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  #3431 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2010, 08:16 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro -- Now working on Verizon! And with GPS!

Yes, at 65% used an 800 will have more free RAM than a 500, but it is still only 35% free. If you look at the MB's instead of the %, you should notice that if it wasn't working at, say 150MB (just for an example) used on a 500, but it works just fine at 200MB (again, just an example) used on an 800, there is something there. If Android was saying "I can't start when the device has only 50MB or 35% RAM free" then it should be consistent regardless of device, correct? It sounds like that is what your device is doing though, reading 65% used and giving an error to haret or something else along those lines. Regardless of if you two get along or not, something is going on with your device, so lets figure it out and see if it is actually Android or not. If it is, it would probably be good for the devs to know. If not, it would probably still be good for people to know in case someone else runs into it later on.

By the way, what version of SPB MS are you running, 3.5.5 is the newest one. I used to run that as well but it took too long with the dual booting of WinMo/MS and Android, so I stopped. A release or two back they did fix some memory leaks if I remember right. When you are in Android, what is your RAM usage after you kill everything normally? And how does that compare to WinMo? If it is better, and/or you can, try uninstalling everything from WinMo that you can get by with using in Android instead and see if that helps with your initial RAM usage. (Not saying that your device was at fault for the Android booting, just a suggestion)
USCC RAPH800 (old)
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  #3432 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2010, 08:20 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro -- Now working on Verizon! And with GPS!

JUst to put my two cents in, non biased opinion here....running Android off a 40% free at boot 6.5 21054 rom made Android unuseable. It was neat to look at.

After re cooking a 6.1 21054 build that boooted with over 65% free resources, I am actrually trying to use android as my default os.

It was NOT i repeat NOT useable with my 6.5 build in place. Wether or not it was my device specifically I do not know, but I do know now, after trimming a ROM down, I can use it and I love it. Just need to stop crashing when I try and do too much at once.
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  #3433 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2010, 08:51 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro -- Now working on Verizon! And with GPS!

Originally Posted by RA21 View Post
JUst to put my two cents in, non biased opinion here....running Android off a 40% free at boot 6.5 21054 rom made Android unuseable. It was neat to look at.

After re cooking a 6.1 21054 build that boooted with over 65% free resources, I am actrually trying to use android as my default os.

It was NOT i repeat NOT useable with my 6.5 build in place. Wether or not it was my device specifically I do not know, but I do know now, after trimming a ROM down, I can use it and I love it. Just need to stop crashing when I try and do too much at once.
dont be silly. no one has reported this problem before and someone with a sprint phone cant duplicate it so it cant be true. i will from now on take any questions or problems to PM with someone from another site since when you post here that there is a problem your told its not true and you must be lying i will go right to the source from now on.
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  #3434 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2010, 10:43 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro -- Now working on Verizon! And with GPS!

Oh come on. Don't generalize and overreact because one person here felt like arguing with you. I don't doubt your having issues and there have been a couple of people here who have said they'd be willing to try to figure out what problems you were having.

Now what I actually came by to say is that I just came back to give this project another try and I have to say I'm quite impressed with how far it's come! I installed the latest release from over at XDA and it's running incredibly well. I mean I've been setting it up and messing with quite a few apps so the battery is draining fairly quickly, but I may be using this instead of WinMo for the majority of the time! Hopefully it continues to go this well.
Sprint Touch Pro
Latest Stock Sprint Rom: http://www.htc.com/us/support/touch-...int/downloads/
Currently running: swinnROM 6.5
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  #3435 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2010, 11:27 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro -- Now working on Verizon! And with GPS!

Originally Posted by Roguefoxx View Post
Now what I actually came by to say is that I just came back to give this project another try and I have to say I'm quite impressed with how far it's come! I installed the latest release from over at XDA and it's running incredibly well. I mean I've been setting it up and messing with quite a few apps so the battery is draining fairly quickly, but I may be using this instead of WinMo for the majority of the time! Hopefully it continues to go this well.
to get longer battery life go to the market and find a wifi widget. then turn wifi off. i went from 2-3 hours of use to well over 7 by just doing that. the phone also doesnt run as warm either.
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  #3436 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2010, 11:35 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro -- Now working on Verizon! And with GPS!

Jeese, now both this forum and the xda android 2.2 are getting cluttered with stupid arguments by these guys.

Mylt1, thanks for pointing this out about the Wifi. I just noticed this myself a couple days ago. Get's let hot and last's much longer on battery. Which I mostly use data anyway so not using Wifi is not a big deal, compared to the battery life longer.

I wondered why some games (emu's, more simple stuff) works fine, but other games (driving,etc.) seem to crash/exit almost right after. Is it because of using 3d instead of 2d, since parts of 3d driver type is only somewhat implemented. (I forgot the name of the 3d drive used, mentioned on the 1st post here.)
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  #3437 (permalink)  
Old 07-30-2010, 12:02 AM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro -- Now working on Verizon! And with GPS!

Originally Posted by djdafreund View Post
I wondered why some games (emu's, more simple stuff) works fine, but other games (driving,etc.) seem to crash/exit almost right after. Is it because of using 3d instead of 2d, since parts of 3d driver type is only somewhat implemented. (I forgot the name of the 3d drive used, mentioned on the 1st post here.)
i have only run one game with 3d and it was SLOOOOOOOW. it was kind of like teeter on winmo. i havent had a chance to run much else because i keep flip flopping from 2.1 to 2.2 to see which runs best. tomorrow i will try out some of the other games and see how it acts. what games specifically?
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  #3438 (permalink)  
Old 07-30-2010, 12:35 AM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro -- Now working on Verizon! And with GPS!

FWIW - im running a Raph800 with the latest stock sprint WM rom, relocked the SPL and everything ( service repair). running it this way in my opinion reduces the amount of issues any custom rom may have.

As far as Android, I just switched over to the ports from Vatoloco he posted under the Fuze/TP forum at XDA and it requires formatting the SD card with an ext2 partition, as opposed to having an ext2 image. I prefer this method as it allows easier troubleshooting. My next step would be to try "do it the hard way" and looking at ext2 images and extracting it to the ext2 partition on the SD card.

I have a droid eris that I was using as my primary phone, but have switched back to my TP after noticing the amount of progress. I also have tried overclocking to ~690mhz from 5288mhz as wel as using the overclock widget and the battery life hasn't reduced that much, but the performance increase is definetly noticable.
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  #3439 (permalink)  
Old 07-30-2010, 04:15 AM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro -- Now working on Verizon! And with GPS!

Any luck on getting XD to take MNC changes? Please PM me if so.. Trying to get a sprint tp onto cricket useing XDandroid.. no luck
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  #3440 (permalink)  
Old 07-30-2010, 09:35 AM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro -- Now working on Verizon! And with GPS!

Originally Posted by Mylt1 View Post
dont be silly. no one has reported this problem before and someone with a sprint phone cant duplicate it so it cant be true. i will from now on take any questions or problems to PM with someone from another site since when you post here that there is a problem your told its not true and you must be lying i will go right to the source from now on.
One of your VZ cronies with a 500 already pointed out that it's not the device in general. So get off your soap box, and realize that a) you're doing something wrong or b) there's truly something wrong with your device.

Why is that so hard to believe? I'm not calling you a liar, that it never happened, just that you're the first to report it and I can't recreate it. No one else has been able to either. Hence the reason it's your particular phone, or what you are doing... in particular.

Calm down, no one is here to fight you. I'm certainly not, and I'm pretty sure no one else is either.
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