want to do a exchange with the phone simply ask for the store manager and try explaining that it came like that. If you are still having no luck call in to sprint and talk to them about it.

This is kind of like the white spot on the mogul. Some said that it eventually caused the screen to stop working. Others had said the white spot grew and took over the screen.

Bottom line if you really want the phone replaced because of the rainbow on your screen don't give up. Even when they tell you no or that it will cost you always get names of who you talked to and document it. You'd be surprised some service reps will have a change of heart once they see your documenting everything. Also some reps don't give a $h!T and will give you a fake name. If enough people have the same issue it can lead to bigger problems for the company if taken action on....

Good luck
Not denying that there might be a problem with some of the screens in some of the phones. However, I disagree with you, in MY case, the rainbow smudge most certainly was something to do with the screen protector. Like I said, the smudge went away when the protector was removed.
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  #238 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2009, 02:10 PM
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Re: UPDATE:Rainbow looking circle

Just had this happen on my verizon touch pro it covered most of the screen and after about 2 days of having this the touch screen wouldnt work.. verizon sent me a refurbished and so far i havent had any problems
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  #239 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2009, 10:04 PM
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Re: UPDATE:Rainbow looking circle

I talked with Sprint technical support online and mentioned about the threads here at ppcgeeks and xda and sprintusers. They sent me a refurbished unit that have chipped off chrome on the phone all over. I called them up again, the woman is now sending me a new tp. This is pretty frustrating as my phone is only 2 weeks old. I thought steam got in it somehow when I left it in the bathroom while showering and waited a week for it to get out. But with all the complaints I decided that this is a manufacturing defect. I also send the links to the different forums to HTC and ask them to look into it. If it is couple of people in a forum, I can understand, if it is more than 10 pages, then that's a widespread problem.
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  #240 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2009, 10:07 PM
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Re: UPDATE:Rainbow looking circle

I'm wondering why I can only see it under fluorescent lighting. If the lighting is natural or from incandescent bulbs, there's no "smudge". If I didn't have any CFL bulbs in my house, I probably wouldn't even know about this.

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